MINERVA: Metastasis 2 released

ming2020 said:
Yeah I know the message says not to fight and get to some control panel near some power conduit (downshaft??).

But where is this place?
There's a forcefield with a turret behind it in the middle, near the power downlink shaft. Chuck a grenade or something in and unplug the power socket for the forcefield generator.

An updated version of the map, for release with part three when that's done, will make the puzzle a bit more obvious...
Thanks for the tip! I did notice the power plug before, but tried shooting at it instead. :P
Just Awesome!

Truly awesome episodes! Thank you thank you thank you! Can't wait for episode 3 now...


Just finished it, although it took me a while to find the elevator after deactivating the power to the
headcrab production facility.

Anyways, great as always. I like the use of ambience to build up fear and tension, and I can't help but me amazed at how you make relatively small maps appear extremely large. I'm also liking how the plot is thickening, although I felt that Minerva's personality was a bit flat this time around. Still, the
headcrabbed stalkers and the zombie body near the end are interesting. Although I usually despise zombies, I actually won't mind them that much after growing so annoyed of headcrabs. But it'll be kind of unrealistic how a seemingly extremely secure facility has zombies lurking around deep inside it.


The "Unimaginable and Unimagined world behind that alloy door" in the epilogue is making me excited.
I'm stuck, so please help ...

I'm so glad to see everyone was able to figure this mod out & I'm sure that I'm overlooking something really obvious but my brain can't wrap around it. I'm in the part where I have to open the combine door with the red lock on it and the blue beam in the middle of the room. It's got the metal walk platforms that wrap around it & the message received was that I had to open the door. There's 2 ladders on each side of the back metal platform where I can go down to the bottom where the blue beam is. How do I get the damn door opened?
post a screenshot of where you are - the description makes no sense to me
cabosdobrasil said:
I'm so glad to see everyone was able to figure this mod out & I'm sure that I'm overlooking something really obvious but my brain can't wrap around it. I'm in the part where I have to open the combine door with the red lock on it and the blue beam in the middle of the room. It's got the metal walk platforms that wrap around it & the message received was that I had to open the door. There's 2 ladders on each side of the back metal platform where I can go down to the bottom where the blue beam is. How do I get the damn door opened?

Search the bunker, you will find a switch.
Now that this is all over and done with, or so it seems, when are we expecting the next installment? I wanna find out what's behind that (can I say it without risking a spoiler?)
Hi gang.

I'm stuck on the bit where the is a huge chamber with a blue beam in the middle and a railway line, ive just gone all the way up to the control room and activated the switch and killed all the combine. the message then says i have to go deeper. how do i do this i can see a way to go deeper, a few doors have forcefields areound them but i cant see a switch.
