Recent content by Krynn72

  1. Krynn72

    I made contact with a DEMON?!

    DEMON sneaky and mean, spider inside my dreams, I think I love you. You make me wanna cry, you make me wanna die, I love you I love you I love you, DEMON.
  2. Krynn72

    Long time...

    They better ****in' not. 2004 me was a dumbass.
  3. Krynn72

    Are you a CCD (College Confidence Guy): Read

    Right? Who posts broken image links like that?
  4. Krynn72

    2023 CHECK IN

    This is my occasional check in to make sure you're doing the insanity thing. Keep up the good work. Happy birthday 3 months ago.
  5. Krynn72


    Yes, I beat it already. I give it six out of seven biozeminades.
  6. Krynn72

    Forum Artifact Preservation Project

    I looked through all the images again when Danimal bumped this too. Great stuff in there. Also I saw Saturos' pic which reminded me of Dragons and racism and the good times we had ****ing with that dude.
  7. Krynn72

    2023 CHECK IN

    I stand by everything I said! Unless I was wrong, then I don't stand by that particular statement! I think I joined in 04, which would put me at either 17/18 at the time. I don't know how much my world view has changed since, but I know helped me branch out my perspective with so many...
  8. Krynn72

    whats your favorite weaon in the hald life series?

    Are there any guns that make you feel like you're poopin'?
  9. Krynn72

    The hat comes off the dog over my dead body.

    The hat comes off the dog over my dead body.
  10. Krynn72

    2023 CHECK IN

    I appreciate that this old gal is still getting that sort of attention.
  11. Krynn72

    whats your favorite weaon in the hald life series?

    i liek the nade launcher on teh SMG cuz it reminds me of when im on the toilet
  12. Krynn72

    US Election: I know this place is dead but...?

    Yep, they did more than I expected them to be able to. Same sex marriage is still safe like I thought it would be, I do still believe that ship has sailed for the most part and I don't think the US at large will ever go back to it being illegal. The LGB seem to be pretty secure, people making...
  13. Krynn72

    Closing out 2022 with some friends

    I know :( Life has not been stable. I also got lost access to my original discord account where I was in the group there. I probably should have reached out to rejoin when I finally made a new account, but I felt weird after so long.
  14. Krynn72

    2023 CHECK IN

    I pop around every now and then to make sure you're still talking to yourself.
  15. Krynn72

    Closing out 2022 with some friends

    Red rope powerups lmao. Had a good laugh when Sliv hit the elevator too haha. Surprised so many people are still around for a get together like this.