Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story trailer

he's going around new york asking people with fancy suits where "our money" went.
I'm so sick of Micheal Moore. He's a terrible documentarian, and he's been skewering the genre for far too long. Everything he makes is not true documentary work. He only shoots and edits things together into what he already believes, not what he discovers. I used to like him, but I took a documentary class last semester and it really opened my eyes.
omg documentaries present opinions of the person making the documentary? YOU DONT SAY!!!

funny it's only americans who become so angry whenever Moore is discussed. the rest of us just see him for what he is: a master of "infotainment" ..about at the same level as CNN or any of the other major "infotainment" outlet

because if you people are going to accuse Moore of embellishing when he's not even a journalist what do you have to say about the real thing when they embellish something?


cuz we dont want to be hypocrites right?
in what way? I find him funny and entertaining. he's very good at what he does, because if he were not he'd be Ben Stein, who no distribution company in their right mind would touch with a 10 foot pole. so what is it? is he just too fat? too white, too ..what?
Michael Moore is a great argumentative documentary filmmaker. No, he isn't doing straight up research fieldwork type documentaries, but that's not the only kind there is - he crafts an argument about his opinion and he is damn good at it. He's such an annoying jackass, I love it. More power to him to be honest, I'll see this and I'll even go one step further and pay for the ticket.
Don't care bout the naysayers I really like moore and I'll see this :)

That actually reminds me, I still need to see sicko.
Michael Moore is a great argumentative documentary filmmaker. No, he isn't doing straight up research fieldwork type documentaries, but that's not the only kind there is - he crafts an argument about his opinion and he is damn good at it. He's such an annoying jackass, I love it. More power to him to be honest, I'll see this and I'll even go one step further and pay for the ticket.
Yes, he's damn good at it, because he's a damn good producer and editor. There is a difference.

And have you seen any films with him not in 75% of the movie? He's a huge egotist.

I'm pretty far left, so it's not that I necessarily disagree with what he says in his movies, but I completely disagree with how he makes them and tries to construe them as evidence for the truth.
Being no fan of Capitalism, this looks right up my alley...and I usually can't stand this guy. Saw the trailer at a screening of Food, Inc. in our local indie moviehaus. AWESOME film.
I'll go right ahead and say it; I don't see what the fuzz is about people hating Michael Moore as if he's worse than the holocaust or something. Sure you should take everything Michael Moore says with a pinch of salt (as if you shouldn't do that with what anyone else says), but whenever I hear people argue against what he says, I never hear any sound arguments (yes, I've seen Michael Moore Hates America). There are so many people out there that are far worse than him anyway, and I don't see these people getting half the shit that he does. In the end I find his documentaries amusing, even if he tends to edit some filmclips to his advantage (again, I don't see that many other people doing a more honest piece of work, except pherhaps if they're calling shenanigans on him to their own advantage).
At least Michael Moore's movies get people off their lazy asses and have them actually stand for a position, for or against. No one cared about outsourcing, gun laws, Iraq War lies, or health care before his movies. They have all become prophetic and it's amusing to hear people continue to say that he's been wrong (he hasn't yet).
Michael Moore's Sicko was very good, I may be from the UK but even I hate the thought of the American healthcare system, I've been prone towards living in Canada if I had the choice.
I'm so sick of Micheal Moore. He's a terrible documentarian, and he's been skewering the genre for far too long. Everything he makes is not true documentary work. He only shoots and edits things together into what he already believes, not what he discovers. I used to like him, but I took a documentary class last semester and it really opened my eyes.

Hate to break it to you but just about every documentary ever is bias. With that said though, I agree with you, he does make some bad documentaries.
I'll go right ahead and say it; I don't see what the fuzz is about people hating Michael Moore as if he's worse than the holocaust or something.

Sure you should take everything Michael Moore says with a pinch of salt (as if you shouldn't do that with what anyone else says), but whenever I hear people argue against what he says, I never hear any sound arguments (yes, I've seen Michael Moore Hates America). There are so many people out there that are far worse than him anyway, and I don't see these people getting half the shit that he does. In the end I find his documentaries amusing, even if he tends to edit some filmclips to his advantage (again, I don't see that many other people doing a more honest piece of work, except pherhaps if they're calling shenanigans on him to their own advantage).

he's worse than Hitler ..at least in the minds of many americans: he dared do an expose on guns

no really he was well liked (roger and me was a huge hit) up until bowling for columbine. some people just cant handle someone criticising firearms. it's worse than spitting on baby jesus in some circles
I agree with him on most things, but he's such an annoying douchebag.

Bowling For Columbine was a good film, but the last bit of him walking away from Heston's mansion with a big ol' pouty face with that little girl's picture in the background was ridiculous.
in what way? was the narrative poorly fleshed out? did the various plot lines not gel for you as a cohesive whole? please pray tell what you concerns around the movie are
Bowling For Columbine was a good film, but the last bit of him walking away from Heston's mansion with a big ol' pouty face with that little girl's picture in the background was ridiculous.

Have to agree on that it was rather pathetic.

