Some news about PS3 from Sony Gamer's Day, plus heck of a lot screens (56K)


Jul 18, 2003
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HDMI cable, memory card adaptor, Blu-ray remote, and extra Sixaxis controllers to be sold separately; console will come with BD of Talladega Nights.


First up is the PS3 HDMI cable, which many high-definition televisions require to display graphics in 1080p resolution. The omission of the cable from the basic PS3 package caused a bit of a stir when it was first revealed in August, and its price probably won't help matters. The PS3 HDMI cable will sell for $49.99, higher than most HDMI cables on eBay (which can go for as low as $9.99), but lower than the "generic" PS3/360 HDMI cable that was listed on GameStop for $99.99. However, since the PS3 has a standard HDMI port, any HDMI cable should work with the console.

Far more affordable is the PS3 Memory Card Adapter, which will retail for $14.99. Though not necessary for saving PS3 games, the adapter is required for loading game saves from old PlayStation 2 and PlayStation memory cards. The PS3 is fully backward compatible with both consoles, and PS2 and PlayStation games will be made available for download Xbox Live Arcade style via the PlayStation Network Platform.

Sony will let gamers purchase extra units of the PS3's Sixaxis controller for $49.99 each. With its built-in Bluetooth wireless connectivity, the PS3 will support up to seven controllers at once, without a next-gen equivalent of a multitap extension.

As it did with the PlayStation 2, Sony is selling the media remote for the PS3 separately. The Blu-ray Disc Remote will go for $29.99 and will provide single-button controls for most of the PS3's media functionality.


Some info about a few games using the SIXAXIS.

Tony Hawk's Project 8 will use the Sixaxis to control steering, balance, precision foot placement in the Nail the Trick feature, and more. GameSpot recently tested the Sixaxis in the game--read the preview to find out more.

Tilting will be incorporated into Madden NFL 07 as well. By moving the controller in various ways, gamers can fake the snap, jump the snap, control the lead blocker, and bear down on ball carriers with brutal hits. Read GameSpot's preview for more info.

Placing backspin, topspin, and sidespin on the ball in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 for the PS3 just got a bit easier than repeatedly tapping a button. Pushing the controller in the direction gamers want the spin to go will control spin direction, and the longer they hold the tilt, the more spin will be added. GameSpot recently teed off with the PS3 version.

2K Sports recently revealed that NBA 2K7 will use motion sensitivity for its free-throw mechanic, but it appears as though Sony is taking it a bit further. In NBA 07, jerking the Sixaxis back and forth will control dribbling moves such as crossovers, spins, and jukes, as well as perform moves in the post.

Hockey fans will also move the controller back and forth to control their goalkeepers in 2K Sports' NHL 2K7. When entering the first-person view in the crease-control system, gamers will control the cursor by tilting the controller, thereby thwarting slapshots from goons. The Sixaxis' tilt sensitivity will also be used to check opposing players, but it is optional. For more details, read GameSpot's preview of NHL 2K7 for the PS3.


21 PS3 games available at launch.

Like some sort of corporate blackjack, the PS3's 21-game day-one lineup trumps that of Xbox 360, which had 18 games at launch on November 22, 2005. By contrast, Nintendo has said its Wii console will have "more than two dozen titles available" when it goes on sale on November 19. However, of the 21, only seven are PS3-exclusive; six will be new games available on other platforms, and eight will have been previously released on other platforms.


SCEA Launch Titles:
Resistance: Fall of Man
NBA 07
Genji: Days of the Blade

Third-Party Publisher Titles:
Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII / Ubisoft
Call of Duty 3 / Activision
EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 / Electronic Arts
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion / Bethesda Softworks
F.E.A.R. / Vivendi Universal Games
Full Auto 2: Battlelines / Sega
Madden NFL 07 / Electronic Arts
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance / Activision
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire / Namco Bandai Games
NBA 2K7 / 2K Sports
Need For Speed Carbon / Electronic Arts
NHL 2K7 / 2K Sports
Ridge Racer 7 / Namco Bandai Games
Sonic the Hedgehog / Sega
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 / Electronic Arts
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas / Ubisoft
Tony Hawk's Project 8 / Activision
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom / Sony Online Entertainment


EA working on 30 PS3 games.

When it comes to pumping out game after game, there is no one in the business better than the Bay Area's Electronic Arts. The prolific publisher is home to several top-selling franchises, and its developers are hard at work creating games for the two upcoming next-generation systems--Nintendo's Wii and Sony's PlayStation 3.

