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  1. D

    What will you do...

    ThE power of the cheese compels you, THE POWER OF THE CHEESE COMPELS you to send through paypal, 1 millon dollars :)
  2. D

    What will you do...

    im sorry evil, but i think what you are referring to is the oppisite sex, they are female. Boy are they nice. I dont want to spoil what happens when u actually have sex with the opposite sex, but what i will tell you it sure is exausting.
  3. D

    What will you do...

    hehe, Rafa now u know how it feels, to be teased and pushed around :) THE POWER OF CHEEEEEEESE
  4. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Oh danimal, it hurts me to think of how i hurt you, im so sorry i at all didnt mean to undermine anything about you, i was just merely pointing out the misfortune in your Tag, which is your computer nothing else. So i hope you take my apology and accept it by pressing this button. _________...
  5. D

    What will you do...

    yeah, its funny how Halflife2 is the only game i was never tempted to download or get a leaked version of, just for the fact i didnt want to spoil the genious behind all the story and action, There is so much mystery that it makes me shiver at the idea of playing through the game and finding out...
  6. D

    What will you do...

    damn butthole, that is a damn good point, think about the possiblities, ALone with the manipulator. The weapon adds so many possiblities, You bring up the best point. Beat the game using only phyiscs as your weapon. Sexy sexy thought indeed.
  7. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    why wouldnt u be the person to get all worked up? are you human? do u feel emotions? i mean if i could and i was rich id donate enough for a 9800pro. But damn life is funny that way.
  8. D

    What will you do...

    Hey wise guy, if you do ill just have to go and spoil the suprise thats coming this monday. I dont want to say it just yet, but i know its gonna be big, Lets just say the spoiler has to do with a color that is gonna make big news.
  9. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Hey stereo, i dont think what you wrote has any relevence to what this thread is all about, but thanks for your input because any input is good as long as its positive.
  10. D

    What will you do...

    yeah, i would never go to these forums for the single fact i might discover a spoiler that would ruin my Halflife2 experience.
  11. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Plus, if i had a computer like yours i would stay away from that thought as much as possible. I mean Halflife2 not running on max settings, AHHHHHHh the possible thought to me would make that thought go into my head, wait a minute what thought was that?
  12. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Hey, Hey relax, dont get so worked up, The last thing i need to to turn to Fox 5 and have a kid dead on our hands, this isnt my goal. please stay away from those thoughts the last thing you need is more added pressure to lifes already strange and problem filled world.
  13. D

    What will you do...

    i suggest you find out, remake this thread into a Poll :)
  14. D

    What movie would you like to see?

    exactly, B.Calhoun i was actually just about to put my 2 cents about how Valve has already dont their job and shown that their game will be infact complete and ready to turn gold any time now, The AI seemed very alive and life like, The sounds were great, The enemys were great to watch in...
  15. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Thanks Evil, but my goal isnt to be funny, its to help every kid out there who feels insignificant and usually kids like that turn depressed and commit suicide, which to me is the most unfortunate thing that can ever occur, when a adult outlives their child, This to me seems like a growing...
  16. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    I dont think this topic needs to contine any longer, we already figured out the answer, the darn weapon is a IRifle its been said many times, we need less topics about small details and more topics on General things that keep the thread alive more than 3-4 pages.
  17. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    you i agree with Stewie and that you should be apreciative of every thing u contribute to me and everyone else in the forum, so like me and stewie we both want to appload your work. *Slow unsteady Clap turns into a riot*
  18. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    The contect of the videos were there once agian to prove the existence of the work that valve is doing, its nothing more. You guys should just watch it and then be more excited about it. Then go on with your lives, discuss how halflife2 is gonna be more than just another game, and then just wait...
  19. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

  20. D

    Buckle down...look at the facts.

    Damn Fizznex, Stewie is so damn Cute, i dont even care what u said about gabe, because it was rude but damn it Stewie, COME OUT in 2005 with more hilirious crap.