Notable *Game* Deaths


Dec 27, 2006
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Here it is: another gratuitous death-related thread, but I think this will make for some interesting reading if enough people contribute to it.

Anyway, the "Notable Film Deaths" Thread in the Film, TV, and DVD section got me thinking of some of the more memorable deaths in gaming history. What characters can you think of who really bit it in grand style?

Spoliers are a s risk, as always, but most of the games I listed are quite old.

Apart from the obvious one in Final Fantasy VII, I came up with:

Golden Axe: The final boss collapses and falls victim to his own giant axe in an early example of arcade-era gore.

Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger -- The hero's girlfriend, Angel, escapes execution by disintegrator only to be ritually disembowelled by a Kilrathi prince. A hologram of the deed is later used to taunt the player.

Wolfensetin 3D: The end boss, who is none other than Adolf Hitler in a mech suit, whimpers a tearful goodbye to his beloved Eva Braun as his skin melts of his bones:

Duke Nukem 3D: After being subdued by Duke, the alien Overlord suffers the ingnominious fate of having his head ripped off and his neck defecated on (or rather, down).

Burger Time: The protagonist is overwhelmed, beaten to death and devoured by giant walking hot dog weiners.

GTA: Vice City: Ricardo Diaz is killed execution-style by Tommy Vercetti and Lance Vance. The player views the scene through Diaz's POV as the fatal shots are fired.

Half-Life: The many gruesome and darkly comic deaths of scientists at Black Mesa, particulalry the one who is grabbed by the tentacle creature in Blast Pit and whose body is later discovered near the creature's corpse.
Prince of Persia, two thrones.

The final boss death blow is very memorable.
Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition - After a gruesome battle the Alien Queen lies exhausted barely alive while Duke shoves a pipe bomb up her birthing canal while uttering the words "It's time to abort your whole friggin' species!" as she explodes in a shower of blood and guts.

Blood - The poor cultists tasting the inferno of Caleb's spray can + lighter combo, not only fun but also looks awesome as they slowly turn into ash while screaming at the tops of their lungs.
The skeletonizing death caused by the "Flamewall" in ROTT was pretty cool too. Those Apogee/3D Realms guys were a sadistic bunch.
Oh, fine, I have to mention it: Aeris in FFVII.
Gears of War: Any chainsaw death, awesome.

Resident Evil 2: The shopkeeper at the start, who has a horde of zombies crash through his shop window, pin him down and rip him to pieces. Scared the hell out of me the first time I played it.

Half-Life: Barnacle deaths.

Half-Life 2: The resistance soldier on 'Follow Freeman' who attempts to cross the wooden platform high above the streets only to get a rocket to the face. His corpse landed millimetres away from me the first time I played through that chapter.

Goldneye: Trevelyan's demise on 'Cradle'

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee: Making Sligs explode after taking control of them.
Half-Life 2: The resistance soldier on 'Follow Freeman' who attempts to cross the wooden platform high above the streets only to get a rocket to the face. His corpse landed millimetres away from me the first time I played through that chapter.

Aye, that is a good one. I believe it's in Anticitizen One, though.
Metal Gear Solid: Snake! We're not tools of the government, or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing...the ONLY thing I was ever good at...but at least I always fought for what I believed in!

Kingdom Hearts 2: Saix. It was notable to me, anyway.
San Andreas: Officer Tenpenny and his firetruck careering off of the bridge and down into the ghetto below. "Fifty of me...and this town would be Ok!". A classic end to a brilliant villain.

That's all I can really think of right now.
F.E.A.R extraction point: Holiday's crazy death, which was somehow awesome.

Oblivion: Martin Septims death, nothing beats turning into a dragon before pushing up the dazies.

Those are the only epic ones that came to mind.
Soldier Of Fortune: When a neo-mazi terrorist group leader executes Hawk, John Mullin`s partner and friend. That made me so ****ing sad I almost stopped playing.
El Oscuro - Rise Of The Triad The final boss, when you finally do kill him...seeing him rise into the air exploding. So satisfying, since you've chased him through the last 3 levels.
El Oscuro - Rise Of The Triad The final boss, when you finally do kill him...seeing him rise into the air exploding. So satisfying, since you've chased him through the last 3 levels.

God, he was a bastard.
Deus Ex - If you didn't find the bomb in Jock's helicopter, he dies in Area 51. I liked Jock so that shocked me :(

Samon said:
San Andreas: Officer Tenpenny and his firetruck careering off of the bridge and down into the ghetto below. "Fifty of me...and this town would be Ok!". A classic end to a brilliant villain.

I'm trying to do that damn mission now. I didn't even reach Smoke yet. Too hard for me I think. :x
Luis' death in Resident Evil 4 shocked me greatly. Funnily enough I haven't played it since he died...

King of the Red Lions in Wind Waker also made me a bit sad. He was so wise. :(
I'm trying to do that damn mission now. I didn't even reach Smoke yet. Too hard for me I think. :x

It's a pretty damned good mission, if slightly...arcadey.

Luis' death in Resident Evil 4 shocked me greatly. Funnily enough I haven't played it since he died...

