Search results

  1. bobtheskull

    Mr Freeman - AKA, Ben Kenney of Incubus

    I don't normally post, or really join in any of these omggordonfreeman type things, but it did happen to be the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this... Take off the hat and give him a bit of hair and, rise and shine...
  2. bobtheskull

    Humble Bundle - Origin Bundle up now

    Just in case anyone is interested that hasn't spotted it yet, the new bundle is up. Unfortunately a couple of the games are only available through Origin, but there are still some good ones on Steam. Steam Dead Space Burnout Paradise Ultimate Crysis 2 Max Edition Mirror's Edge Medal of Honor...
  3. bobtheskull

    Steam Gauge - how much are you worth?

    I was talking to a mate the other day about how, out of my entire account, I've only paid full price for about 4 or 5 games, the rest being either sales or humble bundle type deals. Then got to thinking if there was an easy way of working out how much it was all worth.... a quick google later...
  4. bobtheskull

    Miami Hotline coupon

    This may be a stupid question, but does anyone want a 25% off coupon for Miami Hotline. I know it was just in the sale for stupid cheapness.... but I just got a coupon for it, to be used in the next 14 days, and I ain't gonna use it.
  5. bobtheskull

    Final Fantasy VII on Steam!

    I know, its an old game... and one that divides fans throughout RPGdom as to what's the best... but damn, it even has achievements. Ok, they are crap 'progression' achievements, but still! I'm so tempted to get it... even though I still own the original PS discs...
  6. bobtheskull

    ARMA 2 Steam Sale - Should I?

    I've seen a lot of people play this a lot, both on this site and on my friends list. I've thought about getting it a few times, and Day Z looks awesome. Question is, should I get this now before the sale ends in a few hours? What pack should I get if I do? (I know you need Arrowhead for Day Z to...
  7. bobtheskull

    Recovery from damaged HDD?

    I have/had an external 400Gb HDD which housed all my wife's photo albums that she had archived for 'safe-keeping', as well as a load of ripped dvd's for my kids and a shedload of music that i'd ripped from my CD's before I stored/sold them. All was good.... until I got out the Drive to...
  8. bobtheskull

    Humble Weekly Sale: Serious Sam

    Just a heads up for anyone that doesn't subscribe to Humble, but this week it's the Serious Sam franchise on offer. I won't be getting it this time round as I'm not a fan of the Sam games, but thought I'd post here in case someone else is.
  9. bobtheskull

    Iron Man 3 Trailer

    Holy crap.... I just had a god damn nerdgasm.... I thought the first trailer was good, but... holy fecking crap! I don't care that Mandarin isn't played by an asian. I don't care that they repainted Warmachine to look like Iron Patriot. But.... was that the Hulk Buster armour? Among gods...
  10. bobtheskull

    BSOD shenanigans...

    God damn pissed off! Two nights ago Switching off for the night, got a completely random BSOD. Decided to deal with it the next day. Yesterday morning the wife was on the computer for about 2 hours without problems. I switched over to my account and.... BSOD! ****. Went on to google to...
  11. bobtheskull

    A 'reality tv' comedy movie starring a real hit-man! What??? Really.... what?!? What kind of society do we live in when a convicted murdered can get day release to make a friggin movie that makes them internationally famous? It would be bad enough if it were a...
  12. bobtheskull

    Stop the world, I wanna get off.

    I'm looking for a song with that line in the chorus! Help! I know quite a few of you here are quite heavily into your music from all the posts of equipment an stuff I've seen, so I'm hoping there may be a chance one of you might know what I'm talking about. Now, before anyone does a quick...
  13. bobtheskull

    Older FPS games...

    So, now I'm bored of some of my newer games like Borderlands 2, and got off my revived addiction to Torchlight, I decided to go through my Steam list and have a go at some of the old FPS games that have not been played in ages, or yet to be played. There are some gems in there. And some godawful...
  14. bobtheskull

    Anyone seen this Link-v-Saxton Hale thingy?

    By Hale's Might Tash! Unfortunately Nintendo fans are waaaaaay outnumbering the Valve/TF2 fans from what I can see on the likes of the Facebook comments page for this 'match' and Hale seems to be in danger of...
  15. bobtheskull

    Building a new Rig - Advice please?

    It is coming closer to that time where I have to say goodbye to an old friend who has been of fantastic service for 5 years. The problems have been increasing to the point that games are now unplayable. In 2 or 3 months I'll be in a position where I can build a new rig. Only trouble is, I've not...
  16. bobtheskull

    Anyone know of some good Sci-Fi TV?

    I'm looking for something I've not seen yet, and I've watched a lot! Thought I'd ask you guys to see you've got any good suggestions. From the top of my head, I've seen all of Trek, I've watched everything Star Wars (including the god awful Battle for Endor and the weird 80's toon Droids)...
  17. bobtheskull

    Iron Man 3 filming

    Some behind the scenes stills are already starting to surface, like these ones of Iron Patriot Thing is, who things the villain roster for IM3 could possibly end up pushing it in the same...
  18. bobtheskull

    Steam cloud sync error

    My patience is beginning to wear thin with Steam at the moment. After years of no problems, I'm being plagued with them now! I logged in to Steam a few minutes ago and all my categories had vanished, with all games in my library in one big list again. I tried to run up a game and got the...
  19. bobtheskull

    Steam Crashing problems.

    Ok, for several weeks I've been mostly playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas. In the last 3 or 4 weeks I have been having a lot of stability issues, with both games crashing several times an hour. Sometimes I could have 3 or 4 crashes in 10 minutes! I just figured it was Fallout doing its norm of...
  20. bobtheskull

    Torchlight 2 pre-order now on Steam

    I may be about to smack the hornets nest with a big stick, but sod it.... I loved the original Torchlight. The sequel includes MP this time, which was the only thing the first lacked. I'd actually go as far as to say I'd rather pre-order this than Diablo 3 :p