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  1. Midnight Cowboy

    Funniest HL2DM Moments!

    Blocking the hallway to the third level in Overwatch with two cars which are litterally impossible to move when they're stuck like that. Just me on the third level... owning.
  2. Midnight Cowboy

    City 17 - Expressive Painting

    Amazing work there... just simply amazing.
  3. Midnight Cowboy

    Americans apologize

    *low brooding voice* Good... Good... *pats koala with blood-stained jaws*
  4. Midnight Cowboy

    Ever cried during a movie ?

    During Van Helsing : "Ten dollars! NOO! WHY!?" Seriously... Shawshank Redemption, Citizen Kane, Schindler's List and On the Waterfront, just to name a few.
  5. Midnight Cowboy

    Who will play through HL2 in one sitting?

    This reminds me of my time in Knights of the Old Republic... finshed that game (supposedly having 30-40 hours of gameplay) in just 4 days, it was the holidays so I had a lot of free time. Half Life 2? I guess I just won't sleep... I live in Aus so I'm picking it up on Wednesday morning before...
  6. Midnight Cowboy

    Half-Life 2 verus 1984

    How many fingers Gordon?
  7. Midnight Cowboy

    Speculation about the SCORE Magazine review screenshots (WARNING: SPOILER INTENSIVE)

    Maybe, we're confusing citadels (from the raising the bar book) as another term for like an enclave like City 17. I mean maybe the 'citadels' described there (it's from an early build of the game) is a term for the fortified cities rather than that ominous sky-scraper.