He was so badly written that I had to laugh. "Luis...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
He was so badly written that I had to laugh. "Luis...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Resi 4 is your classic B-movie plot and dialogue. Part of the charm comes from it not taking itself too seriously. And to be honest I'm terrible at survival horror games and when it comes down to it, the loss of a friendly comic-relief style character is a major blow for me. :P
Oh come on, it's so much worse than B-movie! I'm not going into a rant, or at least, I'll try not to, but boy-oh-boy, "Rain or shine, you're going down!". RE4 is most certainly one of the best games ever made, but to be shocked by Luis death is just pushing it.
He was so badly written that I had to laugh. "Luis...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

:laugh: I loled out loud too.

MGS 1: Sniper Wolf and Gray Fox
MGS3: The Boss (one of the occasions were I have cried over a video game)
FF VII: Do I need to mention it? I cried here too.
Oh come on, it's so much worse than B-movie! I'm not going into a rant, or at least, I'll try not to, but boy-oh-boy, "Rain or shine, you're going down!". RE4 is most certainly one of the best games ever made, but to be shocked by Luis death is just pushing it.

I also think it was because he had the cure in his hand and I knew something would stop him giving it to you this early in the game but I thought that Luis' story had a lot more to be told and that they wouldn't kill him off till he was revealed as a villain at the end (what I suspected) so I guess in that way it was a shock.
I'll agree the story and dialogue is crap though.

Also, killing the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion was, at least the first time, quite staggering. It is one of the first moral choices I have ever en****ered* in a game that actually made me think outside the game about whether it was right rather than what sort of stats it would bring about.

*EDIT: lol, this is suposed to say encountered but it's funnier with the rude word in...
WHAT?!? AERiS DIES?!?!?!

Beyond Good & Evil - Pey'J - Jade's foster father and an important character throughout the game.

Operation: Flashpoint Resistance - Victor Troska - Sacrificed himself for Nogova.

In Cold Blood - Lukyen - the big, steroid bully ends in a submarine engine.

Fallout - Richard "Grey" Moreau - his death marks the end of a dream to unite all people and bring about universal peace.

Arcanum - Preston Radcliffe - His death fuels the entire game!

Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Gradenko, Stalin - Awesome execution.

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn - Seth - Most awesome execution. Ever.

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Hassan - Second most awesome execution. Ever.

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars - Kilian Qatar - Highly awesome death.
Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Gradenko, Stalin - Awesome execution.

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn - Seth - Most awesome execution. Ever.

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Hassan - Second most awesome execution. Ever.

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars - Kilian Qatar - Highly awesome death.

I'd second those. Plus:

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Kane - Though of course, you can't really kill the messiah.

Baldur's Gate - Sarevok - Cool bad guy in an awesome game.
Saint's Row: The main character at the end. That was soooooooo uncalled for... but it left room for a SR2.

Shadow of 'teh' Colossus: After every colossus, killing each one wins.
In Cold Blood - Lukyen - the big, steroid bully ends in a submarine engine.

I've always meant to pick this up aswell. i remember playing a demo and it was pretty good.
The death of a notable character in hl2 episode 2 will be pretty friggin big.

I hope it's not Barney :(
If it is, I demand he does something so epic, that nothing else will compare except maybe another DOOM game which follows the older classic in which the space marine, returns to Earth, enters the inner circle of hell, and blows away the lord of the pit.

Yah......that would be awesome.
"You need me!"
i remember the first time i got to the bit in soldier of fortune where some guy gets shoved under a meat cutter and nothings left to the imagination
Metal Gear Solid 3: The End. Except for the fact that he exploded. That was gay.

Star Wars Republic Commando: Sev (07). That sucked. He was my favorite, it ruined the entire game for me. Stupid Republic, they didn't even let me save the guy! Bastards!

Shadow of the Collosus: Every boss (gotta agree with Ace).

: Fenix's (Zealot) "Death". I was pissed when I thought he died, he was my favorite Protoss (before Zeratul, of course).

TES III: Morrowind: Umbra. Although he wanted it, it still sucked, he was one of *few* honorable warriors in Morrowind. Also Eno Hlaalu (Master of Morag Tong, Assassin guild), but only if you chose to kill him, not if you let him "disappear".

Dead Rising: Pretty much every boss in the game, especially that Vietnam guy in the hardware store. But NOT that loser sniper dad and his retarded kids. Hated them.

I'm gonna put on the flame suit here and say:

Half-Life 2: Dr. Breen.
Oh, how could I have forgotten the burning citizen from HL2, Anticitizen One...
This spot reserved for when Barney Calhoun dies. It will be very sad indeed.
The Deku tree in Ocarina of Time was fairly notable, as it set the tone for pretty much the entire game. Come to think of it, all of the sages dieing at some point were notable too.

Luis Sera eh? I think the two notable points were definitely LUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS! And the fact he was killed by what was suspiciously a penis with a claw.

Darth Malak meeting his end on the lightside path of KoTOR was brilliant too. I still <3 that game.
He died on the dark side path too.
I've been meaning to play this game for sometime.

same i remember reading about in ps1 mags saying how it was the next big thing, the graphics looked excellent, was very interested in it.