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  1. Pi Mu Rho


    Someone just attempted to reset my forum password. Naughty person.
  2. Pi Mu Rho

    Ban time.

    I haven't banned anyone in ages. Post in here to tell me who you want banned and why, and I'll pick the best suggestion and ban them.
  3. Pi Mu Rho

    Augmented Reality

    I'm working on an AR project for a park authority, and during my research, came up with the ideal way to represent it in a way that people will understand:
  4. Pi Mu Rho


  5. Pi Mu Rho

    Zombie Master Postmortem

    It's been almost 3 years now since the last, cadaverous update to Zombie Master was released to an unsuspecting and largely uncaring world, so it seems like a good time to dig up the still-twitching corpse and put it on the slab, where I can cut it open, weigh the lungs and poke around in all...
  6. Pi Mu Rho


    Sometimes, I surprise even myself:
  7. Pi Mu Rho

    So if you put a plane on a treadmill..

    Just kidding. But, this is kind of related. And mind-blowing. Well, it blew mine. You lot can please yourselves.
  8. Pi Mu Rho

    New tattoo design

    Booked in to have it done in October by an awesome artist. The circle pattern is my date/time of birth. The Chinese text around it is two separate idioms - the first one means "keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks" (lit. "100 hits, no scratch".) The second one means "Stand out from...
  9. Pi Mu Rho

    Portal 2 Review

    [br] I enjoyed the original Portal. On paper, it was always going to be the kind of game that piqued my interest - the combination of logic puzzles and action definitely set some of my neurons fizzing. In practice, however, it never quite managed to attain the lofty heights of being a Must...
  10. Pi Mu Rho Minecraft Server Information

    Server address: The rules are pretty simple: 1) Don't grief. You don't need a definition of griefing. Use your common sense. 2) Don't steal. 3) Don't build in the spawn area Otherwise, go off and have fun! See the world! Beware, though - monsters will spawn at...
  11. Pi Mu Rho


    So, with the server being almost official, and with Notch having made SMP actually playable, it's time to ask the question: Turn the monsters on? If we were to do so, there'd be a week's grace period to prepare and strengthen your defences, and even then we'd only be on Easy, with the...
  12. Pi Mu Rho

    Voting time!

    So, is my server going to be the official Minecraft server? Cast your vote!
  13. Pi Mu Rho

    Attn: KineticAesthetic
  14. Pi Mu Rho Minecraft Server Discussion

    Okay, so I'm currently renting a server at (although at the time of typing, it's awaiting an update and is therefore inaccessible) I'm more than happy for this to be the new server, but obviously that depends on you lot. So, share your opinions.
  15. Pi Mu Rho

    A thing.

    I guess this qualifies as art. I made this for my mum's 60th birthday, as she's very into genealogy (traced our family back into the 16th century.) It's basically my immediate family tree (I left out step/half-siblings) with each person's date and time of birth encoded into the circles...
  16. Pi Mu Rho

    SDK - Soul Destroying Kit?

    For those of you that don't know me, I made the official maps for the highly-acclaimed Zombie Master mod for HL2. After something of a hiatus, partially caused by not ever wanting to use the Source SDK again, I offered my services to the team currently working on updating Zombie Master. So now...
  17. Pi Mu Rho

    QuakeCon 2010 Steam Sale

    [br]In celebration of Quakecon, Steam is running a sale for all Bethesda and Id games for the next three days (August 12-15). For each day of Quakecon another game will go on sale for the full day, as well as a "Quakecon Pack", which features all Bethesda and Id games on Steam for $69.99.[br]The...
  18. Pi Mu Rho

    Happy Birthday [REDACTED]!

    Hey, [REDACTED]! It's your birthday! Hope you have a happy one, and not too much ****ing! Like that time when you ****ed the [CENSORED] and then totally ****ed the [CENSORED] too! Good times! Anyway, have a happy birthday!
  19. Pi Mu Rho

    StarMonkey? Who?

    Happy birthday to StarMonkey, the unseen force behind the scenes of Also known as "The guy that gets Munro to do things eventually" Happy birthday!
  20. Pi Mu Rho

    Aliens Pulse Rifle

    Finally got round to painting it..