Suck my balls you stupid creationists!


Aug 6, 2004
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Not that they weren't pwned so many times, but what the heck!

Oakley said that anti-evolutionists often argue that mutations, which are essential for evolution, can only eliminate traits and cannot produce new features. He goes on to
say, “Our paper shows that such claims are simply wrong. We show very clearly that specific mutational changes in a particular duplicated gene (opsin) allowed the new genes to interact with different proteins in new ways. Today, these different interactions underlie the genetic machinery of vision, which is different in various animal groups.”

Hydras are predators, and the authors speculate that they use light sensitivity in order to find prey. Hydra use opsin proteins all over their bodies, but they are concentrated in the mouth area, near the tip of the animal. Hydras have no eyes or light-receptive organs, but they have the genetic pathways to be able to sense light.

why don't creationist know when to quit?
I could live with religion (a little) but creationism is just an insult to existence.
This topic is so getting locked

but while we are here.... I dont know why people even bother arguing with religious beliefs, its almost impossible to change something that has probably been taught to them over and over from a young age. With the going trend towards more civilized and knowledgable parts of the world ditching religion the best one can hope for is that as humanity continues on its path knowledge and information will be more available to everyone and one glorious day we may look back on all religion with as much sincerity as santa and the tooth fairy.
Stupid bastards.


Sigh, even has creationist threads. I like to avoid thinking about them, they depress me.
Most of your knowledge of science comes from blind faith too you realize. The average person has probably proven very few of the fundamental laws of physics experimentally. Most people don't even understand the scientific explanation for natural phenomena, that's why religion is compelling. Basically you are told two different stories by supposed experts, except one uses words you can't understand and the other talks about a guy in the sky watching you and love and all that.

*jumps out of window*
Most of your knowledge of science comes from blind faith too you realize. The average person has probably proven very few of the fundamental laws of physics experimentally. Most people don't even understand the scientific explanation for natural phenomena, that's why religion is compelling. Basically you are told two different stories by supposed experts, except one uses words you can't understand and the other talks about a guy in the sky watching you and love and all that.

Keep going that way and we'll end up in god-damned existentialism territory.
This topic is so getting locked

but while we are here.... I dont know why people even bother arguing with religious beliefs, its almost impossible to change something that has probably been taught to them over and over from a young age. With the going trend towards more civilized and knowledgable parts of the world ditching religion the best one can hope for is that as humanity continues on its path knowledge and information will be more available to everyone and one glorious day we may look back on all religion with as much sincerity as santa and the tooth fairy.

The glorious day we all become like combine advisors?
Most of your knowledge of science comes from blind faith too you realize. The average person has probably proven very few of the fundamental laws of physics experimentally. Most people don't even understand the scientific explanation for natural phenomena, that's why religion is compelling. Basically you are told two different stories by supposed experts, except one uses words you can't understand and the other talks about a guy in the sky watching you and love and all that.

DING! Winner. Your trust in science = faith.
Illegalize creationism. Easy solution.

"What? You don't think Darwin was right? You believe in creation? Take this you deluded egocentrical loony!" *electric baton bzzzt*

Uh.. ahem. :p

Those damn Creationists wont believe it until we kill God...
Ah, I rather liked that game where you kill god.... It was an RPG, and at the end the protagonist goes "WE DON'T NEED NO GOD!" and kills god's apparation with a magic sword. That's after massacring the temple guards, the priests, and the High Priestess with a party of somewhat antisocial individuals.

Oh, and then the world ends. (But it just rollbacks to 10 years ago, and the protagonist starts his adventure, this time without the crazy loony priests and temple "Defence Contractors" trying to off you.)
DING! Winner. Your trust in science = faith.

Really? Faith = strong trust in something without evidence. Unless you really wish to question the findings of science and the very nature of evidence and reality, that can't be said for science. I trust science because it's been right time and time again. My trust in science can be backed up empirically.
Most of your knowledge of science comes from blind faith too you realize. The average person has probably proven very few of the fundamental laws of physics experimentally. Most people don't even understand the scientific explanation for natural phenomena, that's why religion is compelling. Basically you are told two different stories by supposed experts, except one uses words you can't understand and the other talks about a guy in the sky watching you and love and all that.

Faith in the scientific process is founded on the fact that science has produced real results and improved our lives drastically over the past 50 years. And the fact that you would sooner have faith in the science of aeroplanes than walk off a cliff with faith that God will catch you. It is not so much a blind faith as religion as long as you don't treat it authoratatively and approach with skeptical but interested mind.

