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    please someone help quickly, im feinding to make some maps!!!!
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    i make a object, it doesnt appear, it is textured, just plain old nothing shows. I havent used hammer in a while, now that ive come back to it this is my welcoming present?
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    why is there nothing appearing in my camera window in Hammer?!!
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    I formatted my computer and i did all the configuration, then i went to start a new map and nothing shows up in the camera view. Why is this happening?
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    does it make a difference?
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    dev_water2 with a cube map over it aswell as a water_lod_control
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    does your map have to compile with VIS on for the water to show up?
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    why does my flashlight not work in my map?, nevermind.. im just a noob
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    Entity problem

    thanks alot gov
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    Entity problem

    For some reason whenever i put an entity it gets all screwed up when i look at it in the hammer editor. The colors of the entity get scrambled as well as the structure of the entity. Is this happening to anyone else and how do i fix this?
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    Map Layouts

    Ello everyone, i was just wondering if anyone had a link to map layouts of various maps such as dust office aztecs etc, it would be alot of help, thanks
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    Clan Websites

    Im gonna start a clan and was wondering what programs some clans out their use to make their websites? Any easy build website software out there that can create fourms? Ive been roaming the web and haven't found much, free atleast...
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    thats pretty sick, how long did it take u to make it?
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    help meh

    so any more suggestions on how to fix this texture problem?
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    help meh

    not workin
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    help meh

    noob question i know, i didnt touch hammer for so long now and wanna get back into it and i had reinstalled hammer. my brushes' textures are showing why?
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    Upcoming Tournaments

    Hey, I was just wondering if they're any up coming tournaments for servers for leagues. If you know of any please post a link where i can find further details of the tournament. Thanks
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    Super weak monsters

    why is it the enemies i put in my map are really weak. a head crab will die in 1 or 2 shots from my sub machine gun. how can i make them harder to kill?
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    item suit not showing up

    there isnt an option to put fade to -1 and end 0
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    item suit not showing up

    why is my item suit not appearing in game, any ideas?? it was working but then i just simply moved it to a different position and it doesnt appear in game any more!