Trouble in Terrorist Town


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I think it's about time we stop taking over the screenshot thread for our TTT talk. Only a traitor would continue that kind of destructive behavior.

Anyway, so this thread is for Trouble in Terrorist Town.

If you don't know what Trouble in Terrorist Town is, it's a Garry's Mod game type created by an old member, and it's quite awesome.

This is where I'm going to post videos and screenshots of the game and stuff, so I don't have to keep crowding up the screenshots thread with that kind of stuff. I encourage you guys to do the same, unless you want your screenshot to be in that thread.

Mainly, this thread is to contain questions and discussion about the game mode. I feel it's far more appropriate to be here than off in the third party mods sub folder of HL2.NET, which quite honestly I never visit, and I'm not sure how many do.

If you own both Counter Strike Source and Garry's Mod, I recommend you come on down and play with us time to time. Games are usually organized in steam chat, where you can see that players are playing, right click their name and join game.

Here's some raw video footage I had from tonight, two clips of me being traitor. Not the most interesting footage or the most interesting map, but still I wanted to upload it.

Here are two videos made by Krynn, showing off a little bit of gameplay footage and the social dynamic.

If you are new to TTT, or you have played and don't yet know how to operate the DNA scanner, you are obligated to view this. I'm sick and tired of detectives not knowing how to use the damn thing. A good detective is a very valuable asset to the innocents and if you're an innocent, you should protect your detective especially when he needs to acquire DNA.
Reposting lol.

Lemme know when you guys play. Just shoot me a Steam message, I'm always online.
Xev has convinced me to buy Garry's mod so I can play with your guys. I am totally excited for it too because it looks like a blast!
Dayum, it seems like all of is getting in on this now. Awesome, its about damn time we all found a common game to play.
Make sure you guys have microphones... and use them for ****'s sake.
Wait, is Milly a member here? I thought he was just a clingy pubbie.
That's so sweet!~

I only wish the barrel thing would work out when I'm a traitor as well as it does when I'm dicking around as an innocent. I can usually kill at least 2 of you f*ckers when you decide to open fire on it with everyone else standing around while I'm chasing you and not die myself.
Also, I love how our server finally WORKS (the DNA Scanner). It makes it so much more fun to be a traitor..
Also, I love how our server finally WORKS (the DNA Scanner). It makes it so much more fun to be a traitor..

I've had to uncleanly kill detectives and the people around them precisely because the DNA scanner works now.

Wish I could have a knife AND a flare gun. Or at least having a traitor accomplice. Sliver can be my flare guy any day of the week, unless he has to use it on his own corpses.

If you're new to TTT, and even if you've played it and don't know how the DNA scanner works... you are obligated to watch this.

Basically it's like this. You find a body. You think the terrorist killed it... like especially if it's a knifed body. You select your DNA scanner. You then left click on the body(or the knife), and you have now collected DNA. You then right click with the DNA scanner still selected. This will open up the DNA scanning menu. Select the evidence that corresponds to the body that you found, and click scan. On your 3d view it will now place an icon with the last known location of the individual who killed the person you scanned. Sometimes you'll get lucky, sometimes you'll have to let it recharge and scan again, checking certain people.

However note... if an innocent happened to kill that person for whatever reason, it'll point to the innocent because it only shows whoever killed the person you scanned, and not just traitors.

The DNA scanner can also be used on weapons, but this is rarely used and less reliable, for obvious reasons that weapons sometimes change hands, and if somebody picks up the murderer's weapon, the DNA will now point to the new person who picked it up.

The exception to this is the knife. If you find a knifed body, the DNA on the body may decay, but the DNA on the knife never decays. You may need somebody to hold the body up for you so you can find where the knife is in the character model, click on it... and acquire the DNA.
To be honest, if people want to get involved it's much easier if you come to the Steam group chat room. We tend to just be chatting in there...then kick a game of TTT off on the fly and people follow us through chat.

