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  1. Magicpants

    O M G why?

    So hey all, haven't been here in many months (i think i might have visited once this year...). Thought I'd just have a quick whinge at the fact HL2 STILL ISNT OUT, I MEAN OMG. So this time last year I was SOOOOO psyched about HL2, I would never have expected it to take another ENTIRE YEAR...
  2. Magicpants

    **Proposed Unofficial Spoiler Thread**

    It seems to make sense that we have a spoiler thread. FACT: Information is and will continue to be leaked and discussed now that the Source is leaked amongst other things, we are doing ourselves a favour if we put all the Spoilers in a single place. This way, those who want to read them have a...
  3. Magicpants

    HL2 Mod you would like to see

    Mod you would most like to see under the Half-Life 2 / Source engine Something to pass a little more time until we find out about the HL2 release. I was interested in what mods people think would most 'benefit' from the new engines, i would assume any mod that makes good use of physics would...
  4. Magicpants

    Mod you would most like to see re-done under the Half-Life 2 engine / Source

    There are one or two mods which personally i would love to see re-done on the source engine. I think my personal numero-uno would have to be NS (Natural Selection) - The half-life engine really lets this game down in my opinion and it could be so impressive if it made use of the physics provided...
  5. Magicpants

    Last game you were this excited about...

    Seriously....if I had to think... i would say the original Doom (maybe Quake)....I mean i've been 'eager' to play certain games since then but few have had this incredible hype and introduced so many new things. (Although i named 2 FPS' feel free to name games from all genres/platforms) :afro:
  6. Magicpants

    HL2 Sound

    Anyone know anything about it? I'm assuming EAX3 is the best it'll support. (OPENAL???) Would be nice to get a game that can support EAX3 without a massive FPS / processing time hit....Also do we know anything about the music? Is it being done in-house or have they gone for an external source...