I think he raises pertinent issues, but unfortunately I think he's a bit of a douche and is not really that articulate when he comes down to it, plus I dislike the fact that he deliberately dresses 'everyman'. Don't get me wrong I'm not expecting him to step it up to Hugo Boss, but dressing like a trucker, when he undoubtedly can raise his game a bit reeks of 'uniform'.
? he's a fat slob and a documentary film maker ...really did you expect prada? steven spielberg who has more freakin money than god wears shitty sneakers and a baseball hat most of the time. who cares?

criticisms against moore are getting siliier all the time

"man that gabe newell sure does pump out some awesome games, too bad I HATE him because he dresses like a slob"
in what way? was the narrative poorly fleshed out? did the various plot lines not gel for you as a cohesive whole? please pray tell what you concerns around the movie are
I don't remember it very well.

I remember it started with Iraqi kids flying kites etc. no mention of the genocide or torture.

Then he makes loads of contradictery arguments it was just awful to watch.
I don't remember it very well.

I remember it started with Iraqi kids flying kites etc. no mention of the genocide or torture.

you seem to be suggesting that the reason to invade iraq was made soley on the basis that saddam tortured and committed genocide ...which isnt even remotely true. if I remember correctly F9/11 DID criticise the reasons that were given ...like WMD or the lack of

Then he makes loads of contradictery arguments it was just awful to watch.

such as?
No one cared about outsourcing, gun laws, Iraq War lies, or health care before his movies.

thats possibly the stupidest thing i've read all day. your saying that before any of michael moores films, no-one had any of these interests at heart? fair enough, he broadened understanding by his own spin but to say no-one cared about gun laws before bowling for columbine, iraq war lies before fahrenheit or the state of their health system before sicko is pretty ****ing ignorant

good day
? he's a fat slob and a documentary film maker ...really did you expect prada? steven spielberg who has more freakin money than god wears shitty sneakers and a baseball hat most of the time. who cares?

criticisms against moore are getting siliier all the time

"man that gabe newell sure does pump out some awesome games, too bad I HATE him because he dresses like a slob"

Unlike Moore, neither Spielberg or Gabe are making documentaries. If you think Moore doesn't dress as he does simply in order to appear to his audience as an 'average Joe' you're even stupid that I'd previously suspected.
lol, he "dresses for success" ..I know I sound like I;m repeating myself but you're off your rocker Kadayi

look, here's Moore playing to his audience:




I hear he has a baseball cap, ill fitting shirt and ugly leather jacket in his briefcase for last minute changes in case his faithful fans drop in unannounced
I hear he has a baseball cap, ill fitting shirt and ugly leather jacket in his briefcase for last minute changes in case his faithful fans drop in unannounced

I'm not disputing how he dresses, day to day. I just think it somewhat bizarre that he elects to deliberately dress like a $2 bum when he's off interviewing people. I'm sure he can't be shy of a few $ these days. Would a shave, haircut and a shirt really be that much trouble once in a blue moon? Its not like he's pulling 16 hours shifts any more.
I'm not disputing how he dresses, day to day. I just think it somewhat bizarre that he elects to deliberately dress like a $2 bum when he's off interviewing people. I'm sure he can't be shy of a few $ these days. Would a shave, haircut and a shirt really be that much trouble once in a blue moon? Its not like he's pulling 16 hours shifts any more.

oh you're the stiff collar, military brush cut, clean shaven (so as not to appear to be hiding something) kinda guy huh? it would certainly up the quality of his documentaries if he looked like he just stepped out of a recruitment poster. A good haircut and a shave always translates to boxoffice success
oh you're the stiff collar, military brush cut, clean shaven (so as not to appear to be hiding something) kinda guy huh? it would certainly up the quality of his documentaries if he looked like he just stepped out of a recruitment poster. A good haircut and a shave always translates to boxoffice success

If you truly want to persuade people to your point of view, rather than pander to those who are already in agreement with you, you've got to meet them on their terms, and unfortunately that also extends to appearance. Dressing one step up from trailer trash isn't the sort of look that's likely to get a lot of right wingers bothering to give you the time of day, or take what you say seriously.
I prove my arguments SOLELY with the force of my style.
If you truly want to persuade people to your point of view, rather than pander to those who are already in agreement with you, you've got to meet them on their terms, and unfortunately that also extends to appearance. Dressing one step up from trailer trash isn't the sort of look that's likely to get a lot of right wingers bothering to give you the time of day, or take what you say seriously.

he wears ****ing dockers and golf shirts ..if that's not typical conservative wear I dont know what the **** is


notice most of the men at this hoe down are wearing dockers?


really this is silly even for you
yes because name dropping McLuhan adds any validity to your claim that Michael Moore dresses like a slob because he's trying to relate to his audience ...not because he's a slob
yes because name dropping McLuhan adds any validity to your claim that Michael Moore dresses like a slob because he's trying to relate to his audience ...not because he's a slob

Prove me wrong then old man? knock yourself out :laugh:

Yes, see Spielberg, Lucas, Jackson, Coppola...

Maybe when any of those guys are going around interviewing politicians and the like making documentaries I might see the relevance, but as they are film directors rather than documentary makers I'll reserve judgement on the worth of that statement.
what shitty directors!!!:






Prove me wrong then old man? knock yourself out :laugh:

prove what? that McLuhan didnt say "the medium is the message? if it's the idea that Moore dresses the way he does specifically to pander to his audience, then the burden of proof lies with you
The burden of proof is about a second of coherent thought.

****, you're annoying.
the solution, my fat little cherub is to put me on ignore