A contemporary history of Korea, and why I love the military.


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Jan 11, 2005
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Part School english project, Part fun in progress. Had nothing better to do, so I posted it here. 1st draft, anyway. :P
The First Empire of the Korean People
In the year 1887, Emperor Gojong, for some egotistic reason, declared the Choseon Kingdom an empire. Its 'constitution' was basically that the Emperor had the strongest power, ect. Literally translated, the country's name read: "The Empire of the Great Korean (Han) People." However, since Japan, our evil neighbors to the East, had already established a growing influence on the peninsula, it wasn't long-lived. Several attempts to counter the imperialistic moves of the Japanese leadership failed, such as the attempt to declare unfair treatment in Hague, which was foiled by the Japanese. One of the 'ambassadors' commited suicide.

As the years went by, Korea's independence was furthur destroyed by world powers, such as the Russians, the English, the Americans, and of course, the Japanese. They aquired assets of gold mines and railroads, until russia was kicked out by the English - Japan alliance (1904).

Min Yeong-Hwan, the leader of the Emperor's guard, commited suicide after the Japanese imposed an extremely unfair treaty on Korea. His last will and testament: "It is sad. The Nation's and the Empire's shame has grown to this state, our people shall never survive the hardships. One who wants life shall die, and one who shall not care fo his life will live, this you know well. I, with my death, shall return the honor to the Emperor and apologize to the 20 million of my fellow countrymen. Even in death, and in the afterlide, I will try to help you all. My brothers, with our will times ten million, always learn and unify, and if you achieve our independence and liberation, I shall gladly smile underground. Oh! It is sad. Never be disappointed. I say good-bye for the last time to my fellow people of the Great Han Nation. 1905, November 4th."

After that, there were many uprisings to save the country. However, it was too late.

The Annexation.

1910. Japan annexes the Empire.

Nothing much happens, except for loads of rape, slaughter, and bio-experiments on living humans.

Korean Liberation Army continues fight for 4 decades. One notable attack is the attack by Lee Bong-Chang, who bombed the Japan king guy. Unfortunately, he failed to kill the bastard.


Japan nuked. People celebrate.

Korea Liberated by US and teh Allies. Much celebration and beating up of collaborators.

Declaration of Republic.

1948. UN conducts an election on only the southern part of the peninsula, due to evil commies not allowing them to enter the north. On May 10th, Syngman Rhee is elected. The First Republic of Korea is established. On 1948, December, the UN commitee in France approve of the Republic of Korea as the only legal goverment in the peninsula. The Soviets laugh and establish a puppet goverment.

However, due to the April 3rd rebellion in Jeju Island, as well as the 10.19 communist riot, and general social mayhem, the goverment could not prepare for what happened next.

North Attacks!

May 26th, 1950. The scarecrow army of the North attacks. According to the textbook: "Our national military, despite their old weapons, with the will to defend freedom and democracy, fought the advancing communist horde bravely. However, they were far outnumbered, and had to retreat."

Many 14 year olds (my great aunt was 12, and joined the marines at that time) joined in the fight to defend freedom. If you've ever watched Tae Guek Gi (Brotherhood of War), you'll know.

On 1950, September 28th, Seoul, the capital was reclaimed.

On November 11th, the UN and Korea reached the Chinese border.

However, due to the Chinese attack, reunification could not be achieved.

For 56 years, the Korean peninsula has been at war.

Syngman Rhee

For some reason, Syngman Rhee was infamous, as seen in the movie MASH, where the lights goes out in surgery and a doctor says: "Syngman Rhee paid the electric bill."

That was a lie, however. Syngman Rhee had no money to pay for anything, even his socks were 10 years old.

Anyway, he was a strong anti-communist, and tensions built up with the north. However, he failed in his rule, everything except public education.

Perhaps he wasn't such a bad guy, but his cabinet, the Liberal Party, on the other hand, was extremely corrupt. Evil liberals, you see. They went on a dictatoral spree for 12 years, until in the year 1960, April 4th, a student revolution threw them out.

Syngman Rhee was rescued by the CIA before the mob of students closed on him, and transported to Hawaii, where he lived for the rest of his life.

