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  1. No Limit

    So Google+ is out

    Does anyone care at this point? I wanted to try it when they first came out with the beta since all the buzz it created but by the time I was offered an invite I simply didn't care anymore. I care even less today. I don't know any of my friends that have made the switch from facebook to it...
  2. No Limit

    Anyone considering not supporting Obama in 2012?

    I am getting really fed up with him. I was a huge supporter of his ever since he announced back in 2007. But his administration has been one of the biggest political disappointments I have ever seen. He threw everything he stood for during the campaign under the bus and has moved the country...
  3. No Limit

    Louie Season 2 Starts On The 23rd

    Talking about Louis CK it reminded me of Louie which is gonna start it's new season next week. Although the show could be a hit and miss at certain times I really did love it. Who else is still gonna be watching it?
  4. No Limit

    Louis CK on Tracy Morgan's Comments About What He Would Do If He Had A Gay Son

    For a little background. Last week at a stand up show Tracy Morgan made a joke about having a gay son. He said if his son came to him and said he was gay and talked in a gay way he would "stab the little nigga to death". Full story is here...
  5. No Limit

    WTF South Park?

    Anyone watch the episode last night? I thought it was actually funny until the end where they made it all depressing. They do have a contract with comedy central until 2013 but it sounds like they might be thinking of stopping the show once the contract ends (2009-2013 tween years). I would...
  6. No Limit

    Warning: This will bum you out. Guy's Last Post Before Dying

    Saw this on reddit today and it was quite emotional. Always odd to get this emotional about someone you never heard of until today: I can't imagine being that calm in such a situation, and as sad as this is it's almost inspirational at the same time. Do...
  7. No Limit

    Post Your Red Light Mix

    What's a red light mix you might ask...Let me set up the scene. Lets say you are driving down the road, it's a nice day so you got your windows down, maybe it's friday night. And maybe you just got a new car and you're just cruising feeling like a million bucks. When I cruise I always bump...
  8. No Limit

    Laptop stolen from guy who had remote backup. Owner puts thief's dancing on you tube

    Read more: This is priceless if true. I think we are entering an age where it will be impossible to steal mobile devices and not get caught.
  9. No Limit

    My first video - Barack Obama: Broken Promises...Comments, Feedback, Criticisms?

    I know there is a video section but since this is a political video I figured I'd post it here. This is pretty much the first video I have ever done, used corel video studio pro (demo). Turns out video editting is much harder than it seems: Feedback would be appreciated.
  10. No Limit

    RIP Nate Dogg

    Nate Dogg died last night at the age of 41 which is depressing the shit out of me. One of my favorite artists of the 90s era. It is being reported that the cause of death is unknown at this time but he had a series of strokes since 2007 and that could be a likely cause...
  11. No Limit

    Lupe Fiasco New Album - Lasers

    When Lupe first came out I wasn't really liking his music all that much. But over time he grew on me. Most rappers that grow up in the type of enviroment he did use it to pimp their gangster brand. And eventhough this guy probably came up from a more "hood" background than any current rapper he...
  12. No Limit

    Go learn some stuff part 2

    I posted the following site some time ago which was really cool: This is a collection of various lectures from university courses from Stanford, Yale and others. Today someone pointed me to this site: Although these aren't...
  13. No Limit

    Take from poor give to rich

    This image is from the center for american progress which outlines republican plans for the 2011 budget. You couldn't possibly have a clearer example of taking from the poor and giving to the rich: Obama has already agreed to about half of these cuts and will probably agree to many more...
  14. No Limit

    So Who Farted?

    Is it just me or does it seem like this site has totally died out in the last couple of months? I used to be able to log on at just about any time and there was something new and interesting that was posted. This wasn't that long ago, just a couple months back. Today it seems like we get a...
  15. No Limit

    Rolling Stone Exposes Another Runaway General: "It’s not illegal if I say it isn’t!"

    Remember how when we had discussions on Brad Manning many people didn't think what he did was appropriate and instead should have went up the chain of command when he saw something illegal? Well, that's what happened here, or atleast that's what was attempted here. And as a result the person...
  16. No Limit

    California man killed by armed bird I guess he got too cocky.
  17. No Limit

    I spent a few hours last night looking for cool wallpapers

    and I think I found some really cool ones. If anyone wants them I zipped up the best ones here: Since they are for my HTPC they are all in 1080p. Also, I found this neat trick today that didn't know existed...
  18. No Limit

    Anonymous Hackers Pay Back FBI Snitch with 50,000 Leaked Emails!5753570/anonymous-hackers-pay-back-fbi-snitch-with-50000-leaked-emails Some computer security expert. I must admit, I'm starting to like these guys.
  19. No Limit

    Oral Sex may cause cancer Well that blows.
  20. No Limit

    Black mother jailed for sending black kids to a mostly white school district

    I know, the headline is a little rough, but really that's exactly what happened. Parents do this sort of thing all the time, usually they don't go to jail over it. Did I ever mention how awesome it is...