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  • I'm sure you know this, but I was using "old" in the sense that it's been posted a million times and no longer has value because it's not funny anymore.

    Where-as the images I posted, while perhaps comparatively old time-wise, are not actually washed up and boring.

    And I didn't hotlink :)
    Well they're petty washed-up to me!
    hah that's pretty awesome. I'd enrol in his class just to see the lamentations of the school girls
    lol at politicians trying to be culturally current with their rickroll meme. pretty funny though
    Just curious. You're quiet into the series after all and I was very surprised when I discovered it existed and haven't ever talked to someone who'd played it.
    Is your pet hedgehog an African Pygmy hedgehog? They are soooo cute, I want it!!! If I had a pet hedgehog I'd name it Tiggi!
    Gone just press the block button if you dont like me, you'd save yourself a hand sprain. You know like for the lulz,

    Be done with it.
    Appreciate the birthday wishes, and thanks for including me in the Birthday thread! (normally mine gets overshadowed by Samons :p)
    So I posted two sets of pictures today and you harassed me for both of them. I don't know what you're getting at here but I'm not interested!
    I'm not really sure, I thought you were trolling. I misunderstood if not. I was just heading off anyway, sorry if I irked you.
    You live in Glasgow? It says you're from Northern Ireland! What part do you reign from at the moment? I live in oh so middleclass Jordanhill.
    So long and thanks for all the fish
    So sad that it should come to this
    We tried to warn you all but oh dear?
    You may not share our intellect
    Which might explain your disrespect
    For all the natural wonders that
    grow around you
    So long, so long and thanks
    for all the fish
    The world's about to be destroyed
    There's no point getting all annoyed
    Lie back and let the planet dissolve
    Despite those nets of tuna fleets
    We thought that most of you were sweet
    Especially tiny tots and your
    pregnant women
    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long and thanks
    for all the fish
    So long and thanks for all the fish
    So sad that it should come to this
    We tried to warn you all but oh dear?
    (oh dear)
    Despite those nets of tuna fleets
    We thought that most of you were sweet
    Especially tiny tots and your
    pregnant women So long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long and thanks
    for all the fish
    So I see you hate me for reasons you explained throroughly and that I understand perfectly.

    I don't blame you. I hate me too, and me and me and me and...
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