DEMON sneaky and mean, spider inside my dreams, I think I love you. You make me wanna cry, you make me wanna die, I love you I love you I love you, DEMON.
I looked through all the images again when Danimal bumped this too. Great stuff in there. Also I saw Saturos' pic which reminded me of Dragons and racism and the good times we had ****ing with that dude.
I stand by everything I said!
Unless I was wrong, then I don't stand by that particular statement!
I think I joined in 04, which would put me at either 17/18 at the time. I don't know how much my world view has changed since, but I know helped me branch out my perspective with so many...
Yep, they did more than I expected them to be able to. Same sex marriage is still safe like I thought it would be, I do still believe that ship has sailed for the most part and I don't think the US at large will ever go back to it being illegal. The LGB seem to be pretty secure, people making...
I know :( Life has not been stable. I also got lost access to my original discord account where I was in the group there. I probably should have reached out to rejoin when I finally made a new account, but I felt weird after so long.