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  1. maveryck21


    hi there, I've used a aiscripted_schedule to make the npc to begin walking after they have stoped in a path at some point. Bu when they begin to walk again they only do some part of the rest of the path. if i make the npc to follow the path without the aiscripted_schedule they make the path...
  2. maveryck21

    Alternate path

    Hi there, I've a question.. I made a path with path_corner entities for my npcs to follow but i want them to stop at some point, perform some scripted sequences and them get back to the path and continue following it. I also want to start the level with my npcs quiet and only follow the path...
  3. maveryck21

    Need an opinion

    Hi there, I'm making a map with a forest, and i need the npc to be walking trought that forest for about 30 minutes. I also need them to stop at certain point, do some actions with scripted sequences and then proceed with teir way. I used displacements to make the floor because i need some...
  4. maveryck21

    "Bogus Route Move Type"

    Hi there, I'm trying to make a forest map and putting some citizens walking around the forest. I tried do make the path for they to follow with path track but they stop at some points giving me the error: "Bogus Route Move Type" I think it may be because of the displacement and the...
  5. maveryck21

    Moving Trees

    Hi there, I'm wondering if the trees that i put in my scenario could be shaking with the wind, or only the leaves, i don't know. Thanks for any help
  6. maveryck21

    Modelling Trees

    yes but i don't understand much of moddeling, what exactly the extrude does? I have treemagik which allowsme to create any kind of tree but i can't export it to hammer because i can't create new models thanks
  7. maveryck21

    Modelling Trees

    Hi there, I'm trying to create some new tree models to introduce in hammer, which is the best way to do it? I've tried to create models decompiling the ones existing in hammer and then just changing the texture of it but when i try to compile it gives me an error with a "bbox" about static...
  8. maveryck21

    How can I make the npc_citizen's teleporting

    Yes i've seen yet.. but with no results.. but there's possible?! Thanks!
  9. maveryck21

    How can I make the npc_citizen's teleporting

    I'm trying to teleport some npc's but i can't make them appear with scripts and triggers (including trigger_teleporter..) .. Can someone help me.. or indicates a tutorial to help me ?! Thanks.:bounce:
  10. maveryck21

    Too many blocks Array

    Hi there, I'm having a problem when trying to open a map file in hammer, it gives me the error: "Too many Array blocks needed (6, ... )"... what does this mean and what can i do to solve it? Thanks for any help
  11. maveryck21

    Moving an airplane

    I have an airplane that i have built and it is really big, and the computer doesn't allow me to tie it into an entity, in order to give motion to it. So i thought about moving the scenario around it, in order to make the impression that the airplane is moving, when looking out the window. How...
  12. maveryck21

    npc_maker and script

    I think if you don't make the scripted sequence the target, but the templete npc maker itself to be the target and then put the scripted sequences near the npc maker it would work. Only you have to do is to link the scripted sequences correctly and give the order to "begin sequence" of the first...
  13. maveryck21

    Act Busy

    I'm reading a tutorial about act busy nodes and actions, and i've done it everything from the tutorial, but when i run the map it says that cannot find the new act busy action that i've created. Where should i put the actbusy.txt file?
  14. maveryck21


    hi there, I need to create clouds in the sky, to make the impression that an airplane that i've created is moving, but it is to big to tie to an entity. If there isn't any possible way to create clouds, how can i make the impression that the airplane is moving? Thanks
  15. maveryck21

    Help Please! unexpected problem

    hi there, I have a huge problem, i was making a scenario of a metro and it suddenly doesn't allow me to modify it, or at least it lets me modify it but doesn't apeear in the game the modifications, and also doesn't allow me to save to a new file because it gives me error, here is my complie...
  16. maveryck21

    Track Train Disable Automatic Movement

    Hi, I want to make a train built by me to move along a path, but i want it to start the level stoped and to only walk by the action of a trigger How can i do it? Thanks for any help
  17. maveryck21

    npc following paths HELP

    Hi there, I'm trying to make some npc to follow a path, i have created some path corner, linked them, and put the npc to follow them but at some point it stop for no reason. What could it be? thanks
  18. maveryck21

    Ground Nodes Tutorial

    Yes i am mapping for an sp map and trying to make npsc to follow a path but they stop for no reason at some point and the path track is correct so i don't know whats the problem
  19. maveryck21


    hi there, I have used the texture tools/skybox to create the sky of my maps but i can't use any other that are in the textures. How do i do it? is this something to do with the map properties?? Thanks
  20. maveryck21

    Ground Nodes Tutorial

    Hi there, Can somebody explain me what are the nodes and what they do in a map? I understand that it has something to do with the path that npcs follow but i dont know how to apply them. Also the other nodes what are they ued for? Some tutorial? thanks for any help