Episode 3 speculation


The Freeman
May 6, 2003
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So I just got done listening to the episode 2 developer commentary, and thought I would collect all the hints and infos we know about episode 3.

1. We know it will involve the Borealis
2. There will be snow
3. Mossman will likely make a return
4. Dureing the dog strider battle it is hinted that 3 will involve new monsters/enemies.
5. More infomation about the Vorts, possibly specificly about Uriah.
6. Links to AS Labs and Portal have been made, possible Portal gun?
7. There will be helicopters! (heh)
8. Looks as though we WILL see advisor combat in some form.

If I have missed somthing, please share!

Also what do people predict for the episode, will Barney return? will we experience a helicopter flight, what new gameplay focus will we see this time, (Vehicles, Buddy Combat) and most importantly, how will it all end! big universe ending event or mysterious cliffhanger.

Episode 3 could blow utter chunks, but it wouldn't matter, because there's snow. Lots of it. Win.
Alyx will definitely return, as she's now the focus of most character development (as far as personality goes). Whether she survives or not will depend on whether the G-Man wants her to (based on this new information, she probably will). The G-Man will also play a very important role, with possibly even more revelations about his character.

Barney should make an appearance, as he was completely left out of Episode Two and it would make continuity sense that he is heading north after Mossman, who will also definitely have a huge role. Kleiner and Magnusson might even tag along, to analyze any AS technology that might be discovered (should make for some good dialogue).

A lot of AS/Portal connections should be established, part of the Episode will take place on the Borealis (not the whole thing hopefully), and of course, we will probably be able to finally kick some Advisor ass (with Alyx happily taking part in that).

What I hope doesn't happen are any of the lame and cheesy "sacrifice yourself to save the world" antics, as this would be a good situation to see one in. It would really detract from the story IMO.
Valve Comments on Episode 3 Progress (May 17th, 2007)

Three sentences that catch my interest the most are:

1. "...Episode Three might climax with a battle at an Arctic research station."
2. "...a lot of work had gone into "creating a natural progress of topography and climate".
3. "Not in Episode Three, anyway."

1. This possibly confirms a lot of theories and spectulation thus far.
2. Possibly yet another addition to the Source Engine planned specifically for Episode 3.
3. Perhaps a small indication that there will be more to come in the Half-Life Saga after Episode 3. Episode 4? A whole new game that will take a few years? Who knows.

Episode 3 Set in the Arctic, Valve Hints (May 9th, 2007)

"The battle takes place at the arctic base we see Mossman reporting in from during Episode One, and the battle that takes place there is described in great detail in Valve's Half-Life 2 coffee-table book, Raising the Bar. It was intended to be the climax of Half-Life 2 itself, but was cut when the game's scope was scaled back. So it makes perfect sense that Valve would want to flesh it out in the final episode of the post-Half-Life 2 trilogy, when they've got time to do it justice - Episode Three has been in development for as long as Episode Two already."

Content cut from Half-Life 2

"Episode Two is due out at the end of September this year, and if their release schedule so far is anything to go by, Episode Three could be 18 months after that."

So, expected release date should be Summer of 2009.
I'd like to see a new human antagonist, not related to the Combine. An Aperture Scientist would do the trick.
Yes, I'm really hoping GlaDOS and the portal sentries will make an appearance.

I think, however, that the battle will be between Gordon and an adviser.
2. "...a lot of work had gone into "creating a natural progress of topography and climate".

A long trek up north then? With the climate and environment slowly changing as you get closer to the Arctic?
I'd like to see a new human antagonist, not related to the Combine. An Aperture Scientist would do the trick.

If they could add that without taking anything away from gordon and alyx, that would be awesome
I started this topic over at the Steam Forums:

AlexUltras said:
This would be extremely silly, as the Ep.3 has already been in development for at least a year now...3 years of development for a game that calls itself "episodic content" is really ridiculous. Not to mention that they certainly re-use the maps already done for the abandoned Half-Life 2 portion of the game called "Kraken Base - Borealis", as it was revealed in the leak.

So hopefully either Spring or Summer of next year.
You forget, this is Valve. You're not accounting for mandatory release delays.

Valve can never release anything without a delay. It would mess with the natural order of the universe, to catastrophic results. PRAY they never release a game on time.
Maybe they will turn over a new leaf this once, considering it's the final episode (or is it?)
Or maybe they will wait until 2009 and make another source engine and implement 2 new weapons, 3 new enemies and have 30 minutes dedicated to people explaining the storyline.
Haven't the team who are working on ep3 been working on it since the ep2 team started on ep2? If that is the case then ep3 shouldn't be too far off.
Given how Eli claims the Borealis is so unstable and dangerous, I hope we'll go back to Xen for a short time (I've been hoping for Xen action since HL2).