Today, the company boasted its progress for its PS3 games, stating that 30 are currently in development. By late March of 2007, the company expects to have 8 to 10 PS3 games in retail, including the recently announced Fight Night Round 3 and Def Jam: Icon. EA also confirmed that Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07, Need for Speed Carbon, and Madden NFL 07 would be launch titles.

EA execs weren't bashful about praising the PS3's hardware. "This is only the beginning," said president of EA Studios Paul Lee. "In the months and years to come, developers will take greater advantage of the PlayStation 3's Cell processors and Blu-ray storage capacity to create games of stunning depth and texture."


Also some interesting info here.

(2:45pm PST) The PlayStation Network
The networking features was then shown off which is all free and all standard with the console. He went into his icon based friends list and used a predictive text tool to write to someone. You can also use the USB keyboard. This is also where voice chat will be controlled. Harrison then scrolled to the web browser which can display multiple windows. Phil then showed the PS3 E3 Conference in One Minute from YouTube in one of the windows.

(2:50pm PST) Remote Play
Harrison then picked up a PSP and wirelessly ran the Casino Royale trailer on the handheld system. Streaming the media on PSP can now be done in your living room but Harrison said that it will soon be possible from any hotspot in the world. Streaming your PS3 content on the PSP anywhere certainly opens some amazing possibilities.

John Smedley
John then showed off the PlayStation Store. The interface included featured items, demos, downloadable games, top downloads, and what's new. The system has integrated X-Fire which allows current users on the PC to see who's online with PS3.

The store can be built directly into the games. This means that you can make purchases like episodic content within the game. The store has a top story that features the latest content. Downloadable games featured PS1 content that is playable on the PSP and in the future playable on the PS3.

Now the screens...

- Resistance: Fall of Man -





- Stranglehold -

- Untold Legends -

- F1: Championship Edition -

- Rainbox Six: Vegas -



- Warhawk -




- Motorstorm -


- Virtua Fighter 5 -




- Genji 2 -








- Mobile Suit Gundam -





- Lair -


- Marvel Ultimate Alliance -



- Fight Night Round 3 -




- Blast Factor -




- fl0w -




- Lemmings 2 -




- Criminal Crackdown -





Thanks to all the people over at NeoGAF for the images.
A few of the games look spiffy.

fl0w looks rather familiar though... wasn't it a flash game?
fl0w looks rather familiar though... wasn't it a flash game?

Yeah, you can play it here. (not as advanced as the PS3 version though)
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Yeah, you can play it here. (not as advanced as the PS3 version though)


Another observation... the weapon models in Resistance seems to have a rather low-res texture plastered onto them. :O
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"HDMI cable, memory card adaptor, Blu-ray remote, and extra Sixaxis controllers to be sold separately"

I find this funny, because all the diehard Sony fans were spouting "Oh, well when you factor in the other peripheral items for the Wii60, the price advantage disappears".

Any way, some of those games look spiffy. But I have yet to see the amazing, crushing power over the 360 that many claim it has.
Another observation... the weapon models in Resistance seems to have a rather low-res texture plastered onto them. :O

True, they're not as sweet as in HL2. But anyway, the game looks pretty amazing ingame. :)
I love how everyone say that one of PS3's huge feature is HDMI output, yet it isn't even a standard out of the box option.

Interesting stuff though, though TBH nothing on there impresses me... Except that I wish fl0w would come to XBL instead and also Lemmings would be cool.

Heh, in writing this post, it's funny on how I merely care about the little games...
the graphics of the gundam game looks very good
I want it to get here so we can see a direct comparison already.

most of those games I find to be meh... although those Rainbow six vegas shots look higher rez than the stuff I have seen for the xbox 360, one of the things I noticed instantly was how the glass was breaking, a lot more intricate than the glass found in the x360 version... and Im not a fanboy but I tend to lend toward the xbox, so I aint a sony fan outright.

however SUPER HIGH REZ images of still frames mean nothing... sony are great at misdirection, Fight Night looks phenomenal and I bet they will capitalize on that... gonna have a lot of people drawing direct comparisons between it and the xbox360 version, even though there has been an extra year in developement for the ps3 one...

