Rate a HL2.net Member

I give Pi a 10/10, because I would be like him if my testicles were harder than diamonds.
Raziaar: 10/10 - He's an awesome character with an avatar to kill for, and the only member to have rated me.
The Monkey: 9/10, good member who's been a constant presence for as long as I can really remember but no-one ever mentions him in these sorts of threads.
special mention goes to Samon, you're the light at the end of my tunnel ...now you can either interpret that as a good thing or if you're warped it'll conjure up an image of goatse :E :O :x


I also giggled in a vaguely homosexual manner.
The Monkey: 9/10, good member who's been a constant presence for as long as I can really remember but no-one ever mentions him in these sorts of threads.
Tell me about it.

Ennui: 9.5/10 - Awesome member, but I removed 0.5 because I constantly confused him with Danimal, mostly in the beginning. If he moves to Australia and marries Danimal, he will get a 10.
Samon - 10/10

I hate that ****er.
But he manages to be awesome anyway.
Clearly not enough Pesh votes.

Foxtrot - 9/10
Dalamari - 9/10
Qonfused - 9/10
JNightshade - 9/10
Dreadlord - 8/10
gh0st - 9/10
Ritz/Burn - 5/10
Letters - 10/10

Hectic Glenn - 100/100
Angry Lawyer - 9/10
Dreadlord was hilarious until he started being an asshole.
Only one name needs to be said

Samon 10/10

ah I'll throw in another one:

asuka 10/10
Well, that was strange. I just woke up about 10 minutes ago, but the first thing that entered my mind when I opened my eyes was "Shit, I forgot to rate darkside!"

So to appease and quiet my subconcious, I rate Darkside 9.5/10 because his posts are always epic... not to mention well written. 1/5 point off for knowing so much about the chans, and the people who go to them.
Krynn - 7/10 cause he called mah a newb.
Pitz - 14/10 We shared CP together.
Samon - 9/10 ;(
Darkseid- 19/14 Auto-win.
Jnightshade - Coolest name evah.
Pesh - 1/10 Fricken Hellgate newb.
Acepilotf14 said:
Jnightshade - Coolest name evah.
Haha, yeah, it does give the impression that his name is John Nightshade, which means he's either a Hellblazer-style detective or an action hero.

Ace gets 7/10, because he has confounded my low expectations of early-teenage Singaporeans (I'm not racist. Lots of my friends are from Singapore) by being actually quite funny and certainly always agreeable. Condescending high five!

EDIT: Oh fine Krynn 2/10.
He is rising in my affections. Damn him.
Azner is singaporean. I'm American.
Btw, Nightshade is from a book. :P
Oh, Azner - 10/10 :D
Sulkdodds: 9/10 cause his name is strange, and he gives me above average scores.
You guys get a universal meh rating on the Neptune scale.
Well done!
Meh, i love some of you, the rest of you are just there, but there are still some that i just don't like.

I have a list of all the names and positions locked away in a safe deposit box in the Cayman Islands :|
I feel dirty for looking at this thread, I shall scrub the filth away. *goes to take a shower*
If you signed up before HL2's release and are still here then you get an automatic 10/10. :)
Too many names to go through otherwise. :(
If you signed up before HL2's release and are still here then you get an automatic 10/10. :)
You're god damn right we do. :D

Well, that was strange. I just woke up about 10 minutes ago, but the first thing that entered my mind when I opened my eyes was "Shit, I forgot to rate darkside!"

So to appease and quiet my subconcious, I rate Darkside 9.5/10 because his posts are always epic... not to mention well written. 1/5 point off for knowing so much about the chans, and the people who go to them.
Krynn72: 3/10 -- For insisting that 0.5 and 1/5 are equal.
Goddamnit, I posted twice in this thread, and I still get no rating whatsoever. I know you all like me, but I just want to hear it.
The Brick: 8/10 -- I don't talk to you much, but you're reasonably good-natured and actually pretty funny.
AcePiolet - 10/10 Fun CP.
Pesh - 9/10 he lost a point for not talking to me recently ><
Shamrock - 5/10 He freaking rules, but he loses more points for being mean to me, then not talking to me again
Vegeta - 4/10 He told me he didn't like me, and he said he didn't have much of a reason for it.
Evo 10/10 Fkn awesome. Epic PM's ftw.
Sloth 10/10 Swapping sex stories is always fun
Digi 10/10 He's going to move to the US, and bring me a barrel of oil.
RJMC - 8/10 I think he's doing it on purpose any more
Phobe - 5/10 I hate attention whores, but she gains 5 points for helping me in the sheme incident.
The Brick - 10/10 I know I can't pronounce your damned name :p
Solaris - 10/10 God, so much fun talking to him while we're both drunk. 2girls1cup was hilarious.
Dekstar 10/10 So freaking fun to talk to
Hool10 - 10/10 I still remember the awesome days of BF2
Skaadi - 10/10 It's because of me she returned! HAHA!
TCfromBN - 10/10 Just because I don't play Guild Wars anymore, doesn't mean we can't make fun of the retarded ghost in the corner *please tell me you still remember, because I lol every now and then...*

And I gotta get back to work.
Oh shi-

CyberPitz: 10.5/10 -- Awesome and hilarious. Additional 0.5 for ridiculously hairy nipples.