Recent content by Raziaar

  1. Raziaar

    Forum Artifact Preservation Project

    Oh my sweet summer child.
  2. Raziaar

    Long time...

    So uh... Hey. Need a new friend? Heh heh.
  3. Raziaar

    Long time...

    They don't exist. This is all a poorly constructed façade built from the combined delusions of the greater consciousness of members that once formed this community.
  4. Raziaar

    2023 CHECK IN

  5. Raziaar

    2023 CHECK IN

    It's forever the holiday season.
  6. Raziaar

    2023 CHECK IN

    You have to stop.
  7. Raziaar

    Most memorable characters on

    Just wanna let you all know, you're still in my heart, in my mind.
  8. Raziaar

    2023 CHECK IN

    I was an adult when I joined, but my whole perspective on the world changed from what it was when I joined to what it is now. made me a better person, honestly.
  9. Raziaar

    2023 CHECK IN

    I'm still invested in it too, I want that database! I'll buy it! Just the public posts of course!
  10. Raziaar

    US Election: I know this place is dead but...?

    Trump was a nightmare, Biden is just trying to maintain the awful status quo we had before Trump. Gas prices are irrelevant imo, and not controlled by US presidents.
  11. Raziaar

    US Election: I know this place is dead but...?

    Oof, if only you were right. It's like we've entered a golden age of batshit insane regressivism.
  12. Raziaar

    Who do I have to blow to get a copy of the database?

    I'm reviving this, still fully with the intention of getting that database.
  13. Raziaar

    Closing out 2022 with some friends

    I still think about them both on at least a yearly basis, if not more regularly. I wasn't good friends with them, I just felt a connection to them like I do everybody else on this forum at the time.
  14. Raziaar

    Closing out 2022 with some friends

    We're all like ships passing in the night now.