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  1. Hipshot

    Half-Life 1 went gold today 5 years ago

    Yea thats right, Cream Pie, thats what made and still is making HL so popular :) Shuzer, its still only CS, NS and DoD cant keep the ship running, if CS never had come, Hl wouldent have been as big as it is, I think. Almost any HL player that now plays DoD, NS or any other mod has played Cs...
  2. Hipshot

    Half-Life 1 went gold today 5 years ago

    Actually, that is a pretty bad argument, I think. The only argument for HLs longlivety starts with a C and ends with a E.
  3. Hipshot

    Mean xmas wallie :) <-- ~200k 1600*1200 Anything? Took no time to shoot the photo and manipulate it, think it looks pretty sleek.
  4. Hipshot

    will hl2 hammer be like radiant or unrealed?

    As already stated, Hammer is and will be more like radiant, because the mapping core is almost the same. Still I think Quark is the best editor for HL mapping, n' I think it will be for HL2 to, after a while. Of course this depends on what you are used to and feels comfortable with.