Recent content by BaNDiT

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    Comp cant load CD ROM Drives

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    Comp cant load CD ROM Drives

    i cant find any drivers for the drives, and what do you mean reinstalling IDE drivers??
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    Comp cant load CD ROM Drives

    Hey, randomly my computer stopped loading the cd drives. I go to hardware manager and it has exclamation marks above both drives. When i double click on this this is what it says: Device status: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or...
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    this is what im lookin at... can someone tell me what they think of it; thanks. Edit: i also noticed that the thing is 4x5 inches of room. how does that work? i mean what if im drawin somethin bigger?
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    thanks, you can close this thread if u want.
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    Hey, i was wondering what kind of drawing tablets you recommended. thanks!
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    CR0M's Artwork (week long paintings)

    those are amazing. what brush are you using?
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    Installing with out an internet connection.

    no, you need steam. but supposedly gabe said they will change this soon somehow.
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    thats what i was thinking. i like the metal look. would it be possible to make one from water that splashes when it gets shot instead of blood squirting?
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    Barney Gultch on Fileplanet

    this is gonna be dirty when its done!
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    followin freeman help

    Im at the part when you get outside of a building and this giant laser beam is shooting you from above. Barney says , "youre not gonna hurt that thign from down here, we have to get inside" or some shit, and i dont know where to go. ive ran around looking for shit to do, but i cant find...
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    Entanglement help

    Hey im on entangelment, and i need some help. im at the place where you have to set up 3 turrets to guard you, and i cannot get past it. can you guys give me some strategies? thanks.
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    BaNDiTs Art Thread (W.I.P and Finished)

    thanks for the comments. ill try to finish it soon, but i usually dont have much time to work on it. so far im done w/ the shirt, and a little more, but im not gonna post it till its complete.
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    BaNDiTs Art Thread (W.I.P and Finished)

    Hey, i saw Dark Elfs insane thread and decided to start up my own where i can just post all my art crap. Anyways, i started painting on my comp yesterday and have some W.I.Ps to show you: Comment on them please. I will also put down some drawings i have made from boredom. Comments please...
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    What do i need to get started?

    thanks dark elf! i was hoping you would reply because ive seen some of your work and its amazing. i really like your style.