Im on the fence on which one to pick up, I was xbox360 full steam ahead almost bought one two days ago.... until more ps3 stuff started happening, now there isnt anything that really attracts me to the ps3..... but Im gonna wait out the holiday season and see where things land.
Jesus Christ some of those games look amazing. I'm especially surprised at Resistance, they seem to have polished up the graphics nicely. It's also interesting that the exclusives, except for Fight Night, look much better than the multiplatform games. Of course this is always the case, but it seems even more apparent this generation.
I want it to get here so we can see a direct comparison already.

most of those games I find to be meh... although those Rainbow six vegas shots look higher rez than the stuff I have seen for the xbox 360, one of the things I noticed instantly was how the glass was breaking, a lot more intricate than the glass found in the x360 version... and Im not a fanboy but I tend to lend toward the xbox, so I aint a sony fan outright.

however SUPER HIGH REZ images of still frames mean nothing... sony are great at misdirection, Fight Night looks phenomenal and I bet they will capitalize on that... gonna have a lot of people drawing direct comparisons between it and the xbox360 version, even though there has been an extra year in developement for the ps3 one...

Im on the fence on which one to pick up, I was xbox360 full steam ahead almost bought one two days ago.... until more ps3 stuff started happening, now there isnt anything that really attracts me to the ps3..... but Im gonna wait out the holiday season and see where things land.

That same Rainbow 6 pic with the breaking glass was posted on ign's Xbox 360 page (and likely their PS3 page) back in August. Don't know if it's really a good comparison shot.
Considering this is a PS3 thread, what are your guys opinion on the fact that the Sony controller has 30 hours of life in a single charge, BUT the battery CANNOT be replaced? This info is frmo Broadband Watch, a Japanese techsite. IMO this is dissappointing, I've never been a big fan of batteries that you can't exchange/replace..
Considering this is a PS3 thread, what are your guys opinion on the fact that the Sony controller has 30 hours of life in a single charge, BUT the battery CANNOT be replaced? This info is frmo Broadband Watch, a Japanese techsite. IMO this is dissappointing, I've never been a big fan of batteries that you can't exchange/replace..

it cannot be replaced ever? I highly doubt that.... that would be like making controllers outta pineapples and the pineapples would rot so that we would have to buy new pineapples to keep playing! (Penny Arcade)

well the systems (both core and premium ps3) come with usb cables which plug into the controllers to recharge as you play... I would think the 30 hour session is a single charge, but they are rechargeable how long they last and are able to be recharged is another matter. but still I dont imagine you would have to go out and buy a new controller because the batteries died.
Meh. Resistance Fall of man is the only one there that I'm interested in. None of these screens put my 360 games to shame, not in the least.
Looks amazing if you ask me. Can't believe how things change so much over the years D:
It's funny that I got most impressed by Fl0w. Graphical profiles all the way baby!
Fall of Man looks excellent - nice and chunky.
Isn't fall of man set in World War 2? Why are all the guns so super high tech? D: D:
Isn't fall of man set in World War 2? Why are all the guns so super high tech? D: D:

Its set in an alternative future around the year 1951, WW2 never existed (thank God) there.

EDIT: Screens on the Playstation store, looks nifty.


The final 60GB box art.

Giant Enemy Crab.

Meh, not really that impressed with most of them.
Why is the HDMI cable so expensive?
And I assume the fight night round 3 screenies are pre renderd?
Nothing a PC won't be able to do within 6 to 12 months tbh :)
Why is the HDMI cable so expensive?
And I assume the fight night round 3 screenies are pre renderd?
Judging by how gorgeous the 360-version looks, I wouldn't be surprised if they're ingame.
resistance is looking spiffy. I wasnt really hyped too much for the ps3's release, i'm waiting for mgs4 etc but this new update has perked my interrst..
Wow Lemmings 2!!?!??! Omfg!!! Why Not Pc Too????
I wish virtua fighter 5 wasn't exclusive. I love those games, but not enough to buy a ps3 for one its current price anyway.
Are they all real in game screenshots? Some look too good. Whats the hardware used in the PS3?
I am so glad Motorstorm looks so good. Its been at the top of my most wanted list ever since the first "footage" was shown.

Love the menus too. And the user options. And the store.

Too bad I won't get one of these fancy things 'til next year...:(
I wish virtua fighter 5 wasn't exclusive. I love those games, but not enough to buy a ps3 for one its current price anyway.
Technically the PS3 version is a port since it has been in the arcades. Although I'm not sure if the arcade version is in the US.
woah.... thats flipping insane, and AEnema, dont kid yourself, the PC can't produce graphics like that boxing game yet :-P. It WILL but as of now, no way.
wish I could afford even 1/4 of the cost of a ps3 :P, especially since I go off to the uni next year.