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  1. evil^milk


  2. evil^milk

    What are your sources of new music?

    The first step in listening to good music for me was from here. Someone long ago here linked to pitchfork which is how I got to know **** Buttons, Battles, Burial, Fennesz, Lindstrom, and probably a bunch of other perishable bands that I have happened to really like throughout these times. I...
  3. evil^milk

    Anyone know about elemental video editing?

    I'm trying to import video from an old camera which has these small cassettes. It can interface with the computer through a Firewire cable. What I wanna do is import video using software other than Windows Live Movie Maker, which will import the video in ridiculous sizes (20+ gigs) without a...
  4. evil^milk

    Highly recommended reading

    Hello, I know we have a forum to discuss literature but I can almost certainly say it is even less read than the off-topic forum, which is why the topic is here. I hope it is reasonable for it to be in this section, at least for a few weeks, so that it gains enough exposure for more...
  5. evil^milk

    Share your interesting bookshelf designs

    Yes,; I have indeed asked this question. You see, I'm in the process of Seeing how to design a bookshelf for myself when I decide to make the time to undertake such a task. In the mean time I decided some of you fine chaps might have a better vision or are better educated in all things...
  6. evil^milk

    Cycles of periodic highs and lows of intelligence

    I s'pose it will be rather random to create a thread like this, but what is there not to like about something random? For one, random things have an origin, even if the origin was a thought that commanded a random thing, like this thread. Anyway, I'll cease my series of disconnected notions...
  7. evil^milk

    Face distortion + youtube = lulz, I know you read reddit too. I... just had to. Forgive me.
  8. evil^milk

    Dance-punk/electrohouse suggestions

    So I've been listening to some "dance-punk" bands for some time now and was thinking what else is good out there. Bands/musicians like LCD Soundsystem, The Juan Maclean, Hot Chip, !!!, Cut Copy, and Crystal Castles (although these last two are only vaguely related to dance-punk, I guess)...
  9. evil^milk

    Old technology you've grown fond of

    Post pictures of old pieces of technological equipment you no longer use that you can't throw away because of emotional attachment but still have hanging around somewhere in your home! The other day I was scavenging in a room of this house nobody tends to use, in which old stuff is just...
  10. evil^milk

    Post cool words:

    Here are words I consider cool and thought it'd be a great idea to post them Globetrotter Apnea :( that's it really. Post cool words:
  11. evil^milk

    How do people come up with stuff like this So basically I'm in the process of trying to figure out how people come up with mechanical human-things. I made a drawing to attempt to figure out how it is that they do that - and basically the situation I want to solve is how I'm going to get a...
  12. evil^milk

    Hello lounge

    Let's talk about creativity. What IS creativity? Is it having some new, important idea to communicate, or is it just a reconstruction of bits of previously imbibed ideas that have been passed on to a person considered creative? Is it an act of innate brightness or is it mimicry? Can...
  13. evil^milk

    Laptop or desktop?

    Which computer platform do you use more often, or do you use both? Which do you prefer for different activities (e.g. work, play, etc.)?
  14. evil^milk

    Why's the Lounge hidden?

    So I logout and notice that The Longue and all the other forums in the Off topic section are hidden. I wouldn't really mind if we had more activity going on in the lounge. Oh shit, did I say we don't have any activity in the lounge? F*ck yes I did. I mean, it's not like the Off Topic forums...
  15. evil^milk

    Radio stations

    Which radio stations do you listen to? I don't really mean music discovery services like Pandora or, but rather actual internet radio stations of whatever genre that play decent music.
  16. evil^milk

    What do you do for a living?

    And did you ever think you would end up doing what you're doing, whether that's a good or bad thing? I ask, because I am running out of ideas.
  17. evil^milk

    Like/dislike button

    Wouldn't it be cool if at the end of every post you could have either a like button or dislike button to rate a post? Just sayin' Holmes. Sulkdodds likes this.
  18. evil^milk

    Is there any way you can

    Is there any way you can take a digital VST plugin, such as this one: And link its many knobs and sliders to an actual physical board so that, when you moved that knob on the physical board, its digital counterpart also moved in accordance to the physical movement you did in the physical...
  19. evil^milk

    Do you feel bad about throwing away food?

    Leftover food, I mean - of the kind that is left over when you finish eating, and you have 1/4 of a piece of chicken/steak/etc. still on your plate and you're no longer hungry, making you want to dispose of the food in the nicest way possible. I mention it because my parents, especially my...
  20. evil^milk

    How do you manage your time,

    You're bored and unemployed. On vacations, you could say. You've got big plans but your motivation is faltering. How do you manage your time? Do you have a schedule where you plan to spend say, 2 hours reading or do you prefer to do things whenever you feel like doing things? Do you set...