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  1. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    Guys drop it, The person whos friend was in that unfortunate accident does not need to be reminded of it and second who cares its just drama, you americans are just so into drama its like u dont get enough of it in your daily lives.
  2. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    OK if it wasnt a spoiler than this thread didnt need to be created, IF i had just watched that video i woulda been like damn what is that gun they are holding, Oh well i just wont know because the game isnt out. That information is a spoiler until i find out legit.
  3. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    you guys are way behind, the whole incident is stupid and i think who ever made this comment should be banned because its untasteful and very very wrong, people who become disabled shouldnt be made fun of but should be helped and prayed for
  4. D

    Whatever happened to splintering wood?

    are u sure, didnt my desert theory make sense to somone as intelligent as yourself, or maybe it didnt because you dont understand basic ways of life, that if rain occures and its hot it causes the air surrounding you and wood to be very moist making it not splint but tear and cause you to sweat.
  5. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    Good find Freemanhl2, u deserve a HIP HIP Hooooray for your discovery of a spoiler that i wish i could forget but thanks anwayz for ruining a piece of my halflife2 experience.
  6. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    You mean the gun that the huge ass Snider used agianst Gorden? i highly doubt it, why would the enemy give the good guys the same weapons they use agianst them, this makes no sense
  7. D

    Whatever happened to splintering wood?

    Im not, im just trying to put a plauseble twist on every topic.
  8. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Maybe its a virus but into the pre-load so that curious lil critters like urselves get infected when you snoop into things u shouldnt be, like Valve property that isnt even useful until the game is funished. At the moment we know its mostly textures so if you want to spoil future moments like...
  9. D

    Whatever happened to splintering wood?

    How do u know its in a desert, plus if it just rained in the desert it would be quite humid indeed, when it rains and the tempeture is out and hazy the water evaporates and causes mosture in the air making wood, sorta like the wood we are discussing quite possible to be very humid and thus...
  10. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    The gun the people are obviously holding are figments of your imagination, bare with me people. The gun can be anything at the moment, why because the game isnt out. The gun could be a freaking HeadCrab shooter and the Secondary fire could be a Gordan freeman T-Shirt shooter who knows, just wait...
  11. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Me too, CAn somone please fill me in into this whole test thing, Does somone even have proof its a test or is it something more. maybe its a virus. Maybe its a *achoo* OH crap i just might have cought the dreaded. The dreaded VIRUS!!!!!!
  12. D

    Whatever happened to splintering wood?

    The Wood got wet, IT no longer was able to splinter due to being over humidified, Just think about it.......
  13. D

    Buckle down...look at the facts.

    This is rather rude but funny as hell. TO me i still believe there is something bigger to the picture than somone guessing gabes password, Lets just consider this, Gabe runs a company, IF he really put a password that simple and that original as first name last name letter, then he honostly...
  14. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    Kage, are u worried your precious thread will be locked because you to have been picked on in School. Its ok feel ur pain, you werent appreciated in school enough and noone ever requested your input, but now your grown up and you found a forum, you took this input that noone cared about and have...
  15. D

    Plea to people who are preloading HL2, and not buying the game...

    Basically if you dont drive, and you have a credit card, Order through steam. If you drive and have 55 bucks, Go get it at the store either way you will get the game, decide based on your current situation.
  16. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    Sorry, I too like you Icarus was picked on in school, i know how it feels to look up at the "Cool" kids, see them at the "cooL" kids table sippin their OJ with no care in the world. Then you snap out of the dream and realize your still the geeky kid who isnt at the cool table but is alone on the...
  17. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    This thread is officially Locked, NO MORE FURTHER QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!
  18. D

    Let's play - Guess My E-mail Password!

    A new car?
  19. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    FarCry's Story couldnt have done any better, Think about it. Everything made sense, And ending just gives way to a sequal. Which to me is just insaine what they can do with the graphix in 1-3 years of development, Just think of the possiblities.
  20. D

    Let's play - Guess My E-mail Password!

    Enough, Let this thread die. I honostly believe there is no way Gabe after what he has been through with the whole Theft of source code. I really doubt he would in his mind set up a password that original, First name with last name letter. This to me seems a bit more fishy than some guy guessing...