What kind of nerds do you hate most?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Movie nerds piss me off, they call a movie shitty because it doesn't follow certain 'guidelines' that the movie community sets. Holy shit, if you enjoy a movie only if it meets certain criteria, then go kill yourself. Movies are exactly like games (which is why some gamer nerds piss me off, too), some you enjoy, and some you don't. I enjoy alot of games/movies that are considered 'shitty', and I hate alot of games that are considered good, it's how much fun you have with it, not what aspects of it are considered 'good'...

f*ck.. I want to kill all hardcore movie/game nerds..

Now your turn. Whats the worst kind of nerd? Be it Star Wars nerd, comic book nerd, anime nerd, etc, etc.
Any nerds who try to push their opinions about a particular thing they enjoy onto others that clearly have no interest in that that viewpoint, or even worse, the topic in question.

The former applies to the original post.

There's a lot of anti-religion nerds (or atheist nerds, whatever) around here, and that's fine to hold that particular viewpoint (hell, I hold the atheist viewpoint myself), but trying to push your opinion on others is not something I condone. Just try to relax and enjoy life guys, you don't need to be so concerned with how other people live their lives. If it start to DIRECTLY influence your life, then maybe it's time to speak up, otherwise, let people believe whatever they want, if that's what they want.
Any nerds who try to push their opinions about a particular thing they enjoy onto others that clearly have no interest in that that viewpoint, or even worse, the topic in question.

The former applies to the original post.

There's a lot of anti-religion nerds (or atheist nerds, whatever) around here, and that's fine to hold that particular viewpoint (hell, I hold the atheist viewpoint myself), but trying to push your opinion on others is not something I condone. Just try to relax and enjoy life guys, you don't need to be so concerned with how other people live their lives. If it start to DIRECTLY influence your life, then maybe it's time to speak up, otherwise, let people believe whatever they want, if that's what they want.

I'll agree with that. But that ranges out past nerds, but into religion and life in general. I guess that makes sense though.

And I know what you mean about the "hardcore movie" nerds. I watched a movie with a bunch of guys once, and they started asking me questions...questions that you ask after you've seen the movie 10+ times. Like, "What do you think so and so meant when he said he was going to save her?"
"uhh...he was going to save her?"
"NOOOO YOU IDIOT! He was referring to when Buddy Holly made so and so song, he was really pointing it to his drug addiction!"
Any nerds who try to push their opinions about a particular thing they enjoy onto others that clearly have no interest in that that viewpoint, or even worse, the topic in question.

The former applies to the original post.

There's a lot of anti-religion nerds (or atheist nerds, whatever) around here, and that's fine to hold that particular viewpoint (hell, I hold the atheist viewpoint myself), but trying to push your opinion on others is not something I condone. Just try to relax and enjoy life guys, you don't need to be so concerned with how other people live their lives. If it start to DIRECTLY influence your life, then maybe it's time to speak up, otherwise, let people believe whatever they want, if that's what they want.

People directly influence my life with their beliefs whenever they try to push them through politics. The religious right has the capability to directly influence my life through demands on idiotic social laws, educational reform, and religious support for policy issues. People's beliefs affect my life by creating irrational prejudices against people like me and making it virtually impossible for me to run for office or express political interest without being berated, abhorred and dismissed.

People's beliefs will affect the education of my children, the quality of my healthcare, and the progress of my nation. People's beliefs in the middle east mean extremism, which creates political turmoil, which in turn creates economic instability and global unrest. People's beliefs affect the rights of ethnic minorities, gays and women in this country.

So yes, I am and will always be affected by the beliefs of others, and I would just as soon do whatever I can to promote the most rational beliefs possible. I'm all for universal toleration, but I will not be silenced for the sake of political correctness, and I will not hesitate to ridicule beliefs which are irrational, harmful or just plain stupid.
Well actually what you guys are talking about are geeks.

Geek: person overly passionate about a certain subject: movies, computers, games etc.