I think the Overwatch voice is enough involvement for GlaDOS. It was good for Portal but I don't see how a demented computer could fit into Ep3.
They have enough staff to do it without delays this time around.

Oh who am I kidding.
A few sites said that it will release December, i kinda doubt it, but, im not gonna let that keep my hopes down! :D

and i heard episode 3 was already in development some time ago
I'd say at earliest I'd say this game will come out is early 2009 ;(
They mentioned once that Episode Two was the longest, something about the 2nd part of a trilogy being the meat of it. So Episode Three probably won't take as long as Episode Two did.

Late 2008, I say.
Ep3 has been in the works as long as ep2 has. The team working on ep2, after finishing it, are moving to help the ep3 team finish, as far as i've heard. So, ep3 should be out early 2008 i'd guess.
Ep3 has been in the works as long as ep2 has. The team working on ep2, after finishing it, are moving to help the ep3 team finish, as far as i've heard. So, ep3 should be out early 2008 i'd guess.

If it comes out in January I'll kiss my cat.
If it's really out so soon, why is there no trailer at the end of Episode 2 like there was at the end of Episode 1? That was a trailer nearly a year and a half early.
I have this theory that Left4Dead will end up being packaged with Episode 3's release, I dont know why, It just wouldnt surprise me, I would also be pleased if they rolled out an updated original Half-life 2 build with 3, such as the one they put in the console release.
Throughout the interview, Newell refers to the episodes as Half-Life 3, and points out that they aren't considered expansions. Whereas Half-Life was about the G-man grooming Gordon Freeman to be a hero, and 2 was about how the G-man uses his creation, the episodes (Half-Life 3) focus more on the G-man and how he reacts when he loses control of Freeman.

They best keep making hl's
People come off it, early 2009? I somehow find that impossible even for Valve considering EP3 has been getting the same amount of attention and time as EP2. Without any other games like TF2 occupying them, no source engine expansions (since they said in the commentary that EP2 was used for testing new effects to be put in EP3, except maybe the weather effects) and everyone fully working on it now, I wouldn't be suprised for an early 2008 release at the latest.

Not to mention in the commentry for EP2 when they talk about effect to used in scenes in EP3, easily sounded to me that they are very deep into EP3 at this stage. I dunno, maybe they will say nothing about it, and suprise everyone with an early release, and who knows, maybe someone will be struck by lightning on that day and they actually keep to the release date.
I wonder when the trailer will be out. Hopefuly it will be kick ass!
If it's really out so soon, why is there no trailer at the end of Episode 2 like there was at the end of Episode 1? That was a trailer nearly a year and a half early.

Because it would totaly spoil the mood of the ending.
According to Alyx, as soon as Dr Mossman made it to White Forest, she left in a helicopter to locate the borealis. Given the time between last seeing Mossman, then the time we communicate with Eli in Ep1, and the time we find the transmission, that would give us a few hours of speculation.

With that in mind, we know she didn't use a teleporter (so shes not in the artic) and taking into account of onboard fuel for helicopter; because lets face it, you don't want to venture too far from camp if you don't know where other sources of fuel will be.

I reckon the Borealis, and part of its drydock, are in the mountains North of White Forest (Close to the peak that alyx points out whilst driving)

It doesn't necessarily have to be in water (because the whole ship teleported), but looking in the video, it might be on the edge of a glacier.
Early 2008? No way Jose. I'll say Christmas 2008, maybe a tad earlier.
is it possible that Valve will release Episode 3 in 2008?
1 year from now seems reasonable right??

i can't wait to continue playing!!
According to Alyx, as soon as Dr Mossman made it to White Forest, she left in a helicopter to locate the borealis. Given the time between last seeing Mossman, then the time we communicate with Eli in Ep1, and the time we find the transmission, that would give us a few hours of speculation.

With that in mind, we know she didn't use a teleporter (so shes not in the artic) and taking into account of onboard fuel for helicopter; because lets face it, you don't want to venture too far from camp if you don't know where other sources of fuel will be.

I reckon the Borealis, and part of its drydock, are in the mountains North of White Forest (Close to the peak that alyx points out whilst driving)

It doesn't necessarily have to be in water (because the whole ship teleported), but looking in the video, it might be on the edge of a glacier.

Questionable...after all, they already had a good idea of where the Borealis was (how is beyond me) but they knew exactly where to go, they are in a bunker, it is indeed in a cold and white place...I dont see reason in taking a helicopter to land on top of a mountain in viewing distance...let alone room for a bunker and 2 helicopters...
I bet there will be combine in episode 3, but what do I know >.> ? Heh, but seriously, I'll have to go get episode 2 before I can start guessing. Luckily I'm getting it tommorow, I'm almost dieing in anticipation, and knowing that the ending is only a few clicks away (damn you youtube!) doesn't help.