Recent content by 82ross

  1. 82ross

    it there a .bsp decompiler out there

    WinBSPC it was called.
  2. 82ross

    trigger respawn of func_breakable ?

    Not sure about respawning. Maybe you could make the floor a trapdoor, split in half and hinged either side. When you shoot it it opens and you fall. After a short delay it closes again. Or you could make two blocks in the same floorspace. One the block you see which will allow the player to...
  3. 82ross

    dickheads who spray disgusting images

    I agree. Its ok running around shooting people in the face, happy you just killed someone then get pissed off when you see someones "Ratemypoo" picture. Just dont pay any attention. The only occasion it would bother me is if small children in the same room caught a glimpse. But heh...
  4. 82ross

    VERY FUNNY PICTURES i took from CS:S! With Captions!!

    Or that the pictures werent that funny? Some of them were good. I think the self praising topic put some people off. Im not saying you meant it that way but it looks like "Hey everyone, come and see how funny i am!" Now ill go back to being a grouch :P
  5. 82ross

    de, awp, fy?

    theres also as_* (assassinate maps) es_* (escape maps) fy_ does = ****you!
  6. 82ross

    Did VIP maps get the boot?

    AS maps are very much still part of CS imo, i think they will eventually get round to it in CS:S. I think its just a case of time consuming map making rather than coding. ES maps should come back aswell deffo.
  7. 82ross

    Silver Scout Skin (normal mapped)

    I can :), looks nice. You should put a comparison pic up aswell.
  8. 82ross

    The true meaning of "combine"...

    I reckon its just the big fortress. "Ive got a brand new combine harvester and ill give you the key" ^Worst song ever.
  9. 82ross

    CS:S Office - SOUNDFIX

    Usually a sound for flies isnt it?
  10. 82ross

    Console commands for "0" hits

    Why are you worried? Its just a bug in the stats you are actually being hit.
  11. 82ross

    How do I enable Parallax Mapping?

    Another link with some pics this time. The edit button has dissapeaered! EDIT: Wierd i can edit this but not the one above. :) Must be a time and date thing ;)
  12. 82ross

    How do I enable Parallax Mapping? Its pretty nice stuff.
  13. 82ross

    Which map would you most like to see in the next CS:S Update?

    Inferno for me. Great map.
  14. 82ross

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    Hardly anyone will buy CS at all anymore. CSS is the new thing and to get that you buy HL2. From a business POV Valve would be idiotic to not make CS2, a product they intend to sell individually as a stand alone game (besides steam like :)).
  15. 82ross

    Something HAS to be done about certain sprays!

    People like you are the reason they do it. They do it to piss people off, they get a "kick" out of it. And when people react and write the longest paragraph in the world (jk ;)) fuming at it, they chuckle. The more you get pissed off the more fun they have. Its a form of "raging". A hobby of...