Just had a random thought.

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Jul 1, 2004
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I was studying some geometry, realized I could measure angles in triangles quite easily (without the use of protractor/compass), and thought "Hey, cool, I'm figuring this out!"
Then the thought came to my mind:
"People who have figured out geometry are like people who can fart with their armpit. It's an interesting ability but has no practical application"

Anyway, just a random thought.
That's sort of why I wish I had left school as soon as I could. That way I could've done things I was interested in at College instead of being forced to do useless stuff at highschool.
I agree.

Many a time have I worked out the answer to a maths question and the teacher has told me 'er, no, you have to do it like this,' and I say 'but that's logically impossible' and they say 'not mathematically impossible, though.'
MiccyNarc said:
I was studying some geometry, realized I could measure angles in triangles quite easily (without the use of protractor/compass), and thought "Hey, cool, I'm figuring this out!"
Then the thought came to my mind:
"People who have figured out geometry are like people who can fart with their armpit. It's an interesting ability but has no practical application"

Anyway, just a random thought.
If you make a virtual triangle with your mind, you would be able to use equipment on the fly :O (lol, on your back :p)
MiccyNarc said:
"People who have figured out geometry are like people who can fart with their armpit. It's an interesting ability but has no practical application"

lol, geometry has tons of practical applications.
No practical applications? I use it every single day.
Carpenters use it. If you study physics,chemistry, biology? or engineering you will use it. Mappers use it. Architects use it -- just to name a few. Don't make the mistake of thinking it has no practical applications. It's very dumb thinking.
Raise your hand if you've had to to prove that two triangles were congruent (outside of a geometry problem/anything school related)
If geometry is so useful, such a simple geometric task must be commonplace.
MiccyNarc said:
Raise your hand if you've had to to prove that two triangles were congruent (outside of a geometry problem/anything school related)

That still doesn't prove your statement. That's like saying:

"Math is useless. Raise your hand if you've ever had to add 33 and 76 outside of a math problem"
umm I dont know why I never noticed this but ..Nat Turner ..do you know there was a Nat Turner that led a slave gang that went around freeing slaves and killing white people in the 1800's? It was a slave rebellion that some say led directly to the civil war


holy shit:

"On November 5, 1831, Nat Turner was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.

Prior to his death, he was castrated, and his scrotum was kept by a white man who used it as a pouch.

He was skinned and hanged on November 11 in Jerusalem, Virginia. He was beheaded and quartered, and various body parts were kept by whites as souvenirs.

In the aftermath of the revolt some 200 blacks, many of whom had nothing to do with the rebellion, were beaten, tortured and murdered in retaliation by hysterical white mobs."
Nat Turner said:
That still doesn't prove your statement. That's like saying:

"Math is useless."

It is.Ever heard of calculators?
Nat Turner said:
That still doesn't prove your statement. That's like saying:

"Math is useless. Raise your hand if you've ever had to add 33 and 76 outside of a math problem"
Okay, raise your hand if you've EVER had to use a geometric proof to solve ANYTHING, outside of school.

While you're at it, post practical applications of geometry, besides architect/carpenter.
Nat Turner said:
lol of course, that's where I got my name

heh I just edited to include:

"On November 5, 1831, Nat Turner was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.

Prior to his death, he was castrated, and his scrotum was kept by a white man who used it as a pouch.

He was skinned and hanged on November 11 in Jerusalem, Virginia. He was beheaded and quartered, and various body parts were kept by whites as souvenirs.

In the aftermath of the revolt some 200 blacks, many of whom had nothing to do with the rebellion, were beaten, tortured and murdered in retaliation by hysterical white mobs."

you're a skinless, headless, penisless man? :O
*head explodes at the irrelevance of Sterns post*

i have over 16,000 posts ..your head must explode often :E
CptStern said:
heh I just edited to include:

you're a skinless, headless, penisless man? :O

Definitely not. Everything grew back after 150 years.
If you ever need to program a 3d engine you need to know math, LOADS of math. Its nigh impossible to even animate a model without knowledge of matrices.
MiccyNarc said:
Okay, raise your hand if you've EVER had to use a geometric proof to solve ANYTHING, outside of school.

While you're at it, post practical applications of geometry, besides architect/carpenter.

raises hand

I use geometry in rock climbing to gauge the loads that will be applied to anchors. It's really important to equalize your anchors and make sure that you don't have a setup that will actually multiply the force you're putting on it.

A good example is that an upside down triangle of webbing or cord with two anchors in the top corner and your rope clipped into the bottom loads the anchors with about double the force of a v set up the same way.

I also use it loads in engineering. But I guess that still counts as school.
Dan said:
raises hand

I use geometry in rock climbing to gauge the loads that will be applied to anchors. It's really important to equalize your anchors and make sure that you don't have a setup that will actually multiply the force you're putting on it.

A good example is that an upside down triangle of webbing or cord with two anchors in the top corner and your rope clipped into the bottom loads the anchors with about double the force of a v set up the same way.