Nerd: person with poor social skills.
lol - none really. Religious ones maybe.
The ones who masturbate over anything Japanese. That behavior is also common amongst anime nerds though.
The ones who masturbate over anything Japanese. That behavior is also common amongst anime nerds though.

What if I jerk off to bestiality? What category of nerd does that put me? :p
Sport Nerds.
Come on, we all hate jocks.
What if I jerk off to bestiality? What category of nerd does that put me? :p
That puts you under the category of "CyberPitz" :p

I hate (well not HATE, but get ridiculously irritated by) the following geeks:
  • Sports fanatics
  • Star Wars nerds / Trekkies
  • Mac tards
  • People who listen specifically to one genre (including subgenres) esp. metal, "happy hardcore" and similar, rap, etc.
  • Similarly, people who only play one genre of games, or watch one genre of movies, and so forth

I think the worst offenders are the ones who limit themselves in the music they listen to. And sports nerds, they're all goddamn retards. One of them, in my highschool yearbook from my graduating year, put "nerds" as his only pet peeve. It still numbs my mind to this day.
Anime is the devil. Pretty much any nerd that isn't a nerd but tries desperately to be one. Like say, plays video games for every waking minute, but totally, desperately sucks and has no idea what good games are and plays totally shit games.
Anime nerds are an obvious choice (except vegeta, plz no raep), but also I hate nerds who fail at being nerds. Theres a guy in my class (well, he was, until he failed last class HARD) who thought he was THE shit, and knew everything about computers and programming. He (hereafter refered to as Ben) would try and explain what he was doing to the teachers or the class, and nobody would have any idea what he was saying, because it made no sense. He sometimes dumbfounded our instructors when asking questions, because his terminology and thought process was so wrong that anyone who thought logically would be at a loss for words, and rendered unable to provide any response what so ever. It caused a lot of awkwardness. He also was incredibly stubborn about things he was blatantly wrong about. Example:

One of our lab instructors once asked what came after a terrabyte, and Ben said something like "tetrabyte" or something. Anyways, one of my classmates said he was wrong, and that it was a petabyte. Ben guy said that HE was "in fact, wrong" and that it was indeed a tetrabyte. There was a mini-argument, but my other classmate knew Ben well enough to know it was useless, so he shut up. The lab instructor was now confused, so another classmate (charles) googled it for proof, and found that it was indeed a petabyte.

So a few hours later, while we're outside of the lecture room waiting for our teacher, Ben came up to Charles, and told him that he was wrong earlier in lab, and that he had, and I quote, "never met anyone so pathetic that he cant even use google right."

I HATE THAT GUY. He also has dents in his forhead, which annoy me for some reason. It looks like someone picked him up with a pair of pliers when he was a baby, and it put two dents into his skull.

sorry for the rant, but srsly, i hate that guy.
I HATE THAT GUY. He also has dents in his forhead, which annoy me for some reason. It looks like someone picked him up with a pair of pliers when he was a baby, and it put two dents into his skull.
Well it sounds like someone took a crowbar to him...now where would someone get that idea?

Something you want to tell us Krynn :O?

EDIT: Sweet! 1000th post :)
Well it sounds like someone took a crowbar to him...now where would someone get that idea?

Something you want to tell us Krynn :O?

If I did it, dents in his head would be the least of his problems.
The only thing worse than an idiot is an idiot who thinks they know everything.

Oh, and those hardcore role-playing fans (you know the ones) are pretty annoying too.

Pretty much what I was gonna say.
I echo the sentiments of this post completely. The only thing worse than an idiot is an idiot who thinks they know everything.

Oh, and those hardcore role-playing fans (you know the ones) are pretty annoying too.


*Hides from Sea*

I kid, I kid.

Yeah, an idiot who thinks he knows everything is pretty annoying. :/
Nerds who create "What kind of nerds do you hate most?" threads in gaming forums.

In all seriousness, Star Wars nerds. I don't mind anime nerds, one lives right across the road from me.

