Recent content by Braska

  1. B

    Your feelings on assault

    I really like it. I liked the old assault as well. Sure, it's still a nearly DM-Style map on public servers, but hey, it's assault, it's supposed to be like that. I have no problem with the T's having a big advantage, for me that is what it's about.
  2. B

    Live Action City 17 Video Released

    I could swear this was filmed in Cologne, Germany... I just asked in the Ghostops forum if it's true, but I am quite sure I know where this is ;)
  3. B

    Black Mesa: Source Updates

    Yay they are also remaking dm_bounce!!! :)
  4. B

    Weird Bug

    I had this happening already before to update from time to time. The view was if I was crouched, and my steps made nearly no sound (like crouching), but I was able to run at normal speed. Unfortunately I have no idea if my player model was crouched or standing...
  5. B

    DM_Depot RC2Preview(Big update-56k warning)

    The map has some really good visuals. :) Can't wait to see if the gameplay keeps up :sniper:
  6. B

    HDR Bloom Mod Released

    What about that cell shading effect someone spoke about? How do you activate it?
  7. B

    all headcrab lovers and headcrab related things

    I thought that the final phase of a headcrab IS Gonarch, so that each headcrab would become like it when it has fully evolved. Obviously, most headcrabs don't reach that state or Gordon would have a problem :x
  8. B

    Drop Your Weapons!

    What about the helicopter? Are you gonna crowbar that thing apart? You have to use the gun on the boat at that point...
  9. B

    HLDM like cartoon...

    Sometimes I get the fullbright error, which means every map is completely highlighted without any usual light sources or anything. I would consider this cheating as well, but I guess you could get this working via the console as well, because it sometimes happens by itself... I hope Valve fixes...
  10. B

    Can you play LAN games with only one game?

    Inet support is unimportant to me, it's only about those 2 PC's in a Lan. Thanks for helping me out, now I know it's worth the effort :cheers:
  11. B

    Can you play LAN games with only one game?

    Well, the topic nearly says it all. I wanted to know if it is possible to install my version of HL2 on the computer of my brother, update it there and then play in LAN against him (with Steam in Offline-mode). Has anyone tried this out already?
  12. B

    Spawn Kills

    The difference in HL2DM to other games is that you spawn with quite a lot of weapons, especially the SMG which is quite powerful. Thus I think spawn killing is permitted, as the person who just spawned has quite a good chance to kill you as well. In other games you usually just have a pistol, so...
  13. B

    Duke Nukem 3D Mod CANCELLED

    I bet 3dRealms were just doing the same thing as these Mod-Guys and wanted to release it as Duke Nukem 4 ever :p So the Mod had just stolen their ideas :D
  14. B

    Weekly Status Updates

    Why do they only develop new CS:S maps? I want more maps for HL2DM!!!
  15. B

    16-bit vs. 32-bit

    On modern graphic cards it should make nearly no difference in performance if you choose 16 or 32 bit, so go for 32 :)