I also use it loads in engineering. But I guess that still counts as school.
Science man doesn't save people from flying to the window. He saves them using a complex algorythm of proofs and geometric equations.
HunterSeeker said:
If you ever need to program a 3d engine you need to know math, LOADS of math. Its nigh impossible to even animate a model without knowledge of matrices.

You need it for 2D engines too

-Angry Lawyer
Trust me, the majority of stuff school teaches you, is only used...in school.

Thus, school exists only to perpetuate its own existence?
xcellerate said:
Trust me, the majority of stuff school teaches you, is only used...in school.

Thus, school exists only to perpetuate its own existence?

Yeah pretty much. Politicians get hard-ons over this sort of thing.
*raises hand*Actually I found that geometry was the only math besides basic math that I could apply in real life, I work in carpentry.

Originally Posted by MiccyNarc
Okay, raise your hand if you've EVER had to use a geometric proof to solve ANYTHING, outside of school.

While you're at it, post practical applications of geometry, besides architect/carpenter.

Well it still stands
Here is one for you. Right triangles are related to sin and cosine waves. Those are used extensively in physics and engineering. Good computer programmers are also pretty good at math. All those graphics, all the geometrical shapes you see in video games, do you think they were magically created by programmers who didn't understand geometry? Now ask us: "What can I use geometry for besides carpentry/architecture/physics/engineering/programming?"
Lou said:
Here is one for you. Right triangles are related to sin and cosine waves. Those are used extensively in physics and engineering. Good computer programmers are also pretty good at math. All those graphics, all the geometrical shapes you see in video games, do you think they were magically created by programmers who didn't understand geometry? Now ask us: "What can I use geometry for besides carpentry/architecture/physics/engineering/programming?"

Obviously computers run off an advanced form of arcane magic mixed with 60 volts of AC. :D I mean this is just common knowledge. Sometime an anti-magick field is cast around my home and I can't even play HL2 or look at porn when I want to. Some of my friends call it a power outage but then I point to the natural signs and make fun of them. :)
Lets see, useful things that you learn in school:

History comes in handy if you ever want to hang around intellectuals. You sound much smarter talking about different governments and societies if you have a bit of historical fact to throw into the mix.

Grammar. Nobody in the business world will take you seriously if you can't construct a proper paragraph.

Foreign Language for travelling and also makes you seem more intelligent.

Chemistry, Astronomy, Biologoy, Physics, Math for incase you ever travel backwards in time and have to impress the ancient Babylonians by calculating pi out to 20 digits,explaining quantum physics, or how the human digestive system works. And astronomy for memorizing the dates of eclipses and establishing your ability to block out the sun. They also come in handy if you want to work in any of those fields I suppose, but really mostly for time travel.

Phys-ed so that you're not a big pussy.

Whatever hobbies/clubs you join are probably more useful to you than the things you learn in class. And more fun too.

Things that you learn in highschool that aren't useful :

Social skills. Highschool basically ****s you up. The real world doesn't work that way.

Playing video games. Also has limited practical applications

How to dress. Baggy pants aren't cool, Ugg boots aren't cool, black makeup is a no-no. You don't need to try to "be different" outside of highschool because nobody cares anyways.

How to obey orders. You really don't notice it if you don't think about it, but most of your childhood is learning how to follow rules and schedules. Doing what teachers tell you. You'll quickly realize that all of your highschool teachers were big losers with inflated egos because they're adults in a world of teenagers.
Oh yeah, and skepticism is a good thing to learn too. It's not necessarily taught, but you should pick it up when you realize that all of your textbooks are riddled with errors. Also you're given examples of established historical concepts that were completely wrong. But we're so much smarter now and everything we know is correct. Yeah right.
Dan said:
Social skills. Highschool basically ****s you up. The real world doesn't work that way.

Social skills are important. You can't go through life being a loner and bitter about life; you want to get laid, you want to know how to manipulate people for your own advantage (Pretty much everyone in a position of power knows how to do this)..

You'll quickly realize that all of your highschool teachers were big losers with inflated egos because they're adults in a world of teenagers.
They ****ing think they are big shots... You know what, if they were that smart they probably wouldn't be high school teachers in the first place. I told that to my physics professor when I was a senior and got detention :D I have little respect for them. But on the other hand, wouldn't you be a bit of an asshole if you were in their position? Dealing with dumb teenagers ain't easy. You need to show them who's the boss :)
Lou said:
Social skills are important. You can't go through life being a loner and bitter about life; you want to get laid, you want to know how to manipulate people for your own advantage (Pretty much everyone in a position of power knows how to do this)..

They ****ing think they are big shots... You know what, if they were that smart they probably wouldn't be high school teachers in the first place. I told that to my physics professor when I was a senior and got detention :D I have little respect for them. But on the other hand, wouldn't you be a bit of an asshole if you were in their position? Dealing with dumb teenagers ain't easy. You need to show them who's the boss :)

Lou...every word that rolls off your tounge excites every bit of hate in my soul.
Without geometry there wouldn't be porn :D
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