Recent content by Gloone

  1. G

    Will you boycott HL3?

    Yes, some people have to live on tight budgets and have to wait for sales to play games. What you're doing here is called "gratuitously being an ass to somebody poorer than you", and in case you weren't sure: it's a dick move.
  2. G

    Michael Abrash Leaves Valve to Join Oculus as Chief Scientist

    Wow. Everybody's jumping ship. What does Valve even do any more? They don't make games. Steam Machines were a complete dud, and now what was left of their VR team has deserted them.
  3. G

    APRIL FOOLS: 14/11/1998 + Half-Life Released! - Weekly News Round-Up

    The idea of April Fools' is to fool people...
  4. G

    Michael Abrash Leaves Valve to Join Oculus as Chief Scientist

    Subtext: Valve aren't pushing boundaries on VR.
  5. G

    Source 2 Left 4 Dead 2 Prototype Screenshots Leaked

    It's not correct to say that these pics demonstrate Source 2's capabilities for "high quality destruction". The "destruction" is probably just a pre built scene, not procedurally generated, though it would be awesome if it was. I think the pics are very pretty. The lighting is especially nice...
  6. G

    [Updated] Steam Surpasses 75 Million Active Users

    The legends are true! Gabe's giant annual pie!
  7. G

    Valve Unveils First Generation Steam Machines

    With those prices it's very hard to see what the whole point of this is supposed to be. I always presumed Valve would be selling their own consoles at a loss. If that's not the case then what's the whole purpose of this partnership? It's just a bunch of manufacturers selling expensive PCs as per...
  8. G

    Gabe Newell Talks About Valve's Organisational Structure

    You don't seem to understand what a straw man is. It's where you put a stupid argument in somebody else's mouth and then knock it down, because you're too vain or too impotent to actually talk to them directly. It's what you're still doing. You haven't asked me to clarify or addressed me at all...
  9. G

    Gabe Newell Talks About Valve's Organisational Structure

    You suck at straw manning.
  10. G

    Gabe Newell Talks About Valve's Organisational Structure

    I told you guys Valve's handling of Diretide was stupid. Do you admit it now..? Glad to see Gabe being straight about that. Though of course, he was himself guilty of much worse back in 2003. As for Gabe apparently criticising his own employees (the small number known to be working on...
  11. G

    Steam Machines and Steam Controllers Shipping December 13th

    Yet again Valve finds it impossible to say a simple "sorry". Thousands of people all over the world were wasting their time fulfilling the entry requirements for a competition which Valve knew it was impossible for them to win. And they just blow them all off with a "we know we made the right...
  12. G

    A Minute With: Half-Life

    Normally people get all riled up for these big dates, getting excited for some possible news. The 15th anniversary of Half-Life must be one of the biggest, but it's just come and gone. I think people have stopped caring.
  13. G

    Dota 2 Team Discusses Diretide Absence, Announces Return

    Yet again you're picking a fight when there isn't one. I agree with... everything you said. It's what I said, too. I even spelled it out for you; "there's nothing shameful". Somehow you interpreted that sentence to mean "I am complaining about this". I'm not, I like their economic strategy, for...
  14. G

    Dota 2 Team Discusses Diretide Absence, Announces Return

    Oh come on, somebody who runs ValveTime can't honestly be this naive about the nature of Valve. They aren't running a charity for heaven's sakes. They've just changed their business model: by all accounts they're making more money than ever. Releasing Dota 2, gradually releasing more content for...
  15. G

    Dota 2 Team Discusses Diretide Absence, Announces Return

    I didn't leave it out? I never claimed to be making a carbon copy of the blog post - the article has already linked to it, for anybody who wants to read what it says. Not giving Diretide wasn't bad in itself - Valve is of course free to work on whatever they see fit. Their fault (by their own...