Shrek 2 vs. The Passion of the Christ box-office?

ok i did sum research the guy in passion of the christ lived 2000 years ago and he was really torutred so it is a true story. so i was right about that. here is what you have to look at when you decide..

passion of the christ=

real language= yes
vioelnce= yes
blood= yes
true story= yes
hot girls= yes

shrek two=

real language= no
vioelnce= no
blood= no
true story= no
hot girls= no

thats what it b0ils down to. plus u have to k33p in mind that mostly children will go to shrek two and not many children have the money for a m0vie but mostly adults will see passion of the christ and adults usually have the money so u have t0 think about that.

if u go with shrek two u lose the bet. period.
real language- Who gives a ****? reading the subtitles ruin it for me
violence-...doesn't make a better movie
blood-I could just poke myself(That's even MORE REAL!!!!:D:D:D:D)
hot girls-in Passion of the Christ?
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
if u go with shrek two u lose the bet. period.

How 'bout you go suck my nuts???
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
real language= no

english isn't a real language? or do you mean that the donkey oughtta do nothing but make snorting donkey noises and shrek should... uh... make ogre noises? right.....

[edit] and "true story".... what's so wrong with fiction? if "true stories" always were the most popular, then according to you, biographies and textbooks and all nonfiction books would be more popular than fiction, because who cares about that stuff, it's not real.... and what about video games, hmm, well.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
ok i did sum research the guy in passion of the christ lived 2000 years ago and he was really torutred so it is a true story.

You did some research on the "guy"? :LOL:
well i culd see that the subtitles would be a problem if u read like a half blind autistic retarded four year old.

violence and blood does matter bloody violent movies will always make more money look at lord of the rings look at all the violence and look at how much money it made.
/me looks in Finding Nemo's direction...

That made a lot of moneys... right? (yes) FISHIES! And it was funny. :)
and passion of the christ had hot gilrs monica balluchi anyone?? that roman ch1ck is hot too very shaggable.

if u rather watch a kiddie movie with talking animals and green people with no violence or blood and not in the real language then fine go watch it. but if u bet it will make more money than passion of the christ u will lose big t1me.
Yes, violent films always make more money.

*cough*Kill Bill*cough*Titanic*cough*
titanic had a ton of killing. like a million people that were on the ship died when it sunk thats why its so popular it has more killing than killbill even.
oh yeah, the violence of titanic. remember that scene where the guy took out a gun and shot at the guy... and missed.... ooh, violence! and everybody went to see titanic because they just couldn't wait to see drowned people for about 5 minutes of a 2 (or was it 3?) hour long film.
If Shrek 2 wins, infiltrator eats his own poo. If Passion of the Christ wins, I suck my own dick.
i didnt like the first shrek movie, i was forced to watch it at school.
i thought it was pretty corny, had a chuckle or two during the entire movie, i didnt think it was funny, wow some nice cgs. but so is every other movie. it was pretty dull. i think it's more for 7 year old kids. than for teens/adults.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
well i culd see that the subtitles would be a problem if u read like a half blind autistic retarded four year old.

violence and blood does matter bloody violent movies will always make more money look at lord of the rings look at all the violence and look at how much money it made.
Get your shit straight!
LOTR would have made money either way. Take out the gore and violence and it still would have been seen by the 150 million nerds( like me) who bought and readthe books. Whats with this real language crap u keep pulling out of nowhere, I could name 1000 great movies that were done in english ( LOTR, Ben Hur, Sparticus, Star wars, All quite on the western front and it goes on!!!). And your refering to POChrist like its an action film...duh its violent...duh I like it...duh. You've got to be pretty sick to say " hey you want to go see jesus get crusified again!!!!!!!!!!, that was awesome would practically skinned him alive." NO you see TPOC for its story.
Star Wars was done in english and it became one of the most highest grossing films ever...still 1st I think...and that was what, like 27 years ago?