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  1. JossiRossi

    Volition presents: the dumbest goddamn thing I've ever seen

    I like it because it is dumb fun. Why do people hate dumb fun so much? =[
  2. JossiRossi

    The Genius Behind Valve and their actions

    Knock it off.
  3. JossiRossi

    LAPD has armed standoff with Call of Duty Statue

    The LAPD response was extreme (what a shock), but it is also not the best idea to have a surprisingly realistic portrayal of an armed man pointing out to a public street from a large window. Would have to be one hell of a disciplined hostage taker to stand perfectly still despite facing off with...
  4. JossiRossi

    References To Left 4 Dead 3 And Source 2 Found

    Trunk you're complete and utter lack of game development is simultaneously hilarious and maddening. You know just because something is your "opinion" doesn't mean it can't also be utterly wrong.
  5. JossiRossi

    References To Left 4 Dead 3 And Source 2 Found

    There is so much wrong with what Trunk said I don't even know where to start. So I won't. Suffice to say I think we can widdle down what he said that was correct to:
  6. JossiRossi

    References To Left 4 Dead 3 And Source 2 Found

    Yeah misogynist statements like that are not gonna fly. So don't do that again.
  7. JossiRossi

    References To Left 4 Dead 3 And Source 2 Found

    What is wrong with you?
  8. JossiRossi

    Walmart does something good. Will offer a job to any Veteran.

    A lot of Vets often have a hard time finding any kind of job.
  9. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    He didn't think of it =p BadKingUrgrain did.
  10. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    We are now
  11. JossiRossi

    You actually will have a chance for that. Working with a really nice author on reading her book...

    You actually will have a chance for that. Working with a really nice author on reading her book. I actually need to get back on top of that project.
  12. JossiRossi

    Astronaut makes a music video, in outer space.

    Chris Hadfield is awesome. I am hugely disappointed in myself for not knowing him from before the video, but seriously he's the perfect guy to show off space. His excitement for the field just pours out of every video.
  13. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    My whole set up is around 3 grand market price. That said who the hell pays that? Probably closer to a 1k-1.5k what was paid over the years. The rest of my gear I've probably paid around 3.5k into. This is an expensive hobby to be in. Also I know the voice I start with is from something, I...
  14. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    If it's going to happen eventually might as well make sure it's done right.
  15. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    If his reaction was based on just this one event then you might have a point, but he had felt that he had been repeatedly targeted. This was not a one off, it was a last straw.
  16. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    If some people's actions have not been a problem in that past, it's not because those actions should not have always been discouraged, but because active moderation has been virtually nonexistent. If there were any one else, don't you think they would have spoken up by now in this very thread? I...
  17. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    These forums aren't here for you though. It's not about your individual enjoyment. It's supposed to be a part of the site as a whole. People might not like that I don't know the community, but there are members of the community who refuse to properly self reflect. The best part is, all I am...
  18. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    You guys are pretty hilarious. But that's ok, long as you treat people with respect there won't be any issues. Nice and simple.
  19. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    I've not even said BadHat's name let alone accused him of anything directly. There is a culture problem here that in addition to other factors contributes to the fact that people simply don't stick around. There are some users here that are fine, I don't want to make it seem like the whole...
  20. JossiRossi

    Off the wagon...

    Doesn't have to be nicey nice, but certain things won't just be ignored. If people are unwilling to even try and act more mature on the forums, they will be dealt with.