Hey, randomly my computer stopped loading the cd drives. I go to hardware manager and it has exclamation marks above both drives. When i double click on this this is what it says:
Device status:
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or...
this is what im lookin at... can someone tell me what they think of it; thanks.
Edit: i also noticed that the thing is 4x5 inches of room. how does that work? i mean what if im drawin somethin bigger?
thats what i was thinking. i like the metal look. would it be possible to make one from water that splashes when it gets shot instead of blood squirting?
Im at the part when you get outside of a building and this giant laser beam is shooting you from above. Barney says , "youre not gonna hurt that thign from down here, we have to get inside" or some shit, and i dont know where to go. ive ran around looking for shit to do, but i cant find...
Hey im on entangelment, and i need some help. im at the place where you have to set up 3 turrets to guard you, and i cannot get past it. can you guys give me some strategies? thanks.
thanks for the comments. ill try to finish it soon, but i usually dont have much time to work on it. so far im done w/ the shirt, and a little more, but im not gonna post it till its complete.
Hey, i saw Dark Elfs insane thread and decided to start up my own where i can just post all my art crap. Anyways, i started painting on my comp yesterday and have some W.I.Ps to show you: Comment on them please. I will also put down some drawings i have made from boredom. Comments please...