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  1. A.I.

    HL2 Paintings - Awsome!

    HL2 paintings - awesome! Check the guys page for more things! - Alyx
  2. A.I.

    "Trusted" Computing

    A short animated video, quite informative. Everyone should know. Don't buy Windows Vista, M$ is gonna make your bitch (as well as all other corporations). 1984, here we come.
  3. A.I.

    "The calvary's coming" too little to late video

    The horrible events in New Orleans made me even angrier after this video. I'm not an American, and I don't like US too much but these, these rednecks in White House will burn in hell for their incompetence and ignorance for the sake of the innocent people - you can count them in the casualties...
  4. A.I.

    Steam upgraded?

    I checked the Steam status and now it's 25000 Mbps :eek: It seems that this thingy is really paying off, or they expect another mass downloading of Aftermath very soon...:naughty:
  5. A.I.

    Chew On This!

    An article about Neutron Bomb inventor on boingboing: link You've got to read the PDF article, it's just so true. We're just screwed up again. Democracy? Fairy tales. And this, neutron bomb inventor guy, experienced the stupidity and ignorance on his own back.
  6. A.I.

    Call to arms to all the EU citizens against software patents

    The legislation on patenting software will come into second reading by the European Parliament in the following weeks. The legislation enables patenting software solutions like double-click (which is already valid in the US). Here is another example of what else is patented in the US and the...
  7. A.I.

    A 133t h4ax0r - n0t!!!!!

    Hilarious above anything! :D :D :D :D source:
  8. A.I.

    To all the flamers

    Take a look at this article and think of it every time you want to insult someone on the internet.
  9. A.I.

    Team Fortress 2 has a release date?

    I've been sniffing around and look what I found: Did I miss something?
  10. A.I.

    Headcrabs exist! Take a look at this creepy thing :x
  11. A.I.

    It's time...

    So, Half-Life 2 finally arrived, I played it through and I'm already planning to do it again. I must say I am impresssssed. Now I came to take a look at this forum how are the others' impressions and of course not everybody is happy with the game. This is probably my last comment on this...
  12. A.I.

    HL2 is the best FPS ever and the 2nd best rated game ever!!!!!

    On Halo 2, you're pwned. No doubt now which one is better.
  13. A.I.

    HL2 is teh number one

    on the GTA:SA and Halo 2 just got owned :afro:
  14. A.I.

    To those who now played the both of them

    Just another HL2vsH2 thread. But from now on, based on facts and not speculation. WARNING: This thread is meant only for those who already experienced both of the games. Don't wanna this thread get shot down in :flames:
  15. A.I.

    Heh, suckers

    Just went to check of the pure curiosity how the crackers are doing their job. It is interesting how so many people don't get that the wait will be over in a couple of hours. :) Spoiling their HL2 experience with some shitty leak. Suckers. :afro: A screenshot taken from a notorious bit...
  16. A.I.

    Halo 2 Vs. Half-Life 2 thread

    Well, somebody had to do it. :afro: But please, before you make it a spawn of flames, try to be argumentative. Ponder carefully if your reasons hold water. Try to give facts, not judgements or personal opinions. For example: Half-Life 2 qwns Halo 2 in mod making because it can make a mod of...
  17. A.I.

    I consider my self lucky [storywise]

    I must congratulate myself [and others of course] that I managed to avoid through 99 percent of the spoilers what means that I know less about the story of HL2 than I knew about the story in the HL1 before I started playing it. :cheers: Who else does need congratulation [except of those who...
  18. A.I.

    I'm getting tired of this Halo2vsHL2 crap

    Subtitled: The methodology and epistemology of game reviewing. It's getting more and more depressing through these days reading on these forums: "OMG, this magazine says Halo2 beats HL2!!!11! OMG HL2 will suck!!!!!11!1" I think that games shouldn't be scored (at least the way they are...
  19. A.I.

    Things are going fishy again

    Nearly 60000 ballots were stolen on Florida. This is so fu****' unbelievable!!!!! Can you Americans do anything right????? This is ridiculous...
  20. A.I.

    My hype is dead.... (help)

    Although we have a firm release date and despite the prosmising reviews I'm just not so enthusiastic about the game anymore. It just isn't the same hype as it was a year ago. I'm just waiting because I know the game is going to rock my socks off, not because I'm actually thrilled about it. I...