Tokyo Game Show 2010

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score

Microsoft’s keynote will start at 9:30pm EST tonight Wednesday the 15th.

Just like E3 and GamesCom, Sony will stage their conference after Microsoft’s keynote at 12am EST tonight.

So with this always-exciting event just around the corner at the end of this week I thought I would make an official thread for this year for any news items that we hear about or where we can just spout off about what we want to see and what we did or didn't see, etc.

The things I am most excited for and will hopefully see:

New info on The Last Guardian (PS3)
New info on Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection (PS3)
New info on Demon's Souls 2 (PS3)
New info on Dragon Quest X (Wii)
New info on Ni no Kuni/The Another World (DS/PS3)
New info on Nintendo 3DS (despite the fact that Nintendo tends to skip TGS :()
New info on Kojima's rumored and "massive" new PS3-exclusive that will "own the show" (<--LOL, according to him supposedly).
New info on Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)
New info on Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)

There is assuredly MUCH more that I am forgetting right now, but TGS 2010 will be entertaining and surprising us all very shortly!!

Edited to show conference times more accurately. :-)
That lineup looks Godlike!

can't wait TGS is slightly better than E3 in my mind, reasons why:

hotter booth babes, better games, more action and less dull talking points
I am looking forward to the nervous dev from GT5 postponing his game yet again.
demon's souls 2 please ahmagawd
Excited about 3DS too, think I'll get it.

Somewhat interested in Demon's Souls 2 despite never playing the original.

I wonder if it'll get a TIMELY European release this time.
Only care about the Last Gudian.

care about the Last Gudian.

about the Last Gudian.

Last Gudian.


I know what you meant though so no points lost in this round. anyway that game will probably bring tears to peoples eyes.



I’m putting myself in for suicide watch i knew it would be bad but this is transcendent in how gut wrenchingly awful this is and heck DMC 4 already put me off the franchise >: (

EDIT: plus its a reboot too >_>
when's the new bad company 2 vietnam stuff being shown?
Wow, Mafia 2's apparently being shown off too, and in playable form, omgz!

And Mass Effect 2, holy shit, so hyped!

I guess the Japanese haven't gotten these titles yet, why else would they be shown off at TGS 2010?
Yay, a gameshow with actual games i'm interested in.

Last Guardian gameplay plox.
Demon's Souls 2 plox.
MGS: Rising plox.

also, ewww at that DMC reboot. Amish is prolly crying right now.
I'm hoping that Microsoft will show something on the PC side this time around, since they showed so little at PAX.


Why is everyone laughing at me?
T-6000, well they did anounce a 'reboot' of their Flight franchise, so maybe they might show some off that but I doubt it.
My dad is crying bitter tears because of the Flight Sim cancellation. He played that series since the very first one. Hopefully that Flight project isn't some noobified arcade thing.
Hahaha, the DMC character looks so bad now :laugh:

Deus Ex is my only interest thus far.
what happened in capcom offices whit dmc5

*capcom executives watch twitlight and see the girls getting frenzied about it,at arriving home sees a rap video of the early 90's* I think I got a idea

cuz seriously

Got about a few hours to get some food and relax before the MS conference, then maybe nap before the Sony conference late tonight. It's guaranteed to be BIG though, so well-worth being a little tired tomorrow. :)

I am with you guys on everything revealed so far. DMC5 is a WTF moment. "Trying to capture the essence of today's angst-ridden teens"??? Really??? NOT happy about VC3 for the PSP either. I am actually really looking forward to Yakuza vs. Zomibes though. What a bizarre and potentially awesome idea. Can't wait to hear more about games we don't even know about yet!!
So did no one else watch any live blogs of the MS keynote? I thought it was pretty boring. Began with some MGS: Rising footage that was not all that different from what was shown at E3 and no date was announced. The coolest thing for me was Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor for Kinect oddly enough from From Software. No gameplay was shown though. Big surprise that the basis for the (Kinect) game is, "What if computers disappeared?" LOL. So the exclusives they showed were all Kinect games. ZZZzzzzzz.

Sony is up next at midnight for those of us on the East Coast. Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling that they will bring more of their 'A' game.


In other news, I just read that Muramasa (Wii) and Odin Sphere (PS2) will be getting the HD-upgrade treatment as downloadable titles presumably for PSN and XBL (according to 1up). I will TOTALLY get both of them, esp. if they can up the performance of Odin Sphere during certain boss fights. :P
ugh, this motion and kinect phase is so ****ing gay.
ugh, this motion and kinect phase is so ****ing gay.
I agree with you for the most part, esp. for a game like Steel Battalion ffs. You go from having a game requiring the most complex and expensive controller on the planet to a game with no controller at all??? It should be extremely interesting to see how dumbed down it will HAVE to be for Kinect.
Biggest news from Sony's conference? From Software announces their next awesome project, Project Dark--A dark fantasy game for those who enjoyed Demon's Souls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A PS3 exclusive and for 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and The Last Guardian will be out Holiday 2011. :(

GT5 release date stays firm for early November. :)

wait...a japanese game that DO looks japanese? whit allt he over the top stuff and cliches and styles used by tons of japanese games but still liked by many?so in other words a japanese game that dont try to look like a western game?

ok is on,this game takes the crown or atleast a big chunk of it,seriously cuz whit the whole "lol japan gaming is failing" thing and japanese developers copying gears of wars and such,this does look interesting and original and have all the elements they are trying to avoid

****ing finally
yea it doesnt particularly appeal to me but thank ****ing christ they're doing something different.....well doing something the japanese were originally doing in the first place i guess >_>