True, you shouldn't believe everything you hear, especially with the kind of pseudoscience you hear in the news on a daily basis with a dogmatic view. You should take everything with a pinch of salt.

But you can't real compare faith in the ability of science to continue producing tangible results and to produce logical evidence based solutions to faith in novels from 1000s of years ago.
hehe...creationist apologists here got also owned. :laugh:
Believing in science is having "faith." Believing in religion is having "blind faith."

Not everyone has time to fully comprehend the science done by people who dedicate their lives to their research, but, unlike with religion, at least the evidence is there for us if we decide to try and understand it.

Also, in before lock/absinthe.
Believing in science is having "faith." Believing in religion is having "blind faith."

Not everyone has time to fully comprehend the science done by people who dedicate their lives to their research, but, unlike with religion, at least the evidence is there for us if we decide to try and understand it.

Also, in before lock/absinthe.

"blind faith" is redundant. Faith is belief without evidence, or "blind".

I would liken to being more like believing in science is having "sanity".
"blind faith" is redundant. Faith is belief without evidence, or "blind".

I would liken to being more like believing in science is having "sanity".

Faith doesnt necessarily have to mean you believe something with no evidence. We have faith in the scientists research because in the past they have typically been correct. If we dont seek out the evidence, then it is faith on our part if we still believe in it.
Nice vid delusional. I love it when christians and others come out and know what they're saying and show its not so black and white. People dont seem to realize DNA is proof of evolution and all the ways were using that understanding to apply in genetic engineering makes it as much of an applied science as the atom bomb or anything in physics. :rolleyes:
Ah, I rather liked that game where you kill god.... It was an RPG, and at the end the protagonist goes "WE DON'T NEED NO GOD!" and kills god's apparation with a magic sword. That's after massacring the temple guards, the priests, and the High Priestess with a party of somewhat antisocial individuals.

Oh, and then the world ends. (But it just rollbacks to 10 years ago, and the protagonist starts his adventure, this time without the crazy loony priests and temple "Defence Contractors" trying to off you.)

I don't know what that game is, but it sounds pretty cool.
"Suck my balls you stupid creationists!"

I see a new trend within insults coming on! Imagine Cartman using that one! :)
I cant belive how religion can be such a huge factor in a modern developed civilisation (talking about USA now)? Here in europe we laugh at american schools teaching creationism like its fact. Tbh i cant belive how people can belive in those fairy tales, its ridicilous..
Yes, all we hear in North America is how Europe is so much better and cultured, and they drive small cars on windy roads. Probably 50% of the people I have known from Europe have been very vocal about European superiority to Canada in everything, mostly they were from France, Switzerland, or Belgium. They were nice people, but it got quite annoying to always hear criticisms (about service, food, alcohol, businesses, transportation) from a visitor to your country.
Canada owns everywhere to be honest, and no, Europe is not as good as everyone says. The UK is a shit hole at the moment, the only reason I stay here is because of the music lol. The ONE decent thing about the UK.
DING! Winner. Your trust in science = faith.

Blind faith is different from faith from observation. Unless religion has given me airplanes and vaccinations which make me not die in childhood, faith in it is remarkably pointless.

I cant belive how religion can be such a huge factor in a modern developed civilisation (talking about USA now)? Here in europe we laugh at american schools teaching creationism like its fact. Tbh i cant belive how people can belive in those fairy tales, its ridicilous..

Well, you're European. Europe is a land of commies. :P

This is really one of those things which people should be more aware of, actually. I live in an Islamic country, and after hearing people say that the earth floats on rock, and there is an energy field that prevents us from reaching the moon, I would very much prefer that a bastion of scientific trust exists somewhere.
Blind faith is different from faith from observation. Unless religion has given me airplanes and vaccinations which make me not die in childhood, faith in it is remarkably pointless.

Well not everyones faith is blind you know. I know plenty of people who have "blind faith" in 'science', too.
Well not everyones faith is blind you know. I know plenty of people who have "blind faith" in 'science', too.


Better to have blind faith in science than..

No, I will not have this debate with you.
Admit it. You're just as bad as the ultra-religious.

Even if he was as bad as the ultra religious (which is irrelevant) it does not address the point of you hving faith in science rather than God when you fly on an aeroplane.
Even if he was as bad as the ultra religious (which is irrelevant) it does not address the point of you hving faith in science rather than God when you fly on an aeroplane.

Actually I have faith in the aircraft and the ground crew -- God does not exist and science does me shit with everything gets hairy.