Please do not RDM (random deathmatch), you will be warned and removed. Play the mode properly - it's really good fun when played correctly. Press F1 when you join the server to read the short 'how to play' guide. server address:
:D can't wait to play. it's fun possessing objects and scaring the hell out of people when an explosive barrel starts chasing after them
That's nothing Nomad, on rp_suo there's a cage at the top of the base which people can go in, if you posses it and starts shaking it when people are in they often get insta-killed, it's hilarious.

First time I did it, it sent the guy flying half-way across the map, and trust me, rp_suo is a big-ass map, probably one of the biggest TTT maps.
I want in on this. I've only played ~1 round with you guys, but it was decently fun.
Wish this was a downloadable mod, I always have trouble with Garry's Mod Servers.
That's nothing Nomad, on rp_suo there's a cage at the top of the base which people can go in, if you posses it and starts shaking it when people are in they often get insta-killed, it's hilarious.

First time I did it, it sent the guy flying half-way across the map, and trust me, rp_suo is a big-ass map, probably one of the biggest TTT maps.

holy shit, we gotta play that map!

I was going to join you guys, but got sidetracked by a building server. FOR THREE HOURS
this is good, but i think there are some weapon balancing issues.
Such as what?

How can you have weapon balancing issues in this game? It's not like all the weapons are supposed to be equally effective. If you find a powerful weapon, that's good for you. If you don't, then you don't.

If you're referring to the placement of the weapons on the maps, that has nothing to do with the gamemode itself. And again, it really doesn't unbalance anything since it's not like there are two "teams" and one team has better weapons than the other. Though, the traitors technically have betters weapons since they can buy knives/silenced/newton, but that's supposed to be like that because they're outnumbered.
I finally got tired of playing after an hour. I need to find out how to do the ttt_radio command. It doesn't work for me.
I don't really care for balance, but consistency. Headshots in gmod are a joke because the netcode is so shaky.
Such as what?

How can you have weapon balancing issues in this game? It's not like all the weapons are supposed to be equally effective. If you find a powerful weapon, that's good for you. If you don't, then you don't.

If you're referring to the placement of the weapons on the maps, that has nothing to do with the gamemode itself. And again, it really doesn't unbalance anything since it's not like there are two "teams" and one team has better weapons than the other. Though, the traitors technically have betters weapons since they can buy knives/silenced/newton, but that's supposed to be like that because they're outnumbered.

I dont like how it takes two shotgun blasts to the head to kill someone at point blank.
I finally got tired of playing after an hour. I need to find out how to do the ttt_radio command. It doesn't work for me.
What ttt_radio command? Did you read the instructions on the radio when you bought it? You go back into the traitor menu to play sounds on the radio.

I dont like how it takes two shotgun blasts to the head to kill someone at point blank.
That's lag. I 1shot people with the shotgun all the time.
Watch the video I made when you and I won the round. I shoot xev right in the head when he stops moving, and he turns around and I need to shoot him again. Didn't seem like lag to me.
You watch it. You're aim was a little high, so while some of the pellets hit his head, it wasn't really a clean headshot.
Looks like Wink Murder.

aka. "Killer"? Yep, definitely based on that.

Had a psyche-out mindgame in the creepy basement earlier, turned out to be Xevrex the bastard.
I took demos for each time we played, since the first time I played TTT with you guys, on Aug 11 I think. I need to compile them and upload them to YouTube soon. Good times.
Such as what?
Such as the M16 being worthless. :P

Anyway, I don't really mind inconsistently since it tends to spice things up. If you had a 100% sure fire way to get clean kills every time (outside of using a knife), there wouldn't be much cause for panic. The way you need to hastily finish people off before they blurt out your name, or taking a couple of shots because you were careless and having to explain your damage to people, just makes things more interesting.
It was fun owning 6 people on lost_temple.:)

Including 3 at once with the spiketrap.
What ttt_radio command? Did you read the instructions on the radio when you bought it? You go back into the traitor menu to play sounds on the radio.

My bad, I meant to say quickchat commands such as "I see _____" or "______ is a traitor!"

I tried changing my suit zoom to MOUSE3, but it still is kind of confusing.