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  1. burnzie

    The most clever username you've ever heard?

    "hearty beef and potato"
  2. burnzie

    Portal - "Still Alive" Just announced at e3. 360 Only.

    People actually play this on a console? Meh I'm sure it will be for pc as well, probably just means it wont be on ps3. If not then what the shit valve.
  3. burnzie

    Got my copy of MGS4 !!

    Just got it today. It is possibly the best loking game I have seen. I was watching the intro and thinking "wow this cgi looks pretty good" then the camera pans around, hud pops up and im playing it. Also It seems like its a little more action based (though that may just be the way I'm playing...
  4. burnzie

    Owned by diet coke and mentos

    I shared a hearty good laugh there, good sir. I tip thy hat to thee.
  5. burnzie

    So... I got PS3

    No blood? what? lol haven't heard that one before... the dvd thing I can understand though. Is it some sort of censorship thing for japan? what, loli tentacle rape porn is all cool but blood crosses the line? I too have bought myself a AU 60gb model and I must say I have never looked back...
  6. burnzie

    First game you ever played

    the earliest i can remember was a game called boulder dash and another called karateka on an old dos machine in 89. there were probably others too i cant remember. i do remember the glorious day when we got a colour monitor and a lil game called monkey island. then good ol wolfenstin 3d and doom.
  7. burnzie

    Image Dump III

  8. burnzie

    Image Dump III

    what... like noone else saw this...
  9. burnzie

    Merry Metal Christmas

    That was pretty awesome. I've always wanted more heavy metal Christmas albums. "Yes that's right folks order your copy of 'its a very Jessica Simpson Christmas' now by credit card and we will give you the album '**** yeah! It's Christmas mother****ers by Raining Blood' absolutely free"
  10. burnzie

    Get Smart Trailer

    Oh god i hope its good I love getsmart... damn i wish it was out on dvd!
  11. burnzie

    Super Troopers 2? D:

    You make me happiness in my pants :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
  12. burnzie

    What is your most specialized skill or knowledge?

    I consider myself quite the masturbater.
  13. burnzie

    GTAIV Official Boxart Revealed, Plus New Trailer December 6th

    Microsoft doesn't have anything to do with it, i believe rockstar north are the ones making the game and take 2 are the publishers so i don't think we will have too much trouble with that.
  14. burnzie

    GTAIV Official Boxart Revealed, Plus New Trailer December 6th

    If you honestly believe that your an ignorant fool, you can even see from the trailers that they haven't got a polished product yet, the reality of it is that both versions were far from a releasable product and still are. there's no way they would shelve a fully polished release for 6 months...
  15. burnzie

    a picture of M81

    man that shit just completely blows my mind. im not normally a big nerd for things but i could sit for hours on end watching or reading doco after doco/book on space and not get bored. not that i could hope to understand most of it.
  16. burnzie

    Make way for the Islamic car

  17. burnzie

    HOLY CRAP! Check out this Supra.

    damn fast no doubt about it... could never hope to sound as good as this though...
  18. burnzie

    Funny names & surnames

    Matt Sterbate.