I sign the lease to the new place today!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
So that means I'll be at a different location. If you're going to mail me love letters, you'll have to send it to my new address, which I have enclosed in PM form to those who need it.

I'll be sure to take pictures of the new place and post them up afterwards. :D
I have no PM's

I am crying on the inside
The roaches have accepted him as their God. The massive slaughter did little to remedy the overall problem, but it instilled fear and earned him their respect.
*opens door to new home*
(A giant cockroach is standing there)
"We've been expecting you."

No its;
"Get back to where you belong, and forget about all this."

You're both wrong. It's,

"Welcome to Pitz's apartment! It's our apartment too! We've been around for a hundred million years and we'll be here longer than you!"

Anyway, congrats on the new place.
I need to give a call to the htiman
You're all wrong. It's:

"Wake up, Mister Pitz. Wake up and... smell the roaaaaachesssssss..."
and guess who is going to be the first one naked at pitz new place

/me points finger at self
I think the 'roaches have carried Pitzy away.
haha, no. I've been out and about. Got some things moved into the new place. And NO IT ISN'T THE ROACH HOUSE just fyi. ;) I got pics, will have to get off camera and host.
Still, check for 'roaches.

Or secret MJ12 facilities.
I've taken all the roaches from the roach house, and i'm going to introduce them to pitz's new house. They'll have such a wonderful time together. <3
Sorry for lack of pictures so far. ****ing lost my god damn phone today, and I've spent 3 hours RETRACING EVERY STEP I've taken today, and it's nowhere. So utterly pissed. Now I gotta go cancel service and that will cost me like $200 bucks, then get another phone....another 20 bucks probably. Yeah, happy ****ing independence day.

Oh well, I didn't get pics of the attic or basement...not much to see down there..

This is what is next to all our lights...I guess kids had fun here before they left....

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-07-04

These cabinets are so high up....need a freaking ladder to get it! And this is my roomate, Dustin...who is like 6'2...:O

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-07-04

This is my room, the biggest in the house. Looks small in the picture due to me being at an odd angle. I have 2 doors to go in and out of to either dustins room, or the open area. HAHA BITCHES!

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-07-04

Living room is pretty nifty

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-07-04

another shot of the kitchen!

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-07-04

The front of the house...

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-07-04

This is the other roomates room...

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-07-04

And lastly..This is the other room. Wow, it looks small here too! Oh well.

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-07-04

D: I'm not fat, it's the shirt, honest. I'm underweight :( And rofl at you going through my pictures...I've got a shit ton, and alot of them mean NOTHING! D: :)
wtf hazar

also, cool house :D

<3 Pitzy.

Nice house mate!!! :D
Thanks, it's pretty rockin' for $500 a month and being my first actual house :D
Looks like it needs to be cleaned up. For the love of god dude, take down those pics! :laugh: I could show you drunk here but that would be terrible. D: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: *
On second thought, leave them. Epic thread ftw!
haha, yeah, me drunk pics are pretty hardcore. Hey, if you want to post them, go for it ;) I know I'm a crazy ass awesome drunk haha.
yay so thats our house pitzy when we get married ?
Wow... beats the hell out of my place. And by place I mean the cramped, dark storage area a friend and I are daring to call a flat.

Grats on the place. And the, you know, lack of roaches.
Wow... beats the hell out of my place. And by place I mean the cramped, dark storage area a friend and I are daring to call a flat.

Grats on the place. And the, you know, lack of roaches.

Yeah, I'm definitely stoked about the lack of roaches..but we have some mice. Those are much easier to get rid of though. :(


We need to photoshop some of these lol. :P Mainly the cat one. ;)
rofl, I guess someone could use that on the photoshop weeks? :p