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  1. Beastmonkey2

    Episode Two & Portal Screenshots

    Now I know a lot about computers, but not to much on the graphics side. Why would depth of field and motion blur be hardware intensive? If at all? All I see is blurring close up things and vice versa...and motion blur just blurring the pixels. Can someone explain this?
  2. Beastmonkey2

    Psychonauts Coming to Steam

    Bloodrayne 2 was really fun, got a little repetitive after awhile though. But a very cool game none the less.
  3. Beastmonkey2

    Off-Limits 3 Year Anniversary Media

    Sorry but is this a joke? How in the world is it taking 3 years to release this? I dunno about the other stuff like models, skins, etc, but I can map those maps in a matter of months.
  4. Beastmonkey2

    Incoming Source Vehicle Demo

    good video...but try playing with 10+ people(even with good ping). Empires all over again
  5. Beastmonkey2

    DayHard Mod is out

    ****Spoiler Warning**** Anyone played redrum(part 3 I believe) yet? My god...I just got finished with it and it scared the crap out of me. It was on par with doom3, silent hill type stuff o_O. But it was cool though :D
  6. Beastmonkey2

    Heart of the Revolters Team-Deathmatch Map Update

    Wow it's nice to see Moonquake is back, I beta tested ActionBF with him and some of my clanmates back in the day :)
  7. Beastmonkey2

    Counter-Strike: Source Update and Server Issues

    I love how the CS:S update has nothing to do with fixing the lag and numerous bugs in the game. and no its not my computer...104.5 FPS in the stress test. Running 1024x768, all details max, no AA or AF on a AMD 64 3400. 1 gig ram, 9800 pro 256mb, etc
  8. Beastmonkey2

    Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn

    If HL2 was supposed to be out last year, and CS:S was getting worked on this year. Then what was HL2's MP last year...? Think about it.