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  1. Midnight Cowboy

    Best/Worst chapter?

    Too many good moments, nothing in particular which tarnishes a whole chapter, though I thought by Entanglement there should of been more variety considering it's basically Nova Prospekt without it's coolest element, the Antlions. Storming that beach with Antlions was just so awesome. Of course...
  2. Midnight Cowboy

    No more headcrabs/Zombies/Zombines

    I think the Combine would specifically alter the headcrabs not to progress into Genomes. Simply, the Combine use the headcrab shells to kill off/terrorize/disperse a resistance pocket, if the Combine later need to re-occupy or use that area, do they want to fight some slow-moving, mindless...
  3. Midnight Cowboy

    Commentary is awesome

    It really goes to show the incredible ammount of consideration and production value that went into Episode One, even for simple things like witnessing small scripted events. Really insightful too.
  4. Midnight Cowboy

    Things you want in Episode 2

    G-Man Well that and physics puzzles... especially when you near-literally put a spanner in the works like the Crab Launcher in Lost Coast or the Fan in Nova Prospekt. Also we should come across a crashed escape pod, (I think it's pretty certain Gordon will come across one, and be party to...
  5. Midnight Cowboy

    Bizarre theory

    I think the "half-life" theory, that Gordon's trapped in a hallucinated dream world is quite profound. For example, the jump-cuts between the test chamber and xen, while in hindsight we realize it was due to portals being thrown out of xen, to think it could be Gordon's anxious delusions as a...
  6. Midnight Cowboy

    1 frame every one and a half seconds in EPISODE ONE!

    I'll try to defrag my whole harddrive tomorrow, defragging Episode One and HL2 through steam didn't seem to do anything. As for -nosound, it also didn't work... same piss-poor framerate, my card still detects as 8.1 and well the stuttering is at least silent. To help further in diagnosing the...
  7. Midnight Cowboy

    1 frame every one and a half seconds in EPISODE ONE!

    The -dxlevel 90c didn't do anything different than putting -dxlevel 90 (as soon as I tried to boost the video settings to high and clicking 'apply', they stayed limited at dx7 level). As for the fragmentation, I haven't defragged my hard drive in a while, but even then, HL2 and Episode One have...
  8. Midnight Cowboy

    1 frame every one and a half seconds in EPISODE ONE!

    Tried adding that line about heapsize, also I just tried -dxlevel 90 in Episode One's launch options and for a few seconds I was hopeful as it now recognized I had a dx9 card in my computer in the video options, so I plunged into a new game whereupon the stuttering was not only in full force but...
  9. Midnight Cowboy

    1 frame every one and a half seconds in EPISODE ONE!

    Okay here's the context and the problem. I bought Episode One off steam (in case that effects any speculation to what this problem might be) and started it up, hit new game and everything is going fine (except for a longer load time than all my other source games)... I notice a little bit of...
  10. Midnight Cowboy

    Warren Spector. Steam. Orgasm.

    Holy **** YEAH!
  11. Midnight Cowboy

    Dystopia Media Update

    Wow guys... just wow... I mean I've been following this mod for a while and just wow. I've always wished for a cyberpunk mod along the lines of William Gibson and Neal Stephenson, but jesus wow.
  12. Midnight Cowboy

    Fantastic Four Trailer

    "4 will be... Fantastic" Haha... Fantastic Four, GET IT? It's a 4 and they're the Fantasic Four. God kill me now. Between the cheesy as hell taglines and that suicide inducing ending "you know that looked cool", it's sadder to think that this trailer will be better than the actual movie. To...
  13. Midnight Cowboy

    Do you agree with this message?

    Before I start, I just want to say I hate Bill O'f##king-Reilly. I hate his arrogant, self-serving 'either agree with me or your wrong' ego. I truely believe that no human being can be evil. They may do things which we as a society claim are 'evil'. But the road to hell is paved with good...
  14. Midnight Cowboy

    A list of movies coming out in 2005 that are worth a look.

    Holy Sh#t, the trailer to "Sin City" was incredible. I mean the comic book/film noir feeling, the music, pacing, etc. amazing. So when the hell is it going to be released?
  15. Midnight Cowboy

    Legalisation of Cannabis

    To the 34 people who voted 'no' on this forum poll, I ask why? All drugs, not just cannabis, have to be legalized. There should be farms across government owned land curning out marijuana. The government should sell it at pharmacists and bars, tax the shit out of it, sell it so low that no...
  16. Midnight Cowboy

    Perfect Dark Anyone?

    I'm sorry, I'm sure your mod will be great but perfect dark was gameplay wise a great game, the story/atmosphere/setting/weapons/sound/music were all shit. The characers where cardboard cliches, the story was a shit attempt at sci-fi (3 alien races, a government-corperate conspiracy with a...
  17. Midnight Cowboy

    de_courthouse (wip) 95% done

    Wow... the second I scrolled down and saw the pic, I automatically said 'wow'. Amazing map, best I've seen in a long time, only concern is, that it's a bit rough around the edges, and the streetlights should actually have a brigher highlight on the ground beneath them, and the streets themselves...
  18. Midnight Cowboy

    [WIP]DM_Bunker <--YAY first map!

    It's an amazing map, I mean it's your first too, which makes it an even bigger achievement. Congrats on making an awesome map.
  19. Midnight Cowboy

    Liberal filth poisoning America

    I for one, welcome our new PNAC masters.