Judge beating disabled daughter for downloading games causes uproar


May 5, 2004
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ok this came out earlier this week. it's a video from 2004 showing a Family Law Judge beating his daughter for downloading games/music

warning the video shows over the top abuse


reddit users track down judge, post contact info for the county court office and local police department which sparks an investigation

According to Aransas County Judge Burt Mills, police are investigating a video uploaded to YouTube that claims to show a Texas judge beating his disabled teenage daughter.

The video shows a man spanking his teenage daughter with a belt in a graphic, seven-minute ordeal.

The person who posted the video claims to be Hillary Adams, the daughter of Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams. A message posted with the clip said the girl suffers from ataxic cerebral palsy and that the beating took place in 2004 because she used the Internet to illegally download music and games that weren't available for legal purchase at the time.

When asked about the video, Adams told NBC's Andy Liscano with KRIS-TV in Corpus Christi that the incident happened years ago and that he's apologized. He added that "it's not as bad as it looks on tape" and that he's contacted the Judicial Review in Austin and that "more will come out" during the investigation.

what a douche

Heard about this on the radio today. It's so ****ing obvious that the father gets some sort of sexual gratification from it, what a piece of shit.
When asked about the video, Adams told NBC's Andy Liscano with KRIS-TV in Corpus Christi that the incident happened years ago and that he's apologized. He added that "it's not as bad as it looks on tape"
:laugh: Yeah okay, Champ.
He added that "it's not as bad as it looks on tape" and that he's contacted the Judicial Review in Austin and that "more will come out" during the investigation.

Oh, man. The camera really does add ten pounds, he looks way better in person.

Anyone watched the video? I really don't want to watch a 7 minute beating, and would rather hear what's in it.
I stomached the first minute or so. It's a guy beating his daughter with a belt, hard, while she screams and tells him to stop. It's exactly as ****ed up as it sounds.
When asked about the video, Adams told NBC's Andy Liscano with KRIS-TV in Corpus Christi that the incident happened years ago and that he's apologized. He added that "it's not as bad as it looks on tape"
:laugh: Yeah okay, Champ.

It barely hurt him at all, come on.
So they left the room after a pretty severe beating, then the dad comes back in and says something I couldn't make out which sounds like he isn't personally satisfied yet. Pretty horrifying.
I stomached the first minute or so. It's a guy beating his daughter with a belt, hard, while she screams and tells him to stop. It's exactly as ****ed up as it sounds.

Don't forget the intensely creepy "be a good girl". Guy gets off on it, disgusting.

Can't believe I saw people white-knighting this in the comments. Teaches me to read Youtube comments, I guess.
I accept that some parents may sometimes spank or belt their children. I personally wouldn't because I'm not sold on its "educational" merits, but I'm not going to dictate how parents raise their children within reason.

This was pretty savage. His point - whatever it was - was surely made just a few seconds into the beating. The rest is some kind of disgusting power trip. On the whole, the abuse itself wasn't what shocked me. What makes it particularly twisted is how he comes back a minute later for round two. Apparently the video was from 2004, so I'm suspect of the timing and reasoning of its recent release. But there's no question that its content is a prime example of terrible parenting.
I was spanked as a child, but it was only ever once and whatever I did to earn it didn't happen again, but there's a difference between a spank and abuse.
Apparently the video was from 2004, so I'm suspect of the timing and reasoning of its recent release. But there's no question that its content is a prime example of terrible parenting.

According to some comments on Reddit, she held onto the video until now because she wasn't sure what to do with it or something. She posted it after an abusive phone call from him which I guess brought it all back. Personally, I just wonder why she was filming it like that at all. Maybe she intended to catch him out, but then you'd expect she might have the follow-through to take it to the authorities. Then again, these things can be a lot more delicate than that, and he is a judge...
Yeah I was wondering why she was recording it, but then I thought that it may have happened quite often so she knew when to set it up to catch him out.
Can't bring myself to watch physical and or sexual abuse. I'll pass - but this is ****ing disgusting and I hope he gets put away for a long time.
I was spanked as a child, but it was only ever once and whatever I did to earn it didn't happen again, but there's a difference between a spank and abuse.

My dad used to beat me with one of his slippers if I stepped out of what he considered good behaviour. Answering back was a regular one. Although at worst it was probably 30 seconds of it as opposed to 7 minutes.

The best part is that if he started to take his slipper off, I'd leg it up the stairs and he would throw it after me, which connected quite a few times.

I'll be damned if I ever hit my future kids though. Not that it's legal anymore where I am anyway. But still.