The goverment, before the April 4th Revolution, declared martial law, and ordered the police and military to fire on them. The police complied, resulting in 140+ casulties, but the military didn't.

The 2nd Republic of Korea

Was absolutely idiotic. The leadership could not handle the social chaos that the revolution brought. They didn;t do anything, except talk a lot. Thankfully,

5.16 Military Revolution, and the 3rd Republic

9 months after the formation of the 2nd republic, General Park Chung-Hee, and a handful of other generals led a bloodless and much popular coup. Martial law ruled for 2 and a hald years, with the maxim: "Anti-communism is the first and foremost!" After that, there was a general election, in which Pres. Park got elected.

During the 3rd republic, the goverment of Park Chung Hee achieved rapid industrialization of Korea. In the year 1960, the GDP per capita was only $60. In the year 1969, on the third rule of the general, the GDP per capita rose to $7,800.

The Yusin of October, and the 4th Republic

President Park, on the year 1970, declared a state of emergency, and established the Yusin Constitution, which greatly centrallized the goverment He had so much to accomplish, but too little time. More economic advancements. Many people today say that the times of the Yusin Constitution was the best to live, with the smallest amount of unemployeement in the entire history, and future, of Korea.

GDP per capita reaches $12,000. $60 to $12,000 in only 20 years. Pres. Park was the savior of Korea.

Unfortunately, he was killed, by his close friend and the director of the infamous KCIA, who was drunk at the time. This is the 10.26 incident.

The 12.12 incident, and the 5th Republic

General Cheon Doo-Hwan led paratrooper divisons in a coup on December 12th, 1979. This time, it was bloody, with Military Police vs Paratroopers gunfights.

On 1980, May 18th, there was a massive communist riot in Gwangju Metropolitian City. It is known as the 5.18 Gwangju Communist Riot, while for some reason the BBC calls it a massacre. Students raided an military armory, and clashed with the military, causing many deaths. Thankfully, the 14th and 28th Infantry divisons handled the riot very well.

Mr. Cheon ruled for 8 years, until the June riots forced his resignation.

The 6th Republic

Gen. Roh Tae-Woo, a friend and collegue of Cheon, was elected president, and ruled for 5 years, in accordance with law. He didn't do much.

However when the civilians took control of the country, they ruined it.

Kim Yeong-Sam, caused massive economic repercussions with his policies. IMF had to loan Korea massive amounts of money for it to recover.

Kim Dae-Joong, elected in 1997, threw away millions of dollars as a gift to the psycho dictator, Kim Jong-Il. He didn't even care when the North Korean warships clashed with SOuth Korean warships in 2002, in which one of our ships were sunk.

Roh Moo Hyeon, elected in 2002, ruined the economy some more with his policies that border nearly on socialism, and was almost impeached, but failed. He is now trying to dismantle the the US-SK alliance, for some idiotic reason. We should have killed him back in 1975, when he was sentenced to death for treason.

The 7th Republic

I'm going to say I read it all, and leave it with...

remove all the childish words you call the different people. Just because you or the majority doesnt like them or their action doesnt mean you have to put words such as "drunk" "infamous" "egoistic" "evil". This should be a report of FACTS not of your own views and thoughts (if im correct). Even if you watch documentarys of Hitler they never even mention him being evil or bad, they simply give the information of his actions and lets you judge him. Thats the way it should be done, no biaz!
remove all the childish words you call the different people. Just because you or the majority doesnt like them or their action doesnt mean you have to put words such as "drunk" "infamous" "egoistic" "evil". This should be a report of FACTS not of your own views and thoughts (if im correct). Even if you watch documentarys of Hitler they never even mention him being evil or bad, they simply give the information of his actions and lets you judge him. Thats the way it should be done, no biaz!

Um.... the guy WAS drunk. There was a little party, you see. And uh... he WAS Infamous, for some reaosn. ANd I didn't know I put egoistic there, oops. -_-;;

Anyway, bias always appears on history texts, why not?
Um.... the guy WAS drunk. There was a little party, you see. And uh... he WAS Infamous, for some reaosn. ANd I didn't know I put egoistic there, oops. -_-;;

Darn Koreans.

