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  1. B

    3 lines

    *throws bugs at Chrysalid* NO! BAD CODER!! BAD!! BACK INTO YOUR ROOM! for my 3 lines I'd like to replace Chrysalid's crash with std::string UserName;
  2. B

    Expectations of HL3 engine

    shame really, its an intresting pdf, not least because they basically give you the lighting shader they use :E
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    Expectations of HL3 engine

    Yeah, I recall Pimpypoo muttering something about that system (which is fair enuff, its cheap and cheerfull but does suffer from issues), however if that bridge/underpass on CS is dynamic then something very crazy is going on ;) I'd say without fail that its a BSP object, so as to how the...
  4. B

    Expectations of HL3 engine

    yeah, the lighting in HL2 is pretty sweet, it certainly works better on static models ofcourse, but its nice and thanks to the pdf I wouldnt mind copying it for my own reasons at a later date ;) (I do love game companies who give out the details like that) Their shadow algo is a bit poopy...
  5. B

    Expectations of HL3 engine

    ah right... depends on your def of 'real time' i guess, the factors are probably encoded into a texture and a lookup is done to work out the scattering factor (with a bit of maths to allow for light/camera positioning) *wonders how close it is to atmosphere scattering* coz i've got an...
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    Expectations of HL3 engine

    i'm probably being dumb but SSS?
  7. B

    Expectations of HL3 engine

    Holographic mapping was the fault of Tim Sweeney, he refered to it as such, which it pretty much is as the image is dependant on the angle of the camera, which holograms are also dependant on. edit: I've got the code to the OpenGL implimention 'somewhere' using the assmebler interface, i'm...
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    Expectations of HL3 engine

    parallax/offset/holographic/displacement mapping (ner, i know 4 names :P ) is a pretty easy and cheap effect anyways, iirc only a few extra instructions in an assembler shader from what i can recall (i'll really have to re-read the thread on the OpenGL forum of the guy who came up with it) so...
  9. B

    Expectations of HL3 engine

    *hugs boost::thread* for all your multi-threading needs
  10. B

    Expectations of HL3 engine

    Duel/quad core CPUs will be the answer for better physics, offloading to yet another board really wouldnt help imo, but being able to spawn a thread or two to parrallelise the work would certainly help things along
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    Expectations of HL3 engine

    D3D and OpenGL are just interfaces to the same hardware, both are can the samething given the same hardware, its a matter of programmer skill and API knowledge. I really wish the screen shots to the v-tales engine were still publicaly availble,it would blow your mind and prove to the doubters...
  12. B

    A good idea for this forum section

    I've said it a number of times; any one can be taught to program, but not everyone can program well
  13. B

    Automated Vehicles

    currently with HL you can setup 'zones' into which you can detect collisions. So setup a zone for where you want the boat to lower its ram and once the boat enters it call the boats 'lower ramp' function which will start the ramp lowering. As I said, pish easy.
  14. B

    Automated Vehicles

    pfft, pish easy, just setup a zone on the beach (*waves to the mappers*) and when the boat hits it trip the 'lower ramp' routine and bobs ya mothers brother...
  15. B

    VC++ 2003 or VS 2003

    forget VC6, dont buy it, regardless of how cheap you can get it, its broken and wrong and i've done a few rants on the subject :) VC++03 should be enuff for you, its basicaly VS.Net03 with all the extra unneed stuff stripped out and just for C++. HOWEVER, I'd hold out, the Express Edition...
  16. B

    Tips for Learning C++

    Correct, OpenGL and OpenAL do only support the things mentioned HOWEVER the simple C interface is often alot easier for people to learn with when compared to the great fun which is COM and 'everything in a class' way of DX. Also, there is the SDL, which is a crossplatform library which...
  17. B

    Tips for Learning C++

    C++ is pretty much still the industry standard, certainly when it comes to games. C# is making a rise in the applications field for which is is idealy suited, as well as the web field (although alot of people seem to prefer VB.Net for that) Java is still king atm when it comes to Enterprise...
  18. B

    Menus in the HL1 SDK

    hehe, I wouldnt count on it... well, it might be easier to do simple things but if the engine is half as complex as i think it is you're gonna need to be half competant with C++ to get any where... which lets onions out for starters :naughty:
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    Coding seems really boring...

    I just find that threatening my computer with a picture of onions does the job for me ;) As for mistakes, missing ';' are easy to find, its when you put an EXTRA one at the end of an 'if(...)' line which causes the condition to execute all the time and cause god knows how many headaches....
  20. B

    Your first program
