Universe Appreciation Thread


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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I'm taking an astronomy course currently and I wanted to regurgitate some stuff I have learned onto the internets because I find the cosmos to be the most fascinating mystery imaginable. We are discussing the death of stars and the effects celestial bodies will have on one another during certain circumstances. What I find odd though is that we have no idea how a black hole at the center of a galaxy is formed, whether it be from multiple smaller black holes or a gradual build of inter stellar dust. It just mirrors the human mind with a sort of "you don't know shit" attitude.

I know for a fact that at least some of you are quite keen on this type of stuff so what in particular fascinates you the most about our universe?
The fact that it keeps growing, yet we don't even have an idea about how big it is, doesn't anyone else find that cool?

Also Nebulas (I think), they look cool, with their gases and colours. Red is my favorite Nebula colour.

Come to think of it.. There isn't one thing about the universe that I don't find cool.. It's so damn awesome, I mean.. C'mon!
I don't know the theory behind that, but it sounds like a retarded assumption to make. That's taking in to account that they say it's infinite then say all galaxy's and shit make up 10% of it. How the **** do you take 10% of infinity.
The universe...yes...

Yes...I feel it. The power fills me. Yes, I feel the universe within me! I am...I am a part of the cosmos! The power flows, flows through me!

Of what consequence are you now?! This planet, these people; they are NOTHING to me! The universe is power! Real, unstoppable POWER! And I am that force! I am that power! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER!

Fool! you are no longer my equal! I am more than man! MORE THAN LIFE! I...am...a...GOD! Now...you...will...KNEEL! KNEEEEEEL!
The universe...yes...

Yes...I feel it. The power fills me. Yes, I feel the universe within me! I am...I am a part of the cosmos! The power flows, flows through me!

Of what consequence are you now?! This planet, these people; they are NOTHING to me! The universe is power! Real, unstoppable POWER! And I am that force! I am that power! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER!

Fool! you are no longer my equal! I am more than man! MORE THAN LIFE! I...am...a...GOD! Now...you...will...KNEEL! KNEEEEEEL!

This matches your avatar perfectly.
Anybody remember that thread about a cosmic fireball the size of a galaxy.

That was crazy.
I like that big black thing. Uhh...

Oh yeah, space.
I remember I was reading something weird once about the theory they have of "micro-blackholes".

And it even said, if the theory was true, then micro-blackholes could actually be on our planet. Which gave way to theories on the bermuta triangle.
the idea that its infinite coupled with tiny odds of crazy shit existing. tiny times infinite equals infinite, so somewhere there are identical copies of you and me riding pink unicorns.
the idea that its infinite coupled with tiny odds of crazy shit existing. tiny times infinite equals infinite, so somewhere there are identical copies of you and me riding pink unicorns.
The amount of matter in the universe is finite, though. D:
Yep. And IIRC there will be some point when the universe expands to a level where the already existing matter 'decays' and drifts apart.
Just messing around with stuff...somehow only the existance of nothing seems natural. The existance of god, a universe, time, eternal existance, none of it makes sense but the absence of it all somehow seems so. Maybe that explains why I'm fond of being somewhat existentialist, appreciating the journey.
i can explain my fascination with space with one word: scale.
the idea that its infinite coupled with tiny odds of crazy shit existing. tiny times infinite equals infinite, so somewhere there are identical copies of you and me riding pink unicorns.

Not really. The idea behind infinite universes is that there's a universe for every possible result. Pink unicorns may or may not be possible.

Also, finite matter in an ever expanding space means that, one day, Earth will be a very, very lonely place.
I'm currently reading A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

It's the one with the pictures, so it's easier to understand haha
I'm taking an astronomy course currently and I wanted to regurgitate some stuff I have learned onto the internets because I find the cosmos to be the most fascinating mystery imaginable. We are discussing the death of stars and the effects celestial bodies will have on one another during certain circumstances. What I find odd though is that we have no idea how a black hole at the center of the Universe is formed, whether it be from multiple smaller black holes or a gradual build of inter stellar dust. It just mirrors the human mind with a sort of "you don't know shit" attitude.

I know for a fact that at least some of you are quite keen on this type of stuff so what in particular fascinates you the most about our universe?

Your mythology is interesting, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter!
One thing about black holes always fascinated me though. Since light gets sucked in as well, theoretically, time with perspective of the person viewing from a distance slows down as well. Thus, we would see person in a "paused" state just outside the whole., but he would have actually died ages ago.
True, but it's like that with stars as well. The light we are currently getting from stars outside the universe is millions of millions of millions of millions of years old, which is why astrologers are looking at them for clues regarding the creation of the universe. It takes 8minutes for the light from our sun to reach earth for example.
Neutron stars are cool.

Also, dont post gigiantic pictures like that. Link to them instead.
I like the links between space and time. Those are just too big for the human mind to comprehend.
*praises our universe*

Anything else you want to worship? Specifically?
I don't know the theory behind that, but it sounds like a retarded assumption to make. That's taking in to account that they say it's infinite then say all galaxy's and shit make up 10% of it. How the **** do you take 10% of infinity.

What? I never, not once in my post, said anything about infinite.. I just meant that it was big, and keeps growing.
the idea that its infinite coupled with tiny odds of crazy shit existing. tiny times infinite equals infinite, so somewhere there are identical copies of you and me riding pink unicorns.
the universe is infinite, crazyharij ... but matter in the universe isn't. I doubt there's an identical copy of anyone riding pink unicorns anywhere.

Personally I'm fascinated by the amount of life out there. It's arrogant and stupid to suggest we are the only intelligent life in the universe when you look at the billions of billions of solar systems out there. Granted we'll probably never see any intelligent life besides our own, but thats no reason to dismiss it.
I say we shake our fists to the universe to see if that son of bitch answer us!

*<RJMC> shakes fist to the sky*
Dog-- said:
What? I never, not once in my post, said anything about infinite.. I just meant that it was big, and keeps growing.
Ok? It's not like I quoted your post when I said that.
As Supreme Overlord of the Universe, I must admit I quite appreciate its infinity.
The hubble deep field is perhaps the most incredible thing I have seen. Yet we are seeing it billions of years ago.
Ok? It's not like I quoted your post when I said that.

Well, I just made that assumption based on the fact that I was the only one who posted a theory like that, and you replied right after my post, that you were saying that to me..