Rate a HL2.net Member


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
The Game and music forums have a "rate" thread, why not here?!

Rate any HL2.net member. (even me :o)

1 to 10 scale, then a brief description.


EDIT: You can't rate yourselves, you mooks.
aww... I actually wanted semi-serious-ness..

Time fer close, I s'pose.
Vegeta123 - 9/10 I misspelled his numbers because I know that will piss him off.

Pesmerga - 8/10 One of a foursome I used to hang out with in voice comms a while back. Very funny individual.

Dalamari - 8/10 Just like Pesh, he's another of the foursome. Quite funny in a very biting way.

Jnightshade - 8/10 JNightshade is the third, though I don't know him as well.

Qonfused - 8/10 Lastly Qonfused is the last of the foursome. Funny person.

Dog-- 7/10 This member is slightly lower, because I don't know him too well.

The Monkey - 8/10 Awesome member and a HL2.net Veteran

Ennui - 8/10 Only he can destroy the one ring.

Phobie - 5/10 I know I'm going to receive some very harsh criticism for this, but I have to rate this because I feel she likes to soak up the incredible amount of attention she receives from horny members. There I said it, don't hate me I'm only being honest.

DigiQ8 - 8/10 Awesome member, really impressed me when he offered me his fileplanet POTBS key, even though I only got to beta test for 1 day before they shut it all down. I have since returned the favor.

More to come as I think of names.
Phobie - 5/10 I know I'm going to receive some very harsh criticism for this, but I have to rate this because I feel she likes to soak up the incredible amount of attention she receives from horny members. There I said it, don't hate me I'm only being honest.

Dude I totally agree with you on this point!

But I'm just bitter cause I know I won't be tappin that ass.
*Jumps in thread really gay like* Hey guys! Can I be cool?!
Raziarr 10/10

Admins and mods 11/0 O SHI-
Dude I totally agree with you on this point!

But I'm just bitter cause I know I won't be tappin that ass.

do we even know what she looks like? Who knows if she truely is a woman!
do we even know what she looks like? Who knows if she truely is a woman!

Well, she's spoken in voice chat before, and has posted her picture. So it's relatively safe to say she is a woman.

I've got no problem with females being on these boards. The longer time female members don't use that as an advantage though.

I'm sure Phobie is a great person... it's just that aspect that bugs me.
do we even know what she looks like? Who knows if she truely is a woman!
She's hot. That's pretty much all anyone here needs, or wants, to know.

Raziaar: 8/10 -- Funny guy, cool to talk to, but he will sometimes seem to take things too seriously or fail to get my jokes.

Bad^Hat: ?/10 -- I don't talk to him much, but he lives in New Zealand. So that's funny.
Cyberpitz - 10/10 can't even pronounce my name, but I love him nonetheless.
Dekstar - 9.999.../10 will not always come play css with me.
Oh yeah, I forgot Stigmata.

Stigmata 8/10 Awesome member, I don't take tons much seriously anymore and I don't know what jokes he's talking about. :o

Cyberpitz 8/10 Quite a disturbed individual, but he's a forum veteran and I really respect him, though not because of that reason.
Willie - 10/10 The forum would not be the same without him.

Emporius - 0/10 ;)
CptStern 9/10 ... would be a 10 but loses a point for posting too damn often.

Dekstar 8/10 ... for looks alone.

Cyberpitz 10/10 ... necropedobeastiality rocks.

repiV - 8/10 - Honorable mention for falling off his bike once a month and still refusing to slow down. Hardcore!

Dalamari - I'll give you a 10/10 if you promise to remember I have a petrol vectra and not a diesel astra. Mkay?

Everyone from the UK gets an 11/10 by default, because ... well, because. Immigrants excluded.
lePobz: 9/10. Indiscriminate UK member love-in.

Samon: 9/10. Engages me in lengthy Half-Life Series speculation when I have work to do.

Samon: 1/10. Engages me in lengthy Half-Life Series speculation when I have work to do.

Polaris: 9/10. The other member who actually knows I exist.
Stern:7/10. Very informed, good debator, but seems somewhat pompous sometimes.

Asus:10/10. Lifesaver when it comes to PC issues.

Nemesis:7/10. Has had some great debates with Stern.

Darkside:8/10. Talented writer, likes Batman:TAS.

Kathaksung:1/10. Longest spam ever.

Shasta:2/10. Any wittiness he has displayed is overshadowed by the many times he has been a total douche to people.

More later?
If she's cool, then I see no problem with it.

It sounds like you guys don't like her at all.

Note: I don't really know who Phobie is.
Forgot to add Asus.

Asus - 10/10 Does what he does best better than anybody around. Super Troubleshooting Guru.
I'll jump on the Asus love-tub band waggon if you please. You can always count on him being the only reply in your tech-related thread, because there is never too much to say after he has promptly waltzed through.
I'll jump on the Asus love-tub band waggon if you please. You can always count on him being the only reply in your tech-related thread, because there is never too much to say after he has promptly waltzed through.

Totally agree on that one :D
W4d5Y 10/10 - His insightful, eye opening, well written, and coherent essays on the truth behind 9/11, leads me to believe that not only is he the greatest HL2.net member, but quite possibly the second coming of Christ himself. God bless you.

Oh god, I just sarcasm'd all over my keyboard.

Also 10/10 to all the American members, because America is #1.
Well, she's spoken in voice chat before, and has posted her picture. So it's relatively safe to say she is a woman.

I've got no problem with females being on these boards. The longer time female members don't use that as an advantage though.

I'm sure Phobie is a great person... it's just that aspect that bugs me.

Well aren't there like.... at least 5 other regular female users on here?
And Phobie is the only one that uses her feminimity to have men fall victim with her womanly tricks and traps?
I'm giving a big fat 0/10 to everyone who is making a big deal about female members on the forums... There's no need for it.
I'm giving a big fat 0/10 to everyone who is making a big deal about female members on the forums... There's no need for it.

I don't think anyone was. I think some were just discussing it.
Kay, you got a 0 anyway. Raziaar can have 1/10 for his dancing xmas cow, but you have no redeeming features :P

I don't think anyone was. I think some were just discussing it.
Raziaar - Phobie - 5/10 I know I'm going to receive some very harsh criticism for this, but I have to rate this because I feel she likes to soak up the incredible amount of attention she receives from horny members. There I said it, don't hate me I'm only being honest.

Pesmerga - Dude I totally agree with you on this point!

But I'm just bitter cause I know I won't be tappin that ass.

zombieturtle01 - do we even know what she looks like? Who knows if she truely is a woman!
Kay, you got a 0 anyway. Raziaar can have 1/10 for his dancing xmas cow, but you have no redeeming features :P

zombieturtle01 - do we even know what she looks like? Who knows if she truely is a woman!


I don't even see how my clearly sarcastic comment could be taken seriously, by anyone except...... the person with a hello kitty avatar

Irksome came close to making that joke. Had to be done.
xXnote2self: 8.5/10 for music, and not being a douche. Why hath thou abondoned us.
I'm only going to rate people who post above me because just posting 'person I like - TEN OUT OF TEN' is boring.

As it happens, the person above me goes up to 11.
zombieturtle01: 6/10 no matter how funny you are any time I see your name I immediately think, "Damnit, him again!"
I'm only going to rate people who post above me because just posting 'person I like - TEN OUT OF TEN' is boring.

and 6/10 for misspelled name, Dane Cook reference, and chain that places Gordon Freeman in a place other than first.