Christmas Whislist! Want and Will get.


Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
State yours HLers!

Want: Vacation to Japan and Hong Kong
Will get instead: Nintendo DS...


Will get: HL2: OB, 4GB card for my phone (plus card reader), some guitar stuff, some DVDs
Want - world domination

Will get - city domination

I Want a ..


and a...


I WILL get a ...


and a...


btw some of you guys are spoiled rotten
So far so good, gift cards arent bad. At least you won't have to line up post-xmas to return unwanted junks.
So far so good, gift cards arent bad. At least you won't have to line up post-xmas to return unwanted junks.

baby jesus would be proud that you celebrate his birth as an opportunity to participate in crass commercialism ...I guess being religious is only when it's convenient
I Want a ..


and a...


I WILL get a ...


and a...


btw some of you guys are spoiled rotten

Hey, I will buy that pad, not "get" it. So what I'm saying is I'll get the card from grandparents and such. Not really worried, since I'm 22, too old for presents.
baby jesus would be proud that you celebrate his birth as an opportunity to participate in crass commercialism ...I guess being religious is only when it's convenient

Live and let live. I believe in religion, you, apparently don't. Get out of this thread if you are not within the posted topic.
I want a new computer.
I will probably get it in may.
Don't know what I want for "Christmas". What I'd like to get in general, is dual 8800s, a couple of the best games around (after Half-Life), a 26" TFT, a water cooling system, for Manchester and Cambridge to be half an hour apart, a butler, an iPhone, some new underwear, alot more clothes, my current project at work to be complete, my ex and I to be back together, happily, a desk for my computer, world peace, and for all Christians to be proven wrong.

What I'm likely to get this holiday season is some underwear and don't know what else.

One last thing I'd wish for, is for all commercialisation for a family holiday to be taken away, and the "Jesus" behind the festival to be removed.
I was going to go to the California Superbike School in March, but due to my injury that had to be cancelled.
Don't know what I want instead, but Keeley Hazel would be a good alternative...
Ah yeah, it was you with the unfortunate accident. Almost totally forgot. And what good's a woman when you don't have any legs to use adequately?
Don't know what I want for "Christmas". What I'd like to get in general, is dual 8800s, a couple of the best games around (after Half-Life), a 26" TFT, a water cooling system, for Manchester and Cambridge to be half an hour apart, a butler, an iPhone, some new underwear, alot more clothes, my current project at work to be complete, my ex and I to be back together, happily, a desk for my computer, world peace, and for all Christians to be proven wrong.

What I'm likely to get this holiday season is some underwear and don't know what else.

One last thing I'd wish for, is for all commercialisation for a family holiday to be taken away, and the "Jesus" behind the festival to be removed.

Your ex? You got dumped? What if he/ she already slept with others? WOuld you still take her back?

Anyway, commercialization is why you have a computer, kiddo.
Ah yeah, it was you with the unfortunate accident. Almost totally forgot. And what good's a woman when you don't have any legs to use adequately?

I can't stand on one of them, but the joints still work. ;)
Having said that, the external fixation would probably be something of a turn-off.

I actually came across a picture the other day of exactly the same piece of equipment I have in my leg btw:


Just mine goes from the shin down to the ankle instead.

I actually got dates out of it yanno. Apparently having a motorcycle-related injury makes you cool. :)
Your ex? You got dumped? What if he/ she already slept with others? WOuld you still take her back?

Anyway, commercialization is why you have a computer, kiddo.

Why are you calling him kiddo? It makes you sound really pretentious, especially when commercialisation has absolutely jack shit to do with why he has a computer.
The word you're searching for is "capitalism".
want-Remington 870 wingmaster with wooden pump and stock

will get-endless brake disks and bomex front bumper

Yes, I had a girlfriend for 22 months.

You got dumped?

No, I moved to Cambridge, so we split up. Mutually. Both to our distress.

What if he/ she already slept with others?

Doesn't matter, we're not going out. And she's female. That's why she's called a girlfriend.

WOuld you still take her back?

Spell Would right. And yes, I would.

Anyway, commercialization is why you have a computer

No it's not. I didn't purchase the parts of my computer from the nearest retailer because they were advertising the latest holiday.

What are you, 30?

Be surprised I answered you sensibly.

I can't stand on one of them, but the joints still work. ;)
Having said that, the external fixation would probably be something of a turn-off.

I actually came across a picture the other day of exactly the same piece of equipment I have in my leg btw:


Just mine goes from the shin down to the ankle instead.

I actually got dates out of it yanno. Apparently having a motorcycle-related injury makes you cool. :)

That looks really awful :S. And if it gets you girls, it must be worth it :p
That looks really awful :S. And if it gets you girls, it must be worth it :p

It ain't too bad. It used to hurt like a mofo, but now it's just a mild annoyance. Aches slightly to sit up, but the pain disappears when I lie down.
The most annoying aspects are that I can't really go to sleep on my side, I can't wear normal trousers and I can't go outside in the rain (because the water would run down the pins into the bone and cause an infection) or the snow (because crutches don't work in snow).
They'll be taking it out in 6-10 weeks in favour of an internal plate, thankfully.

By the way, if it was meant to be, you'll get back together after uni (I assume that's why you're in Cambridge). Although it's not too bad of a journey via motorbike - you could probably do it in two and a half hours so long as the police don't catch you. ;)
It's more of a case of what do I need rather than want right now.

Probably won't get anything though. I don't usually.
It ain't too bad. It used to hurt like a mofo, but now it's just a mild annoyance. Aches slightly to sit up, but the pain disappears when I lie down.
The most annoying aspects are that I can't really go to sleep on my side, I can't wear normal trousers and I can't go outside in the rain (because the water would run down the pins into the bone and cause an infection) or the snow (because crutches don't work in snow).
They'll be taking it out in 6-10 weeks in favour of an internal plate, thankfully.

Urgh, I'm not sure which I'd prefer though. I know someone who had a bolt stuck in his leg due to hip problems. He didn't like it... not to put you off or anything. Hope you get better soon :imu:

By the way, if it was meant to be, you'll get back together after uni

Hope so, that's what I say anyway. And no, I'm here on a gap year - Year In Industry scheme.
Urgh, I'm not sure which I'd prefer though. I know someone who had a bolt stuck in his leg due to hip problems. He didn't like it... not to put you off or anything. Hope you get better soon :imu:

Apparently the plate is supposed to be unnoticeable, which is a good thing because they usually keep it in there for life.
I've got an appointment in the morning so hopefully I'll know a bit more. I hope that there's finally been some damn bone growth, this thing was due out in a couple of weeks but it's going to be in there somewhat longer as there was no evidence of bone growth when I had an X-ray a couple of weeks back.


Hope so, that's what I say anyway. And no, I'm here on a gap year - Year In Industry scheme.

Ah right. Well, take it as an opportunity to experience life in the affluent, moody and hostile south-east. :P
I don't really want anything for Christmas. I think there is something wrong with me.

Will get:

Series 1-8 on DVD