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  1. el Chi

    The Quips Thread

    Post your action hero moment quips here. I'm cornered by a zombie whilst reloading. I crack her around the face with the butt of my shotgun and she staggers back. I hit her again and once more for good measure. She falls to the ground, dead. I shake my head and continue to reload. "What a pain...
  2. el Chi

    Your accent

    It's all well and good seeing pictures of you lot, but what about the way you sound? I don't mean you need to post sound files (although that could be interesting...), but descriptions could be fun. Of course they might not be and this could all be a horrible mistake, but frankly I don't care...
  3. el Chi

    Half-Life: Filling in the blanks

    Eli: "The last time I saw you I sent you up for help after the resonance cascade. I never thought it'd take you this long to get back to me! Heh-heh!" Gordon: "Since the resonance cascade my existence has been defined by fear, torment, struggle and slaughter, killing because that seems the...
  4. el Chi

    Are pornstars prostitutes?

    Both get paid to have sex with people, so are pornstars prostituing themselves, or are they simply actors with more explicit "bedroom scenes"? Opinions, people?
  5. el Chi

    Five years on

    Yes kids, it's five years since Camp X-Ray was started in Guantanamo Bay. Amnesty International made this protest at the US embassy in London today. For five years, basic human and legal rights have been torn up and thrown out the window and we have to ask: What has it achieved? Is it...
  6. el Chi

    What WAS the G-Man doing at Black Mesa?

    It's pretty fair to say that, despite his snazzy briefcase, his...employers... were not BMRF and it's very unlikely that, despite his name, he was working for the government. So who wanted to cover it all up? The govt certainly did, as the sent in the troops, who not only tried to wipe out...
  7. el Chi

    Splinter Cell: Double Agent

    I bought it yesterday and it's good fun. I've not finished it yet and to be honest it seems fairly standard SC stuff which personally I like a lot. The idea of balancing trust between NSA and JBA (John Brown Army) is pretty cool although so far I haven't gotten into any situations where it...
  8. el Chi

    Retro game prices

    Does anyone have any idea how much things like the Gameboy or Duck Hunt gun were when they first came out? Also, Duck Hunt was the first game with a light gun, wasn't it? Cheers
  9. el Chi

    A few suggestions, if you please...

    I'm working for Front magazine this week and I need silly little amusing news stories (eg: that "Man bites panda" story) and new(ish) cool bonkers gadgets (I defy you not to be excited by this ) so if you folks could give me any suggestions, that'd be numerous kinds of awesome. Also, if any...
  10. el Chi

    The Doomsday Code

    I'm going to start by apologising if I've started this thread in the wrong folder. Whilst primarily it's about religion, it concerns the problems where religion and politics meet. I've just finished watching the marvellous Channel Four TV program The Doomsday Code, presented by Tony Robinson...
  11. el Chi


    The points system - ie: Player X (10,000 or whatever) got 25 points for killing Player Y (10,000 or whatever) Does it actually make any sense whatsoever? From what I can tell, it's almost completely arbitrary. For example, one guy got 100 points for stun-sticking me. When I got him with my...
  12. el Chi

    There is something VERY wrong with my computer.

    My PC's been acting very weirdly over the last two or three days. IT seems it's decided it doesn't like taking on new information. I downloaded a song, listened to it, moved it aboutand added it to my playlist and ther next time I start up my computer, the song's gone, not only from my computer...
  13. el Chi

    Taste warriors and flavour pioneers

    One day, in the long, long ago, there was a person sat at a table eating a peanut butter sandwich. "Well, this is tasty and all," thought they, "but I wish it was a bit sweeter." Their sad eyes looked over their humble kitchen until they spied a small jar on the other side of the room...
  14. el Chi

    Steam won't let me sign on

    Right, for some reason Steam has decided not to let me play in offline mode. My PC isn't connected to the 'net, so it gives me "omg - something's wormng! lol" message with the retry and offline options. If I click either, it comes up with some different message saying "Whoops! Either you're not...
  15. el Chi

    Good evening...

    ...and welcome to the "Who Gives a Shit? News" with me, your host, el Chi. Tonight's main headline: Actor Depp tops autograph survey Celebrity autograph expertees have tonight made the shocking decision that actor Johnny Depp has what is probably the best autograph of any current actor on the...
  16. el Chi

    Oh thank God!

    Just when I was getting withdrawl symptoms, LucasArts get wise and come out with a new game. Another Star Wars game. And not before time. They must have been not working on a Star Wars game for days now, so thank f*ck they realised what a saturated gaming market needs. Granted, the physics...
  17. el Chi

    The subversive counter-advertisments game

    Every now and then, it's patently obvious that an advert got onto TV without anyone realising that the ad-makers were taking the piss and essentially subverting the product. For example, that infamous Coke magazine ad where it's easily possible to see a lady sucking, erm... Well, she's not...
  18. el Chi

    San Andreas

    I recently re-installed Windows XP. Before this, San Andreas worked perfectly. Now it does not. That is to say, it does not work at all. For some reason it simply refuses to start on my computer. I click on the icon (the .exe itself, as well as the shortcuts) and the hourglass comes up for a...
  19. el Chi

    Games that could need a sequel

    In the Psychonauts thread someone wondered whether there'd be a sequel. Chances are, sadly, that there won't be. But what incredible yet obscure/risk-taking games could deserve a sequel, but will probably never get it? Grim Fandango: Absolutely incredible in every single way - a sequel set...
  20. el Chi

    ...and so I gloat.

    Guess who just got a work experience placement at PC Gamer UK? Go on, guess. I'm so excited :D