But yeah, the drunk and..infamous are good! :P
Interesting POW, but your history text books seem awefully biased.

Anyway, bias always appears on history texts, why not?
Not in well functioning democracies. There they expect people to decide for themselves, rather than constantly being told by the government what to do and think.
I used the text for only the War part and a few numbers. Most were internet.
Let me put it in this way, if you turned that work in to a teacher in Europe or America then you would get a bad grade. As Taxman said, the reader should not be told to what to think, the information shall be given and the reader shall judge based on the information given.
Well, I guess I'm too opinionated to be a historian.
Nah. I plan on getting conscripted as an officer. Perhaps I'll help someone pull a 5.16 and set up the 7th republic in the future.
Nah. I plan on getting conscripted as an officer. Perhaps I'll help someone pull a 5.16 and set up the 7th republic in the future.

Or get sent over here to kill us?! If you held a gun at my face because I was the "enemy" would you shoot this loveable green fluffy face?

Awwwww. Of course not. Unless you had a gun pointing it at me. :P
Numbers, be honest, which of the following do you want South Korea to invade?
a) North Korea
b) Japan
c) China
d) Russia
e) The US
f) Europe
g) Australia
Numbers, be honest, which of the following do you want South Korea to invade?
a) North Korea
b) Japan
c) China
d) Russia
e) The US
f) Europe
g) Australia

Everywhere except the US, Europe, and Austrailia. Europe includes Russia. China is too big. So, North Korea and Japan remain.... :D

What about a rubber band gun?

Everywhere except the US, Europe, and Austrailia. Europe includes Russia. China is too big. So, North Korea and Japan remain.... :D

You're kidding, right? I mean, I know you've been talking about it, but I though you were joking. You really want your country to go to war with Japan and North Korea? Forgive and forget, mate, forgive and forget.
I have to agree with Taxman.

Besides, there's so much more to be said for those who can dominate/crush through economics and science :D

-Angry Lawyer
Nah. I plan on getting conscripted as an officer. Perhaps I'll help someone pull a 5.16 and set up the 7th republic in the future.

then you can make hl2.net the national website of your new goverment.
I wish I still had my AP world history book to post what it says about korea.
You're kidding, right? I mean, I know you've been talking about it, but I though you were joking. You really want your country to go to war with Japan and North Korea? Forgive and forget, mate, forgive and forget.

Well, we have to reunify sometime, and invasion is the fastest way. I like fast solutions. :p
Well, a nuke rather defeats the purpose of reunification. :/
Japan nuked. People celebrate.

Korea Liberated by US and teh Allies. Much celebration and beating up of collaborators.

you forgot this part:

wikipedia said:
In a proposal opposed by nearly all Koreans, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to temporarily occupy the country as a trusteeship with the zone of control demarcated along the 38th Parallel. The purpose of this trusteeship was to establish a Korean provisional government which would become "free and independent in due course."[1] Underlying this decision by the US and USSR was the assumption that Koreans were incapable of self-rule and therefore needed the rule of larger nations. Though elections were scheduled, the two superpowers backed different leaders and two states were effectively established, each of which claimed sovereignty over the whole Korean peninsula.


the US and soviets carved your country like a thanksgiving turkey without any input from koreans
you should thank your benevolent benefactors/puppet masters
For what? (Other than blocking Kim Il-sung
Um.... the guy WAS drunk. There was a little party, you see. And uh... he WAS Infamous, for some reaosn. ANd I didn't know I put egoistic there, oops. -_-;;

Anyway, bias always appears on history texts, why not?

Yes, but you're supposed to try to erase as much bias as possible.
Doesn't this forum have a policy against trolling?
For what? (Other than blocking Kim Il-sung

you tell me ...you're the one always going on and on about how glorious it was that 2 great nations decided to have a pissing contest with you as the prize
I bet I can piss further than South Korea :D

-Angry Danimal
Coder of Zombie Master
"ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is."
Random question - Numbers, what's Korea's medieval history like? can you link me to any sites that detail their medieval military? Because, I know quite a bit about the fighting styles of most places except continental east Asia (excluding China). I can never really find anything. Also, make sure it has big text and pretty pictures.

-Angry Lawyer