In case this drops down the page - although looking at the state of activity here, that might not be for years - a quick note.
I read this again today because I got an email about it. It was maybe about a 5% chance I actually read the email. But I did read the email and I did click the link and...
er... *looks nervously around at* noo...
(I mean I'm sorry to hear you've had a shit time; it is not nice to leave one's adolescence and immediately step on a mine)
I understand, and I am sorry, and I am glad
Thanks! The latter. Check my Twitter account for blog link though I've written various other stuff for Actual Publications. I did make a Twine game but only my dad is allowed to see it. Ohio mostly, Pennsylvania and New York City.
People often revile social media for its binary, corporate-controlled 'likes', which reduce all feeling, preference, expression and thankfulness into a simple symbol, a checkbox, perfect for assimilation by idea-counting machine algorithms which, given this reduced form of data, can knit instant...
RYANHAIR: sorry I forgot! I ain't staying but sounds like the puzzle agent switcheroo was for the best as I guess me forgetting to redeem the code is evidence I probably wouldn't have gotten around to playing it :P thank you tho!
I 'liked' a post on is ****ed up, man...wait, are we still swear filtered?
EIJIT: congratulations! toaster's cat is the opposite. she was an indoor cat but then escaped and now she's just allowed to roam around outside.
UNOZERO: sorry to hear about the drug test! while...
oh, I'm not 'back' really, I just popped round literally to see if anyone was misgendering Chelsea Manning in the Politics forum so that I could rise from the grave to call them a human turd
then I noticed I'd been a member for ten years (!!!!!!) and thought I'd say hi!
Man you guys are crazy. TDKR was a complete mess. 4/10 for trying.
I know I'm supposed to explain more about why I say this, but I mean, there is so much. There is so much stuff. The plot was a mishmash of irrelevant asides, pointless wheels-within-wheels and gaping holes. The pacing was...
Thanks. Yeah, in both Deus Ex and Watch Dogs the simulation of hacking is not so very different from the simulation of lockpicking or magic or something, especially in terms of its high-level function in the rules (i.e. a way to manipulate things, you can either find a 'key' or 'break' it based...
New post! Riffing on two recent articles from The New Inquiry about the myth of 'cyberspace' and how we perceive the internet, I analyze the recently-released trailer for Watch Dogs alongside 2001's Uplink, contending that the these games represent two milestones in the history of the internet...