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  1. maveryck21

    lighting mossman model

    Hey, I'm having a problem with the npc_mossman. It seems that all the other npc are affected by the lights less the npc_mossman. I really need to use her model so anyone knows how to solve this? Thanks for any help
  2. maveryck21

    Hl2 Camera coding

    Hi there, I have a doubt about coding the hl2 player camera. The camera angle is limited on the Pitch axis but is there any way to create limits on the Yaw axis? I want the player to be able to only twist the head 90 degrees each side. How can I do this? Thanks for any help
  3. maveryck21

    Tracktrain Problem

    Ok thanks i will try that. I thought that we should input the new speed value and not the value to scale the actual speed of the train. I will try this now. Thanks
  4. maveryck21

    Creating multiple skin textures for a human

    You are right, sorry for that. But i think i've discover the solution. I've decompiled and recompiled the human models, assigning a citizen_sheet from another folder and it worked.
  5. maveryck21

    Tracktrain Problem

    Yes. I just don't know what to do more.
  6. maveryck21

    Creating multiple skin textures for a human

    Hi there, Do you know how can i create and use multiple textures on the same human model? I need to populate a trainstation and can only use 9 textures for the male model (9 different models) and 6 for the female model (6 different models). Thanks for your help
  7. maveryck21

    Tracktrain Problem

    Hi there, I'm making a map where i want to put a train moving simulating it's real movement, stopping at stations and leaving from them. The problem is that i can't slow down the train before it reaches the station. I've tried the outputs "setTrainSpeed" and modifying the value on the...
  8. maveryck21

    TF2 Player on Hl2 SP MOD in third person view

    But is it possible or not to use the models from tf2 as the player?
  9. maveryck21

    TF2 Player on Hl2 SP MOD in third person view

    I know that with any character from hl2 it's possible, i've tried already with bree, male 02 and alyx and it worked. I want to use also characters from TF2 because they have a non-realistic figure. I'm doing a research on virtual reality and presence, and i want to test if the "reality"...
  10. maveryck21

    TF2 Player on Hl2 SP MOD in third person view

    hi there, is it possible to use a TF2 player model as the player on HL2 SP mod in third person view? Thanks for any help
  11. maveryck21

    HL2 in third person

    Hi there, I'm trying to make a mod for hl2 using third person view. I've followed the tutorial of the valve developer community (Third Person Camera) but it didn't work. Does anybody knows somethig about this? Thanks for any help
  12. maveryck21

    Scaling character problem

    So you are saying that i can't scale the character model without touching on the animation files?
  13. maveryck21

    Scaling character problem

    hi there, I'm trying to scale the male_reference character to half size but when i compile it the model looks weird, with big shoulders, small head, long legs.. How can i scale the model? Thanks for any help
  14. maveryck21

    Character compiling error

    hit here, Lod 3: vertexes: 5593 (10 new) Max flex verts 928 ERROR: cannot find bone ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Toe0 for bbox ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'sdk\Humans\male_06_sdk.mdl' Can someone help me on this?
  15. maveryck21

    How to change hl2 humans animation?

    I've done it and changed the animation walkN.smd But when i recompile it the legs are crossed and the torso is twisted. Can anyone help me on this? I'm using the .qc created when you extract and decompile male_shared.mdl Thanks for any help
  16. maveryck21

    Problem compiling character model

    Hi there, I'm trying to change some animations of npc_citizen. I've already decompiled it, changed it and compile it back into the game. But when i do this process the legs of the npc are twisted and crossed. Does anybody knows how to solve this? I'm using Studio Compiler, 3DS MAX...
  17. maveryck21

    How to change hl2 humans animation?

    Hi there, I'm trying to change the walk animation of the hl2 human models. Does anybody knows how to do it? Thanks for any help
  18. maveryck21

    Distributing a new MOD

    Even if i use the Quark army knife? Because if i build the map on that editor i think that it isn't protected. Thanks for the help
  19. maveryck21

    Distributing a new MOD

    ok thanks but is it possible to sell hl2 mods without steam?
  20. maveryck21

    Distributing a new MOD

    Hi I'm making a Mod for half-life 2. Is there any way to protect the files of the Mod so that is impossible to modify the maps or models created? Is there anyway to create an autorun cd with the Mod? Thanks for any help