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  1. B

    Help installing Visual C++ 6

    C++, the most fun you can have without an icecream scoop and a cranial saw :D
  2. B

    New to programming...

    so was i, i know all about your secret VB fetish you sicko!
  3. B

    New to programming...

    which explains why you love it then...
  4. B

    Your first program

    heh, dear god, i dont even want to think about the hacked up mess which was the code for that ;) oh yeah, and in my list i forgot my 'bit rearranger', which fluffles a file and stops it being compressed, i've no idea how it does it but i tested it with a txt file and an mp3 and the orignal...
  5. B

    Your first program

    ah well, as i'm here... Back on my Atari I made many version of 'the guessing game', mostly so i could try out all kinds of extra effects around it, such as sound and graphics. Proably my greatest achivement was convincing someones 50Khz tracker reply code to work in STOS basic as an...
  6. B

    Your country needs you!

    that was the reason i wanted to work on this mod to start with (well, that and the idea of being a 10ft stompy robot, hehe) and the reason why its been a mental amount of fun to play test while making it, simply because its different to all of the mods out there when we started work on it and...
  7. B

    Good c++ prog

    yeah, that toolkit release from MS make buying the VS.Net C++ standard edition worth while at last :)
  8. B

    Your country needs you!

    please, he's worked with me and onions, you should be no worries ;)
  9. B

    Your country needs you!

    if a HL2 version gets done then i, phantom, will return as a coder, however atm i'm sick of the HL engine and want to do my own stuff for now :)
  10. B

    Good c++ prog

    Couple of points; 1 - While the new APIs are going to be mangaged the old Win32 interface will still be there and frankly, you dont need any more than that to write games anyways. 2 - Managed stuff is great, agreed, however bits of the system wont be managed, such as everything in the...
  11. B

    Dev-C++ Trouble

    because that code is wrong as of about 1998, change the <iostream.h> to <iostream> and place either 'using namespace std;' at the top of the code (after the #include) or at the top of the function or place std:: before all the cout and cin lines. That however will only fix that code, my...
  12. B

    Good c++ prog

    If it aint broke... Just because Longhorn will have .Net natively wont magicaly stop all current programs working, therefore if they have no reason to use .Net tech they wont, simple as that.
  13. B

    Good c++ prog

    Unreal however is mostly written in UScript, its own scripting language thus they had their own tools anyways, HL2 will be C++ mods thus you need a C++ compiler
  14. B

    Good c++ prog

    VC++6 is a pile of pish. pish pish pish. VC7.1 (which comes with VS.Net03) is the emerging new standard, mainly coz its compiler works (unlike the pish which is VS6 which has huge problems with the standard, did i mention is was pish?) If you can get an acidemic (sp?) verison of it, do so...
  15. B

    Half life SDK

    Because it allows for changes to the system without having to recompile code, which = faster development time of the game. Remember, most of a games bottle neck is still the gfx card when you factor in per pixel lighting and then the physics code, so having a scripting system to allow for fast...
  16. B

    Help me please!!!!

    gah, i'm sure i've said before, all the 'latest features' are avaible standard cross vender functions (the only exception to this is pre-dx9 cards and complex shaders, DX9 and on this has been addressed), yes they have to be access via extensions on windows due to no updated lib because MS is...
  17. B

    OpenGL or Direct3D?

    np, i like to keep others informed just as i like others keeping me informed :) The last 3D API survey on the front page of gave OpenGL a slight lead over D3D for people working with it, so quite a few are aware of it, and with a rise in the idea of crossplatform gaming it could...
  18. B

    OpenGL or Direct3D?

    Well, your wrong :) OpenGL is on version 1.5 of the spec, I belive version 1.6 should appear in June and they are working towards the mythical '2.0' still. Infact, its been updated once a year for the last 4 years or so (it was 1.2 when i started learning it back i around 2000) The reason you...
  19. B

    OpenGL or Direct3D?

    Indeed, but thats how it works, end of the day we can keep using windows and do what MS tell us or switch to something like Linux or OSX. Btw, the gamer wont be shafted, OpenGL will keep updating and expanding as long as the gfx chip makers support it, so if this is indeed true this could be...
  20. B

    OpenGL or Direct3D?

    I very much doublt we'll see an OpenGL version, it all depends how much they have abstracted away from D3D as to how much hastle it would be to write an OpenGL renderer and given their target market was Windows and probably the XBox there isnt really a need to abstract away that much, not to...