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  1. Danny_ZQ

    Half-Life in 20:41

  2. Danny_ZQ

    Half-Life 2 confirmed non-canon
  3. Danny_ZQ

    Mysterious New Addition to Dustbowl

    In the latest update, Valve added this board. And it's very mysterious. actually i'm wrong the board is on 2fort, hydro, badwater, lakeside, lumberyard, decoy, and doomsday too
  4. Danny_ZQ

    Vortigaunt Combat Traits

  5. Danny_ZQ

    Top Ten Games of the GENERATION

    who else agrees that hl3 should be lower on the list i mean come on
  6. Danny_ZQ

    happy birthday babe newell

  7. Danny_ZQ

    Unfinished Scream Fortress trailer?

    evidence that this is valve made: Retail Monoculus model: Monoculus in the trailer:
  8. Danny_ZQ

    Is Breen really a villain?

    The whole game is spent antagonizing Breen for the "acts" that he did, but what was obvious was that he was taking orders from the Combine. The Resistance makes him out to be such a monster when he is probably stalling the Combine's plan to kill off the human race. The Resistance are the real...
  9. Danny_ZQ

    nsa jews illuminate expose

    no srsly guys is tru he wll deliver u'll see
  10. Danny_ZQ

    Gary Newtman is a dad He made Minecraft or something, right?
  11. Danny_ZQ

    Super Hot Stop time and shoot things. It's not art. It's not justice. It's pretty hot though. If you thought that was hot, go over to Greenlight and give it some love.
  12. Danny_ZQ

    Tell him I said

  13. Danny_ZQ

    Half-Life 2 - Seagull Poops On Your Car

  14. Danny_ZQ

    Mr. President

    The full article The game
  15. Danny_ZQ

    Fake "Half-Life 3" post added to Steam Community Announcements by Stanley Parable Dev
  16. Danny_ZQ

    Erik Johnson (sort of) talks about Half-Life
