The unofficial art contest (discussion)


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
This contest is in no way or form sanctioned by the owners, administrators or staff of There is no prize and no entry fee. All spelling and grammatical mistakes are subject to terms and conditions.

This is the discussion thread. Entries go in the entry thread which I will create presently. Entries must be created by the entrant and can be a single image, a comic, a photograph, a painting, an animation or any other visual medium that isn't just text. Only one entry per person and the closing date is Sunday the first of Febuary 2009.

The subject is "Red & Blue". That does not mean you have to use only those colours, or those colours at all if you like. It means that the idea of "Red & Blue" must be incorperated somehow in your entry. On the closing date a voting thread will be opened and the winner will be decided by public vote.

Good luck!
Well, let me be the first to say that the contest subject SUCKS. I get enough ambiguous subjects like that as homework.

And Gordon what part of "this is the discussion thread" don't you understand?
Would you have prefered if I had said "Draw a pony" or some such?
That was fast. Funky design, though I'm not a huge fan of the abstract.
That's because I'm a lazy bastard, and I simply posted something I've made some time ago that happened to fit in the subject of this contest.
You suck.

I may make an entry. But then, I may not.
I'm mad that this isn't short story contest.
I would just enter the latest project I am currently working on into the thread but... because of this red and blue thing, I have nothing.
The winner can have a custom title, if you like. In red and blue!
Hmm...I may just do this one. Not usual I try and "force" something out but red and blue is vague enough for something interesting to form from it.
I don't actually know what I'll enter. I have one or two ideas though. Plus one thingy I'm currently working on that would fit but I'd prefer was not my entry but could be as a last resort.
I want to enter this contest. Carnally.
I would also like to submit some work. Hopefully Iĺl have the time next week.
Go ahead and hand me my custom title please.
Rizzo said:

Simple... exuberant... really a classical portrayal of neo-classical influences. Notice how the light reflects in a brilliant display of vibrant purple, the color of the Gods. It's the most aesthetically pleasing entry so far and it has my vote.
I've got one, although it's got symbolistic meaning. Really hard symbolistic meaning.
Um, how to upload pic from My Pictures plz thx.
Ok, I figured it out.

Made in TwistedBrush Pro Studio.
Phoenix's is pretty cool. I just wish it wasnt just a sketch. Come on people, the deadline is a month away, put some time into it :(
I'm drawing a nice girl (not you toaster, you're ugly).
Aw man, I thought we could only do abstract! I don't know what goes through my head sometimes.
So Sir Phoenixx submitted a picture he had already submitted to another contest like over a year ago? :p

Isn't the point of a contest with a theme like this to make something new, not resubmit old art that happens to fit the requirements... Especially one that's already been submitted to a previous contest.

Anyway, I started working on something and then my friend called me over for some Xbox

I'm drawing a simple Pyro, thought I'd do something related to TF2.
Isn't the point of a contest with a theme like this to make something new, not resubmit old art that happens to fit the requirements... Especially one that's already been submitted to a previous contest.

No. There were no requirements in this or the entry thread stating that the art had to be created after the thread was posted or made recently, only that it had to have something to do with "red vs blue" and was our own work.

And that wasn't a contest anymore since no one was picked as a "winner", the thread just died off.

Well my Pyro
I know it won't win because I've seen your other sketches.

EDIT: Sorry about the size, I forgot to re-size it :|
No. There were no requirements in this or the entry thread stating that the art had to be created after the thread was posted or made recently, only that it had to have something to do with "red vs blue" and was our own work.
Well I know it wasn't stated explicitly, but it doesn't seem to me like it needs to be :\

That's like saying it has to state that it has to be your own work, and that you can't copy off of anyone, or a million other cheap things you could do.

It just seems kind of "cheap" to me, I always viewed art contests as things that are supposed to challenge you to create something within a certain theme within a set period of time. Submitting something you made a year ago because it happens to fit the theme seems to completely miss the point entirely.

Am I seriously the only one who thinks this?

It's like, we're all here putting forth effort for the contest, and you just dig up some piece (which barely fits mind you) and submit it without even putting a milligram of effort into it, like say touching it up or updating it somehow.
I can't really see him winning the contest if everyone knows that, so whatever.
(which barely fits mind you)

How does a red-ish fireball over a blue ocean barely fit "red vs blue"?

Remus admitted his was old and I don't see you getting all bitchy over his.

If there was any kind of prize at all (like if the custom forum title offer was officially part of the contest) I might put effort into something.
I didn't notice Remus saying that. Obviously whatever I'm saying applies to anyone who is doing this.

No comments on anything else I said in my post? You're not going to bother refuting any of that?

I can hardly take you seriously if you're just going to be like that.

What does the prize have anything to do with this issue? You making a comment like that only further solidifies my low opinion of your artistic morals.

Art isn't a god damn business. It's not like you are presented with a contest and say "oh which of my works should I throw at this thing.. hmm *plucks one out* there, that does the job"

Art is about creative expression, and a contest like this is supposed to be a challenge of that.

I don't have anything else to say to you :|
I merely posted something I made before that fit with the "red vs blue" theme and all other requirements, you're acting like I posted that image to attack you or something.