Definitely no need for this shit, though, Goddamn.
According to some comments on Reddit, she held onto the video until now because she wasn't sure what to do with it or something. She posted it after an abusive phone call from him which I guess brought it all back. Personally, I just wonder why she was filming it like that at all. Maybe she intended to catch him out, but then you'd expect she might have the follow-through to take it to the authorities. Then again, these things can be a lot more delicate than that, and he is a judge...

filming it would prove the alligations whereas simply saying she was abused when your father is a FAMILY LAW JUDGE might be a little hard to prove. she hung on to the tape because according to her twitter account her father's abuse was getting worse and she didnt want her sister to endure it any more

"It did happen regularly, for a period of time, and I could tell, because of the pattern, that things were escalating again,"

also he's a douchebag:

"She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the car back, in a nutshell, but yeah, that's me. I lost my temper," Adams told the station. "Her mother was there, she wasn't hurt ... it was a long time ago ... I really don't want to get into this right now because as you can see my life's been made very difficult over this child."
filming it would prove the alligations whereas simply saying she was abused when your father is a FAMILY LAW JUDGE might be a little hard to prove. she hung on to the tape because according to her twitter account her father's abuse was getting worse and she didnt want her sister to endure it any more

Ah okay, thanks for clarifying.

And yeah the guy sounds completely remorseless. You know, the kind of behaviour a judge would frown upon if it was coming from a defendant.
"My life's been made very difficult over this child."
And yeah the guy sounds completely remorseless. You know, the kind of behaviour a judge would frown upon if it was coming from a defendant.

So much this. Dude's a wank.
Not much you can say about that. I have a bit of sympathy for him though, living with the disabled can be frustrating. I don't now how people do it for years and years. Would be good to hear the whole story.
Frustrating, sure...but most of us can deal with our frustration without resorting to violence.
Not much you can say about that. I have a bit of sympathy for him though, living with the disabled can be frustrating. I don't now how people do it for years and years. Would be good to hear the whole story.

If you are joking you really need to work on making that more apparent.
There is absolutely no excuse for putting a child through that, disabled or not.
I have a few relatives whose children were, to put it nicely, a challenge growing up. I never got the impression that any of them laid a hand on their kids, they were simply very stern and knew how to take it in stride. Part of the reason that was obvious to me is that they ****ing loved them and cared about their well being. Hearing the judge refer to his daughter as "that child" has me questioning that about him, and the severity of the abuse has me questioning his mental stability.
Stuff like this only reinforces my hatred for TX, especially since nothing is coming of it.

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Not much you can say about that. I have a bit of sympathy for him though, living with the disabled can be frustrating. I don't now how people do it for years and years. Would be good to hear the whole story.

Sigh!....... No I'm not condoning the action. But I can see how years of dealing with the disabled would affect someone prone to violence. The whole "well they just shouldn't do it attitude" doesn't work because there will always be a few people in that situation. This is exacerbated when these people feel like they are left all alone, usually ending any type of balance in their life.
She may have that defect but it's not like she can't walk or something...honestly it looks like she released this Video because Her Benz got taken away but that doesn't negate the awful beating though....mhm
She may have that defect but it's not like she can't walk or something...

really? are you really playing down her cerebral palsy because she's not confined to a wheelchair?
Well according to her Dad she is physically very capable...And I didn't mean to play it down it just seems like putting that in the Vid description was kinda a cheap shot or at least it seems that way.
She seems to do fine working at GameStop as well.I haven't seen her with crutches or anything in Interviews either.
That is so not cool. No, he shouldn't be going at her like that whether she's disabled or not but the fact that she IS disabled (whether her dad describes her as "physically very capable" or not) makes it worse because she's more of a weak target.

IMO, dude was power-tripping at her and her having a disability made it easier for him. It's not like it's irrelevant.
Well according to her Dad she is physically very capable...And I didn't mean to play it down it just seems like putting that in the Vid description was kinda a cheap shot or at least it seems that way.
She seems to do fine working at GameStop as well.I haven't seen her with crutches or anything in Interviews either.

ya herd working at gamestop is physically demanding and again you're kinda saying she's not that disabled as she doesnt even need crutches.

ataxic cerebral palsy: Ataxia type symptoms can be caused by damage to the cerebellum. The forms of ataxia are less common types of cerebral palsy, occurring in at most 10% of all cases.[citation needed] Some of these individuals have hypotonia and tremors. Motor skills such as writing, typing, or using scissors might be affected, as well as balance, especially while walking. It is common for individuals to have difficulty with visual and/or auditory processing.
She may have that defect but it's not like she can't walk or something...honestly it looks like she released this Video because Her Benz got taken away but that doesn't negate the awful beating though....mhm

A father that savagely beats his daughter in anger winds up with a vindictive bitch for a daughter? Nooooo! Color me surprised.

Regardless of WHY she released the video, it makes ZERO difference... his beating of her is no more or less relevant, as stated.
She may have that defect but it's not like she can't walk or something...honestly it looks like she released this Video because Her Benz got taken away but that doesn't negate the awful beating though....mhm

You're actually literally a terrible person.
She may have that defect but it's not like she can't walk or something...honestly it looks like she released this Video because Her Benz got taken away but that doesn't negate the awful beating though....mhm
Yeah I hear you, I wouldn't give her a close parking space to my house until polio took a leg or two.
I don't care if she's a bed ridden cripple or a marathon sprinter that spends her weeks benching twice her body weight in boulders, it's not right to beat another human being. It's sick and twisted.