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  1. AgentSmith

    Pictures with my GF4MX are CRAZY
  2. AgentSmith

    Suit zoom and firing...

    While we are on the subject of things working or not does the quick change on the weapons work for anyone? You know, where you scroll and it changes to that weapon without clicking select? I have it enabled in the adv controls but it doesn't work.
  3. AgentSmith

    Suit zoom and firing... it a bug that I cannot fire when zoomed using the suit zoom key?
  4. AgentSmith

    Have you played CS:S?

    Is there a non-BETA CS:S?
  5. AgentSmith

    My hype is dead.... (help)

    I agree, I was very excited through the summer and even into last month but getting hold of the MP (CSS) has left me with the sad realization that this is just another game that isn't going to live up to the hype. Don't get me wrong, I will play the SP and I am sure it will be impressive but...
  6. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    The only salient point you or anyone has made is that you would love CS, CS:S, HL2, and Valve without regard to what they do or what the ship. Words mean things, sloppy, unfinished, unpolished - all have very definite meanings and when those meanings fit as a description of a product it equates...
  7. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I guess the differance is that I think it is not a matter of opinion that CS:S is unfinished and sloppy. It is a matter of opinion as to whether someone cares that it is sloppy and unfinished but it is not debatable as to whether it is. Even Valve's own statements tell us it is incomplete and...
  8. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I mean look at this comment - one old map and one new map and a couple player models due by the end of the year? Come on people - this is a game that was sold in October as 'CS:S Final' and you are going to defend a company that takes until december to come out with a new map and an additional...
  9. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Exactly - that FACT is that CSS is sloppy and unfinished - anyone who argues that is either a moron or just has thier head so far up Valve's arse that they cannot see the truth. Please, I said a dozen times that there is a differance between liking the game and acknowledging that it has...
  10. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    OK, you are right - CSS is really original and bugfree MP. ROFL, you guys are nothing but a bunch of fanboys - you cannot even face the obvious. Pretty sad that you have to deny the truth to inflate some video game but whatever floats your boat I suppose.
  11. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I think that about sums up your argument. Fine, don't care - but I for one do care that I got a buggy, incomplete MP that nowhere near delivers what Source was hyped to be. I have said many times if that doesn't bother you then fine, admit it doesn't and move on. Most people ecpext not only...
  12. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    That simply is not true. Joint Operations accomodates 150 people on maps as big as 64 square miles with tons of vehicles (and it allows 56k). BattleField accomodates 64 players an very large maps with vehicles. Source might add physics but the physics it adds are goofy at best and the enigine...
  13. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Oh, so now there is a secret full SOurce MP that they have hidden? Give me a break, CSS is the MP and that is all there is to work from. I have no doubt MODers can add vehicles and all that (the code is in for SP) - the issue becomes the netcode and as it is Source can't hardly handle 16...
  14. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    True - but games today are not what they where 5 years ago, they are far more complex. That being said talented team can do some interesting things - for instance Desert Combat. But even with DC you have, for the most part, a MOD of the original and not the creation of a new MP game as Valve...
  15. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Actually, the way things worked out I don't think that could be the case. One of the reasons that Valve did CS as HL2 MP was that they are not under contractual obligations with VU regarding its release, so they could sell CS:S early through Steam to get people to pre order via Steam. If CS:S...
  16. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Yeah, it is pretty cool. Check out the other three at the second link - they are pretty interesting as well.
  17. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I don't disagree; however, Valve could have been upfront and not been so coy about HL2 and MP. Additionally, MP won't make a big selling point this year but down the road it MP will generate alot of sales (and this goes back to one of my theories). With TF2 and, possibly, CS2 on the calendar...
  18. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    What I was saying is that Valve wants it both ways - they want to say it is just a port and not a sequal but then they make it HL2's MP which makes it part of a sequal. Is pretty wiggy I know but that is my point. I think they shortchanged us in not giving us a real Source MP or at least by...
  19. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Someone posted earlier that I was suggesting that to bea next generation game they had to change the game just for the sake of change - I am not saying that, I am suggesting evolution and adaption to take advantage of the great new enigne. Some posting in here are familiar with the BF series...
  20. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Well - that is my point. If they truly cannot be done better (the physics) then the game should have been redesigned at least enough to accomodate them. Instead you have all these maps that are ruined by these odd force field objects blocking doors or hallways or whatever. Look, how many...