Boy I've been waiting a long time to find a use for that picture.

I like most nerds. There isn't one specific category of nerds that I hate, like "star wars nerds," "video game nerds," "comic book nerds," "anime nerds"...I fall under most of those myself. There are, however, specific types of people within every fandom that I absolutely loathe.

Star Wars nerds:
I'm a nerd about Star Wars. I can tell you the difference between an Imperial class and a Victory class star destroyer, I know the names and stories of the background characters nobody gives a shit about, and all sorts of other meaningless trivia. But I'm not going to "point of order you" in a reedy voice and give you shit because you don't know who Bossk is. I'm also not going to pretend (or actually believe) there's such a thing as the force, or that I'm a jedi. Some people are TOO crazy about Star Wars. It's over anyway, folks. Move along.

Anime nerds:
You are not Japanese. Listen to me, fat white male with a neckbeard spouting off about Hayao Miyazaki's latest work or how FLCL is the greatest thing under the sun. Listen to me, reclusive nerd with the body pillow standing next to me at the doujinshi booth trying to tell me something about popular H-manga circles. Listen to me, preteen girl at the Borders bookstore who LOVES INUYASHI AND SESSHY, THEY'RE SO KAWAII DESU. Listen to me: you are not Japanese.

Anime and manga are viable forms of entertainment. I enjoy them. But I am goddamn sick and tired of hearing people with different tastes than you trying to push their shitty series on you, I am tired of people acting like they know more than you about anime like it's some kind of mark of honor, and I'm tired of hearing people use Japanese words peppered into an otherwise English sentence. It's jarring. We all know that's the only Japanese word you know, kid. GB2/Freedict, you sound like a goddamned idiot.

Video Game nerds:
Stop being an obstinate ****** and realize that other people might have different tastes in games than you. Your SHOOTAN GAEM isn't better than another f*cking shooting game. Tired of the endless flamewars between fanboys. I'm surprised this genre of nerds hasn't torn itself apart.

I read something the other day that likened video game fanboys to the classic movie monster the werewolf: a creature that is at war with itself, hating the aspects of its personality that it cannot control, and ends up lashing out at everyone else to sate its bloodthirst.

Movie nerds:
Just enjoy the goddamned movie.

And if someone else likes a different movie than you, so what? Let 'em like their goddamned movie.

Comic book nerds:


No, I think I love you guys. You guys are all alright, the whole lot of you. Most civilized nerds I've ever met. You all might as well be wearing monocles.
Nerds don't bother me. I just mock them.
Well actually what you guys are talking about are geeks.

Geek: person overly passionate about a certain subject: movies, computers, games etc.

Nerd: person with poor social skills.
I thought dorks were the anti-social ones.
It's all really hazy. Everyone has their own interpretation, and everyone assumes that the dictionary is right, but the dictionary was written by people, and thus it doesn't mean it's right.
Anime geeks of just general japanophiles, mainly for reasons Darkside stated.

Mac geeks are also quite grating. If you would like to remove your mouth from Jobs' gonads, I'd appreciate it.
I am not annoyed by people just becouse they like something, there are certain personality traits I hate however (Arrogance is one of them) and I have encountered them all in pretty much any kind of group.
"Old school" nerds of any kind. Yes, I know that 99% of modern games/movies/books/whatever suck. 99% of games/movies/books/whatever also sucked in the '80s. The fact that you refuse to remember anything other than the 1% that didn't suck doesn't make it any less true.
99% of games/movies/books/whatever also sucked in the '80s. The fact that you refuse to remember anything other than the 1% that didn't suck doesn't make it any less true.
...you have no idea what you've just done. You've made yourself a terrible enemy this day.

A terrible enemy indeed.
99% of games/movies/books/whatever also sucked in the '80s. The fact that you refuse to remember anything other than the 1% that didn't suck doesn't make it any less true.

The fact that they're in that past just makes them awesome. Period
