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  • Yeah, I checked it today before I even saw your message on here. Thanks man, you did make my day!

    I pretty much never go in the music forum, that's what took me so long to get to looking in it again.

    Also you said almost exactly the same thing about my profile the last time you wrote on it.
    Whoa haha, calm down, that's not my opinion, that superman thing is a quote from the second Kill Bill movie. Chill man.
    I was originally going to comment on how awful the page looks, but one look at the conversation below had me laughing out of control. :laugh:
    Sorry mate, didn't had the chance yet. My paycheck isn't in yet so...but it's on the list.
    50$ seems kinda pricey considering is sells as low as 20$?
    I got one from KA too. Which surprised me. Of all the mods I expected him to turn a blind eye. In fact the only people I ever anticipate getting infractions from for bypassing the word filter are Pi and Fishbulb.
    Most of the time the mods seem to grant me leniency. They send me an infraction every now-and-then to keep up appearances.
    Hah, it was doomed already. I just gloat.

    Deserved to die anyway, spammiest pos thread on the forums.
    Your free to join in with us in second life. just go dl it, its free and only 60 mb client. then let me know what your name is and We'll join up with you.
    I play bass and sing, though I don't think I sang in any of those songs... actually blew is a cover of Nirvana, and shouldn't be up there, but meh.
    No one has swooooned my yet. Swept me off my feet, you know?

    In other words, probably yes. But I'm seeing what Pesh is doing. Try and hire him too! :D
    Man I've been on a crazy ass befriending spree tonight. So many damn oldeys that I didn't have on my friends list before. They keep cropping up. :o
    whatup man. I haven't been on in a while.

    I got your PM and responded, but my internet crashed and it didn't go through.

    If I remember correctly, your question was about my involvement in martial arts. Many of my family members are black belts or higher, but I've never gone to any classes or anything myself. I was just taught a few things when I was really little, like the proper way to strike and defend, and so that was just built into me while growing up. I just hit a bag to stay sharp, but I'm over 30 now, and you know that is beyond retirement age for most fighters.

    Take care.

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